Introduction to the transactions page



  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi there @JeremyTeong , thanks for your message! From the back end here, it looks to be that your account is still on the old version of the software. If there is a red banner on your account indicating that you have until August 31 to move your data, this will be an indicator that you're still on the previous version. Your transactions list will also look like this in the old software:


    And like this in the new software:


    If you are on the old software, then you'll want to click right here to learn more about how to get your info moved into your brand new Wave software!

  • JeremyTeongJeremyTeong Member Posts: 5

    HI @CallieP , my transaction page looks like the picture below. However, you mentioned that my account still runs on the old software from your side. And I have yet to noticed any red banner prompting for changes as well.

    Is there any risk that my data will be wiped come 31st August? Appreciate your response as the deadline is drawing nearer.

    Thank you.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @JeremyTeong! Your account is on the newest version of Wave. Your information will not be wiped at all.

  • JeremyTeongJeremyTeong Member Posts: 5

    @ConnorM Thanks for the info!

  • Anne_slayden76Anne_slayden76 Member Posts: 1
    How do I customize categories? I need categories like Membership Dues and Advertising income.
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Anne_slayden76

    This can be found under accounting > chart of accounts > and here you can add new accounts, which are essentially the same as creating custom categories

    We've also got a great video tutorial on this here for more visual information! Hope this helps :smile:

  • KC280780KC280780 Member Posts: 2

    I tried twice to book a journal - multiple lines for income and expenses - but I was not able to save the journal; I got the error:

    Error code: c6b8a1342950429c99dd78f1bd105dc6
    Something is broken on this page
    Our technical team has been alerted and is working on a solution.

    Could you please let me know whether this is something what can be easily fixed soon?


  • Rhonda_HRhonda_H Member Posts: 3

    Hello, I am the new treasurer for a community organization. I have my own id and I have admin access. The previous treasurer entered many, many transactions and their details. When I pull up our transactions, the Transaction Details data are gone !! It happens whether or not I am connected to our bank account. How do I get all that data back?

    edited October 4, 2020
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @KC280780

    Sometimes a journal transaction may not save properly for a number of reasons:

    • if there are strange characters in the description or in the amount.
    • if your accounts your trying to moves funds into aren't archived but still appearing in your list
    • if the amounts you're trying to move in the JT aren't balanced.

    Can you try deleting this transaction and try to move a small amount between two other accounts just as a test?

    Let us know if you're having issues with all journals in your account, or whether, it's the particular transaction you may be trying to accomplish.

    Hi @Rhonda_H

    I see that the business you're affiliated with actually has two separate accounts in our system. It is likely that you may have bee invited to the incorrect business. If you can reach out to your previous treasurer to ask them to re-invite you to the correct business, you may begin to see the correct transactions in your Wave account. Since they are the account owner of the other business, this will need to be addressed from the previous treasurer.

  • Rhonda_HRhonda_H Member Posts: 3

    @Rhonda_H said:
    Hello, I am the new treasurer for a community organization. I have my own id and I have admin access. The previous treasurer entered many, many transactions and their details. When I pull up our transactions, the Transaction Details data are gone !! It happens whether or not I am connected to our bank account. How do I get all that data back?

    I guess I can't see our other account because I haven't been invited to it. ?? is that correct?

  • Rhonda_HRhonda_H Member Posts: 3

    do you think maybe I created the second account ?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Rhonda_H , your administrator should be able to give you more info by checking to see if you've actually been added to the right business. If you'd like to let us know what the business name is, I can also check on our end to see if you have been added to the correct business.

  • VanessaBVanessaB Member Posts: 1

    Is there any way we can add categories? We pay the tax from the account and there doesn't seem to be a category for thAT

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @VanessaB

    If you're looking to add categories, this is all done under the chart of accounts. You can add custom categories here. Hope this answers your question but reach out if you need anything else!

  • JacobPJacobP Member Posts: 1

    Why can't i figure out what the Add Customer under Edit Transaction Details is for. Once you add the customer to the transaction, is that info somehow used in a report somewhere?

  • bcholinbcholin Member Posts: 3

    I have a journal entry (transaction) that is 12 lines long. I need to print the entry to back up my Journal Vouchers showing what I entered is the same as the Voucher. if I go to Transactions, I can see the line item but its not broken out on the left side of the screen. If I click on the transaction, it shows me the line items but there is no print button. Can you tell me how i can get the detail?

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @JacobP !

    The 'add a customer' feature on the Transactions page is an optional feature which you can use to further organize your books. You can use this feature to associate non invoiced income or expenses with a customer. You'll also find that any transactions associated with a customer on the Transactions page will be available in your 'Income by Customer' report in your reporting page.

    Hello @bcholin !

    I'm afraid that there is no print option available for your journal transactions. As a workaround, when viewing the journal transaction and all of the item lines it contains, you can print your screen by pressing "Control/Command + P". Otherwise, you can take a screenshot and print the image.

    I hope this helps!

    edited January 25, 2021
  • papercypresspapercypress Member Posts: 1

    If I add an Income Transaction with 1 item and collected sales tax, I enter the total as 8.66, select the category, then select add sales tax. It notes that the sales tax is .66 and everything is entered. However, if I have a transaction with more than 1 category, if I enter the total as 79.78, split it so there are 2 categories, then select add sales tax - no matter how I enter it, it won't balance. - Am I supposed to enter the total as the total sale without sales tax (8 or 75), or do I enter the total to include the complete total I received with sales tax (8.66 or 79.78)? Entering it without the total amount seems wrong, but entering it with the total amount won't balance out...

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @papercypress !

    When splitting a transaction, you will need to add sales tax to each item line. Below each item line you will see the option to "Include Sales Tax" where you will be able to select the appropriate tax. Each item line will have to have sales taxes already factored into the amount as the sales tax is not applied on top of the amount but included in the amount. I hope this helps.

    edited February 9, 2021
  • hanwant0hanwant0 Member Posts: 1

    Which accounts are included in the account filter list?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @hanwant0 , "payment accounts" or accounts that can have a transaction directly tied to them as a source of payment are the accounts that show up in the filter.

  • MariaC_ICFMariaC_ICF Member Posts: 2

    Once I add vendors to the transactions, is their any way to make the vendor field visible in the transaction view? Thank You!

  • GarCardGarCard Member Posts: 6

    The fact that the Transaction "Search" doesn't even search in the transaction notes is a bit disappointing.

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @MariaC_ICF,

    As it turns out, it isn't currently possible to view the vendor field from the Transactions page without clicking into the individual transaction I'm afraid.

    However, if the transaction is categorised as Payment Sent for a Bill in Wave > Bill #..., you should be able to see the vendor's name next to the bill number, without clicking into the transaction :smile:

    edited March 25, 2021
  • KrisJones_2021KrisJones_2021 Member Posts: 2

    Under the new transactions view I can't figure out how to add a memo or note to a transaction that's already posted. Help!

  • KarparKarpar Member Posts: 4

    Hello! Is there an automated way for my transactions in a certain period to be added up? For example, I'm filtering for income that came in the last quarter but I can't find a total for those amounts. All I can see is the total for "All transactions" and "Cash on Hand". Am I missing something? I can't imagine that adding by hand is the way to do this, but this is how I'm doing it. I must be missing the spot where the totals that are filtered are added up. Thanks for your help!

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @KrisJones_2021 , if you click into the transaction details, there's a 'Notes' tab in the top left corner of the transaction itself (located next to the 'Edit' tab).

    Hey @Karpar , there's no way for you to be able to hand select certain transactions to get a running balance, although if you wanted to select transactions from a specific period/account, that can be done through our Account Transaction Report (in the Reports page).

  • KrisJones_2021KrisJones_2021 Member Posts: 2

    @AlexL Ahhh! Thank you so much! I see that notes tab on the transaction now.

  • KarparKarpar Member Posts: 4

    Ah ok, I've never used that Reports tab before. I see now that I can find my running totals for a particular month, quarter, etc. That's helpful. Thanks!

  • Mmc_3190Mmc_3190 Member Posts: 1

    I wish there was a way to go back to the old layout, where everything was there and there was less clicking around I had to do to add notes and such to my transactions

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