Changes to bank connection availability outside of the US and Canada



  • jeannekepaanjeannekepaan Member Posts: 1

    I recently started to use Wave to manage my businesses. I've loved using the platform every step of the way, but this is a dealbreaker for me. I'm based in South Africa and to have my bank account feeds severed is insanely inconvenient. I chose Wave for its user-friendly design and quick and easy tools that make bookkeeping easy for someone like me. Now that will be changing - you guys will be losing a LOT of users because of this. Myself included.

  • digicinematicdigicinematic Member Posts: 1

    I have been using your product since December 2017. I understand that I will no longer be able to connect my bank accounts to my Wave account. This is a feature that is important to my business and I am sorry this situation has developed. Thank you for proving a wonderful service over the past 2 years. Good luck and all the best for the future.

  • benkilpatrickbenkilpatrick Member Posts: 1

    Wow. So very disappointing. Time to find an alternative...

  • RignaldKRignaldK Member Posts: 1

    It wasn't working in Curacao anyways, so nothing changes for me....

  • IvyIvy Member Posts: 7

    Oh my God! What a drastic retrograde step by Wave! One of the main reasons for using Wave over last 2.5 yrs is this Bank connections feature. If you are retaining it for US, Canada, UK, and EU why leave out Rest of the World. Are we not important for Wave? I am from India and I hope this feature is reconsidered and retained. Else will have to look for alternatives...EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED!

  • MontiCoMontiCo Member Posts: 12

    This is a real DEAL BREAKER. It is not easy for small / individual businesses to move and stick to an accounting software, giving the time requirements, learning and adaptation process, etc.
    Very "America(s) First" decision which I understand is easy on Wave's side, as I expect no signifciant revenues must be actually coming from the Rest of the World community, but very disappointing in light of all promises made to improve the life of million small businesses around the world.
    So sad to see how quickly dream-driven promises become casualties of money-driven reality.
    Most likely I will have to give FAREWELL to Wave as I am based in the UAE and banks here do not easily exchange and retain data, and I see it very difficult to keep up with manual importing given my busy schedule.

    edited November 3, 2019
  • Hannah_1Hannah_1 Member Posts: 1

    Well that's incredibly disappointing. I have been a small start up for the past few years and just about to get to the place of being able to afford accounting software. Spending all that time having to import bank transactions into my account outways the benefit so i'll be leaving. Wave has been very good up until now.

    My questions is WHY? Why are you doing this its not explained above?

  • MattClarkeMattClarke Member Posts: 1

    Please add one more Australian business to the list of dissatisfied customers. As others have noted, this will make me leave Wave and go elsewhere, taking my previously enthusiastic recommendations to other business with me.

  • SHEQBossSHEQBoss Member Posts: 1

    Who's cleaver idea was this???? NOT a happy customer, the reason I started using WAVE was because of its simplistic ease of use and BANK interface, now that you are taking it away, I will have to source a new alternative to your service. This is NOT good for the new small business trying to make it in the big world. Sorry to WAVE for this idiotic idea as you will be loosing a lot of customers from this. I sincerely hope that you will reconsider your decision. Looking forward to any updated news.

  • ghunter64ghunter64 Member Posts: 1

    As an Australian customer who chose Wave precisely for its combination of simplicity and bank connections, the decision to remove bank connections for customers outside North America is staggering. Having to go back to the old days of manually exporting, mapping and importing data from the bank is enough for me to be looking for another solution that doesn't treat the rest of the world like a second class citizen. It's a shame because I really do like the product in most other respects. Goodbye Wave!

  • SparkySparky Member Posts: 8

    Well that'll be the end of WAVE for me.
    Terrible decision, especially given the recent assurances.

    edited November 4, 2019
  • DaveyGDaveyG Member Posts: 7

    When your new owners took over just a few months ago we (exisiting Australian customers) were informed that there would be no changes to the way you operated, obviously you're not keeping your word on that one and the corporate spin is just that.. As a small business who contributes significant revenue to you (via your fees on all transactions) you're going to lose more than a few $$ from this decision as well as most of us will be seeking alternatives. Hopefully common sense prevails SOON and you reverse this decision, you have a great product which is working just fine the way it is - why change?

  • AnnePAnneP Member Posts: 1

    Agreed, totally disappointing. The product will lose its value for me. Looking to move elsewhere.

  • palsinghpalsingh Member Posts: 1

    Well that will be good bye to wave and hello to Just signed up and will start exporting soon. So every thing will be set for smooth transit by 31/12/19. Thank you wave for your service and advance notice to sort out early transits.

  • JonoJono Member Posts: 2

    Xero must be happy with this announcement. Thanks Wave but this is a must have feature. I would have preferred you started charging for the feature. That would save me at least moving 3 years of data...

  • cjcons69cjcons69 Member Posts: 2

    Absolute deal breaker for us. I will be cancelling my subscription On Dec 31st if that is the case. If you need to make this a paid feature, Im happy to pay. But if the feature is NOT available in any form I will not be your customer.

    edited November 4, 2019
  • KirseyKirsey Member Posts: 4

    Complete and utter deal breaker!!! Very disappointed

  • JoyaJoya Member Posts: 15

    Well, it was already difficult to find a bookkeeper with experience on Wave and not mention when I try to contact customer support, ridiculous hours for meetings. Anyone recommend another program with free option at least at the beginning? @palsingh How is

  • cjcons69cjcons69 Member Posts: 2

    @Enchanted_Pie said:
    I've created posts in Reddit and Facebook so people can learn about the changes and choose alternatives if they want to.

    Please let me know the reddit page.

  • GeoffGeoff Member Posts: 2

    Might just have to WAVE GOODBYE Very sad!

  • Donna_R6Donna_R6 Member Posts: 5

    Alternative FREE accounting software. I have only read reviews on SlickPie

    SlickPie - great reviews

  • kevrosmithkevrosmith Member Posts: 1

    Had only just signed up a week ago and the bank connection was the feature I found most useful and thought would keep me around. As soon as I got the notification, was extremely disappointed. I completely don't understand why you would give your application a broken leg (by disabling a feature) that already works fine. It does not make sense to me Well, glad for the comments in this post, as I may find another useful tool. It could be Bye Wave! (Waves goodbye from Australia...)

    edited November 4, 2019
  • camVivyebocoza321camVivyebocoza321 Member Posts: 1

    Seriously BAD decision!!
    I am an Accountant in South Africa who chose this excellent product for obvious reasons and now this!
    Completely contrasting to modern accounting package principles iro bank statement automatic uploads; to go back to importing CSV statements manually
    means moving back to the dark ages and sorry to say but typical American decision who regard any country outside of the US as irrelevant.
    Like all the other people are commenting: - Bye Bye Wave!!! ;-((((

  • MansaMansa Member Posts: 1

    From what I have seen the only other solution supporting bank feeds is Slickpie. Slickpie also supports multiple companies which others charge extra for or don't support easily.

    The dumbest thing about this decision is that Wave had a captive audience in a large number of countries and instead of capitalizing on that they've chosen to actually piss everyone off. Equally annoying is that Wave has been absent from this conversation since making the announcement...almost like a "screw you, end user" type of approach.
    I suspect H&R Block will look to develop Wave further and add functionality to allow self-filing of taxes. This will considerably lower their overheads...unless of course the US government finally decides to make the filing of income taxes free when you file which at present the likes of H&R Block make a killing out of and lobby plenty to keep it a paid service.
    Also dumb about this is that the company Wave uses to provide the bank feeds make available over 10,000 financial institutions to them, some in countries where exports to CSV are not possible - e.g. you can automatically download transactions to Wave via the link but cannot manually export because the banking interface does not allow you to do so...every which way you look at this, it is a dumb decision...and this from someone not badly affected by this as I already have access to OFX exports and my banking interface makes it a 3 click process.

  • BillyBilly Member Posts: 28

    Hey @Kirk any chance of response at all ?

  • BillyBilly Member Posts: 28

    Australians considering other platforms.

    Slickpie - was able to link my Australian bank account straight away.

    Bullet - received this note from their support - We're currently preparing live bank feeds option and it'll be ready in 2 weeks, Australian banks will be included.

    edited November 4, 2019
  • SparkySparky Member Posts: 8

    @Billy said:
    Australians considering other platforms.

    Slickpie - was able to link my Australian bank account straight away.

    Bullet - received this note from their support - We're currently preparing live bank feeds option and it'll be ready in 2 weeks, Australian banks will be included.

    Thanks for the tip Billy......slickpie handle GST?

  • SparkySparky Member Posts: 8

    Has anyone successfully imported Wave data to Slickpie yet?

  • BillyBilly Member Posts: 28

    @Sparky said:

    @Billy said:
    Australians considering other platforms.

    Slickpie - was able to link my Australian bank account straight away.

    Bullet - received this note from their support - We're currently preparing live bank feeds option and it'll be ready in 2 weeks, Australian banks will be included.

    Thanks for the tip Billy......slickpie handle GST?

    @Sparky yes it does. I'm just waiting for the dust to settle and Wave to read all these comments and hopefully come back with a response soon. I would much rather work with Wave for a solution that works, than have to leave.

    edited November 4, 2019
  • FadgeFadge Member Posts: 4

    @Sparky yes it does. I'm just waiting for the dust to settle and Wave to read all these comments and hopefully come back with a response soon. I would much rather work with Wave for a solution that works, than have to leave.

    Agree 100%, happy to wait for a response, but unlikely as nothing so far.
    The Wave product was fine for my needs, mostly invoicing with stripe payments and happy to pay fees for that, BANK FEEDS are a must otherwise whats the point, too messy with downloading manually, and then the way the new setup is more clicking than what is was before the upgrade, it will not take much to simply move on.

    I'm happy to pay for bank feeds however alternatives in Australia are available for very little monthly costs including the basic Reckon One $13 mth as it would do the same job, and have support etc.

    May look at others listed by members but frankly everything that has been "free" or "free forever" always goes commercial and we pay in one form or another, plus the changeover process can be more than a fair subscription yearly fee.

    I hope Wave is reading and monitoring all these comments.......


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