
Time tracking

intellitechintellitech Member Posts: 1

I would like to request a new feature be considered. Time tracking. I've read the post where time tracking was discussed on Feb 28th but wanted to know if its on your road map and when you expect to have it launched.

Thanks for all the great work you do.

edited June 26, 2019 in Accounting Feature Ideas


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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Thanks @intellitech ! At this time, I don't have additional specifics to offer but you can be sure we'll share them when we do. :) In the meantime, if you're interested, we'd love to hear a little bit more about your business and how time tracking software does or would fit into your day - even how often you might reference this software or where not having it impacts other aspects of your business - is super helpful because it helps us to better understand and prioritize the work that we do.

    I totally understand that asking for more details from you while being able to offer a specific answer to your question is a little uneven, but I'd love to hear from you! And we'll for sure keep you in the loop for updates.

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    nickthinksnickthinks Member Posts: 1

    Hey @Charlotte! I'm a little late to this part, but I'd like to chime in with some time tracking experience and request as well.

    I recently switched from FreshBooks to Wave. I really really like Wave, but I really miss the time tracking feature in FreshBooks. The integration was so nice. I have multiple clients that I can start a timer on at anytime and record client+project+task from web or mobile. It then stores that time log with that client once I record it. Then we I perform my weekly/monthly client invoicing I just go to the time tracking section of FreshBooks, click generate invoice, choose the client, choose the length of time in the past that I want to charge for (i.e. last week, last month, custom range, etc) and it auto populates that to an invoice and I can update the descriptions and what not right there on the invoice.

    At the moment, I'm tracking individual client time on separate Google Sheets and manually transferring that data to an invoice in Wave. The time tracking in FreshBooks was a pretty big time saver.

    I'd even being willing to pay for a "Pro" tier with features like time tracking and other things.

    I hope that's helpful info. Thanks!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for taking the time to write this out, @nickthinks! It's very good information and I'll make sure to pass it along!

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    randw1randw1 Member Posts: 4

    On Mac nothing comes close to Timings! I love it
    Check it out here https://timingapp.com

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @randw1.

    Can you give us a rundown of your favourite things about Timing, especially in the context of your business? If we do build a feature like this for Wave, knowing the kind of elements our users need the most would help us a ton!

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    joerg127joerg127 Member Posts: 1

    I would like to add to this,I have looked at Wave and I would love to switch my companies ( I have 6 ) to Wave, but time tracking is a requirement, using Quickbooks now, so reference their time tracking and that is a baseline for what we need. This is a requirement for so many businesses and should be a part of the product.

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    AbeAbe Member Posts: 1

    I would like to sync with Google calendar appointments, to wave directly for billing. Either have wave and Google sync calendars, or wave should pull the data from Google calendar for the save costumers.

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    timbtimb Member Posts: 2

    +1 for @nickthinks comment. I've been using Freshbooks for a few years. Now dabbling with Wave Apps - timetracking would make me switch to Waveapps.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @timb! Thanks for the feedback!

    Can you tell us a bit more about what you use time-tracking for in the context of your business? Is there anything specific you're looking for in a time-tracking tool?

    I can't make any promises, but we are currently working on a new API that will allow us to offer all kinds of new integrations with various other tools. If there's a time-tracking tool you've used and you'd like to see integrated with Wave, let us know, we'd love to hear it!

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    timbtimb Member Posts: 2

    I generate some income doing development work for the Geocoding API that my business provides. Some customers have a specific need but don't have the required technical expertise so for integrations and software they need built, I just charge them an hourly rate to create what they need.

    The existing way that I do this in Freshbooks is that I simply click the TimeTracking tab. That gives me a derscription field, a field to select the client and field for the number of hours. I put in values for these at the end of each day, ensure the right day in the month is selected and then click Log Hours to save.

    When it comes time to do my billing, I can generate an invoice for a client autromatically - the hours and description for each day are placed into a seperate line item on invoice, tax is added and the invoice emailed to the client.

    Image of the interface attached

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for following up, @timb!

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    LPALPA Member Posts: 2

    Me three, @nickthinks and @timb , i've been using Freshbooks now for over 2 years, and it's time tracking is the best and simplest yet. Friends in business have told me to go for wave and i have opened an account a while back and was hoping to use it, but i needed that time tracking from freshbooks. if you get around to set it up, i'm in!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @LPA. Thank you for the feedback!

    I'm hoping we'll win you over sometime down the road then, if not through our own time tracking system, maybe through an integration with an external time tracker! I can't make any promises, but we do have many exciting plans for the future.

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    LPALPA Member Posts: 2

    i've looked around and see minutedock that supposed to integrate with wave. Anyone with experience using it with wave, i'd appreciate you insight. :smile:

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    ScoodsScoods Member Posts: 2

    +1 for time tracking. I'm evaluating which cloud-based tools I would like to use for accounting stuff (which I hate) and am currently tracking time through Google Sheets (which stinks). I like Wave, but Freshbooks has pretty seamless time tracking. It would be great to see Wave implement something similar.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Scoods.

    Is there a particular cloud-based tool that caught your eye already? I'm asking because we have been wanting to find out what other tools Wavers use to run their business. We're working on a new API right now and have plans to expand the integrations we have to offer. Having a better idea of what you'd like to see would help us figure out which integration to prioritize. Is there any specific piece of time-tracking software you'd like to see working with Wave?

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    ScoodsScoods Member Posts: 2


    Toggl is pretty good. I haven't used it too much, though. I'm sure it's on your radar though, if you've already been exploring expanding the API.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    I can't speak to what is and isn't on the list at this time, so I'll just thank you for the suggestion, @Scoods! I'll be sure to let our product team know.

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    evelyn_shinecoevelyn_shineco Member Posts: 1

    We have used clockshark for the past 6m but it has its issues with syncing. We have tried several softwares for our cleaning business. We need geofence, on location employee clock in/out including breaks, including location tasks, photo/files, security codes, etc. We want it to sync to wave (love wave, used since 2016!) so we can properly bill our locations based on the time spent onsite. We have 5-8 staff to manage, and lots of turnover.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you so much for adding to this discussion, @evelyn_shineco, and thank you for sticking with us for the past two years!

    edited August 8, 2018
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    Acall22Acall22 Member Posts: 1

    Adding my vote for time track integration. I agree that there are several options out there that do a good job, Wave just needs the ability to connect with them. I personally use Toggl for our teams' time tracking and would love to see it integrated.

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    goto10goto10 Member Posts: 4

    I'm a Toggl user and would love to see an integration here. I track tasks on a per-project basis and am starting and stopping timers all day. A direct import in Wave would be ideal. But would settle for now if the Zappier components could create invoice line items and not just invoices based on a time entry. And if we are scraping the bottom of the barrel, if your API supports line item & invoice creation I would settle for having to write my own import scripts.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you both, @Acall22 and @goto10!

    @goto10, if you'd like to be kept in the loop when it comes to API-related news, consider registering your interest here, if you haven't done so already.

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    CamCam Member Posts: 11

    I just wanted to chime as well. A timer function would be such an amazing feature but I have to say that, in my opinion, not all timers are that great. I truly love Harvest's timer because it is so lightweight and is really effective at reminding me to turn my timer on after I get back to my computer after a break, They have a desktop app that displays an icon in the upper right menu. When the timer is not running, the icon periodically flashes which grabs my attention perfectly. It's not obtrusive at all and I think it works better than notifications because I tend to ignore most notifications.

    I use the timer for billable hours as well as to know how much time I spent on work that was billed as flat rate.

    Thanks so much for Wave! I really love it and the new UI is really nice and a pleasure to use and look at!!

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    songsformelodysongsformelody Member Posts: 1

    I am also currently using freshbooks and wanting to switch to Wave for a few reasons.... I don't necessarily need a stop watch but as a service based industry I do hour long appointments and like when I can track that time and imput it into an invoice, It isn't worth it to switch when there's an external stopwatch feature that costs as much as using freshbooks costs for me. Please do something about this! I'd really like to switch!!

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    fishNETfishNET Member Posts: 1

    We currently use Harvest (https://www.getharvest.com/) - I see you have an integration for pulling in Clients that have been loaded into a Harvest account, but it would be really cool to be able to pull accross the time tracking from projects as well. BUT even better would be to have the same time tracking and project management capabilities built directly into Wave - and as some have mentioned about - I would definitly pay for a "Pro" account to have these features integrated instead of running through 2 different apps. Wave is a fantastic accounting platform, and being able to manage my projects within Wave would be phenomenal - It would require some additional features on the Collaborators settings - to be able to restrict collaborators from viewing the accounting features and only use time tracking and projects.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you so much, everyone, for taking the time to share your feedback. It's incredibly valuable to us to have better insight into your needs and the needs of your business. Thank you.

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    GeorggGeorgg Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I've been waiting for about 3 years now. I am an IT engineer, self employed and I am in desperate need of a time tracking tool, or API to connect my toggl account to wave. I love waveapps.com, I've been using it for many years now, I like the fact that the IOS app is really stable and always has been, and that the service never skipped a beat.

    Great job so far!

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    drollinsdrollins Member Posts: 2

    Time tracking would be a really awesome feature tied directly into invoicing.

    I would enter hours with descriptions for what I did each unit of work for a specific client.

    Then when I decide to bill what is currently outstanding (not billed yet) I simply:

    • Tap 'Invoice Outstanding Time'
    • A detailed invoice is generated for the client showing what time was consumed with corresponding descriptions
    • I would edit / comment as needed
    • I would then approve the invoice
    • I would then tap 'Send Invoice to Client' and I am done.

    Or something like that - simpler the better.

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    davidneedhamdavidneedham Member Posts: 1

    I'm another person coming over from Freshbooks. It is key feature that makes that easier than Wave. Specifically, I can track time (directly via the website or with the app ChronoMate which integrates with FreshBooks). The beauty isn't in the tracking of time though, it's that I can click the generate invoice button to pull all of those time chunks into an invoice. Or even better, have one generated each month, automatically pulling in the times.

    This is easy, and I'm realizing it may be really difficult to use Wave without something like that.

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