
Time tracking



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    GillianGillian Member Posts: 1

    I'd just like to add my request for this as well. I currently use TimeCamp and would prefer to have my time tracking and invoicing connected.

    I LOVE Wave and hope this might be a feature that is added soon.

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    ChiefMustacheOfficerChiefMustacheOfficer Member Posts: 1

    Another vote in favor of time tracking. It's the last thing I need to move my business from Freshbooks to Wave.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there, @ChiefMustacheOfficer @Gillian
    We hear and appreciate your request. It's absolutely something that has been on our radar and we are very aware of our competitor's and the tools that they use. As you may notice from prior comments in this thread we've already updated our dev team and we don't have a ETA for these updates. Our new account reconciliation tool has been chewing up a lot of their time at the moment.

    So thanks again for your feature request!

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    sallyannesallyanne Member Posts: 1

    Intigrating with Tsheets OR having your own time tracking something would be awesome. I know HandR block just bought waveapps, so i don't know if that changes things or not. I also know that TSHeets, which is super popular in my industry, was just bought by Quickbooks, so seriously gals, up your game! :smile: I need it and gotta choose between ya'll and Freshbooks or yikes, quickbooks.

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    tyssentyssen Member Posts: 2

    Just checking Wave out for the first time today and liking a lot of what I see but I won't be able to move from Freshbooks until it has time tracking. A lot of people have already described how that works with Freshbooks so I won't bother repeating.

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    ldecosseldecosse Member Posts: 1

    I'd love to see this feature as well - would be a great value add-on!

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    danthemandantheman Member Posts: 1

    +1 for time tracking!

    I'm new to the game, and after using Freshbooks for a 30-day trial, switched over to Wave. I use Toggl for time tracking, and am pretty disappointed that Wave doesn't have the feature built-in to generate speedy invoices. While it's not enough to force me to jump ship, I eagerly await the day when Wave provides all of the features I need under one roof.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Thanks for everyones recent feedback in this thread here. While we don't have any immediate plans on implementing this feature anytime soon, we do still find it valuable to hear from our user base on how they would like to see potential features working in Wave. In other words, if you want to chime in with your ideal outcome on how this feature should work in Wave -- that would be awesome!

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    justmy2centsjustmy2cents Member Posts: 1

    +1 on the TimeTracking

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    RFSTechRFSTech Member Posts: 1

    +10 for Time Tracking. New to Wave (from QuickBooks Desktop) and love it so far but really need a comprehensive time tracking feature. For about a decade now I've been using On-Core TimeMaster on an iPhone for time, expense & mileage tracking, invoicing, and accounts receivable. However I'm getting really tired of trying to marry my bank deposits in QuickBooks and now WaveApps with the accounts receivable and invoices from TimeMaster. Looked at FreshBooks but it's far too restrictive in many other respects so gave up on that solution. I'll never go back to ANY Intuit product. Am looking at Zoho Books as it had a time tracking feature and is very attractively priced but I still like WaveApps the best. It just needs a time tracking feature. I'm also looking to start doing my own payroll (currently my accountant does it) so that will be tied into my accounting solution as well and it seems the WaveApps payroll solution is well integrated and cost effective. Zoho Books currently only does payroll in CA & TX so that's a strike against them for me (I'm in OR). Please, please, please add time tracking to WaveApps so I can stop the endless search for a better solution.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @RFSTech

    Thanks for the feedback. I agree that this would be an amazing feature. I wish I could make a promise to say it's on our current roadmap, but as it stands we don't see this on our current roadmap. However there are many free online tools you can use alongside your Wave payroll.



    Thanks for your support and for your additional feedback.

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    YashYash Member Posts: 3

    Everytime when I invoice, I have to add timesheet attachments as a proof. Is there any way that I can add the external attachment along with the invoice.
    As far as I know there is no option like this. Wave Team, can you please add this feature?

    Appreciate your response in advance.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Yash

    I've merged your comment into this thread discussing timesheet integrations and vice versa. Unfortunately at this time our system does not allow you attach a timesheet to an invoice. In fact our invoicing does not have any attachment feature at this time. We appreciate you reaching out about it however! Have a great day.

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    kathrynsdesignshopkathrynsdesignshop Member Posts: 1

    Late to the party, but chiming in. Wave has everything I need EXCEPT a time tracker. As I work hourly for many of my clients, this is crucial. I currently use TopTal desktop app, but I would love it included so I can keep all my client/customer info in one spot.

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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @kathrynsdesignshop! Thanks for providing your feedback here! I can see how it would help your workflow to have time tracking included in invoices. Hopefully this is something we can look into offering in the future!

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    GregNGregN Member Posts: 1

    It was all going so well but then.....

    New to Wave and was setting up my accounts today after decades on Quickbooks. I'm a freelance copywriter, so all my hours need to be tracked against jobs. But to my disappointment, there's no ability to track time in Wave, despite several years of comments from users asking/begging for it.

    It seems to be a really basic facility that is missing from such a full-featured program.

    Time tracking isn't just vital for invoicing your current job - It's also pivotal for estimating new jobs based on how long something took in the past. With my Quickbooks data, I can bring up my writing hours for ANY project I've done for the past 20 years and get a realistic idea of how long a new/similar job will take to include on my new estimate.

    So, sadly, I won't be going any further with Wave until there's an ability to quickly/easily/seamlessly incorporate time tracking and subsequent billing.


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    TheComputerGuyTheComputerGuy Member Posts: 3

    Hi all, I agree. Add me to the list to have time tracking implemented.
    I perform a lot of onsite work that is charged for by time having time tracking would make life so much easier.
    I personally know at least 10 tradies & a dozen computer technicians that would switch to WaveAPP if the time tracking was available

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    jo2345jo2345 Member Posts: 6

    Any updates on a time tracking tool? It would be terrific for consultants to be able to have a log of hours feed directly into each client's invoice.

    I almost stayed with a competitor because they offered this. (I was won over by Wave's great receipt reading for my taxes.)

    edited November 4, 2019
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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @jo2345

    Unfortunately no updates regarding this functionality, but as always we appreciate any noise generated regarding a feature idea! Thanks for your contribution.

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    caleb_helmuth7caleb_helmuth7 Member Posts: 2

    Another vote for time/project tracking ability. Any progress or news?

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    dkwyodkwyo Member Posts: 1

    A huge vote for this functionality - I'm deciding this month whether to switch to Wave and this may be the deciding factor. If there are workarounds or integrated apps that people use I'd love to know it.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @caleb_helmuth7 , sorry for the late response here. We don't have any news on this at the moment.

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    SkafteSkafte Member Posts: 34

    ## Have you considered an integration with Toggl? -that would be great!! Wave could stick to what it is good at; accounting, and users could use Toggl for what that's good at; time tracking – together it would be a lethal combination :)

    API: https://github.com/toggl/toggl_api_docs/blob/master/toggl_api.md

    Other Toggl integrations: https://toggl.com/integrations/

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    ianrandmckenzieianrandmckenzie Member Posts: 4

    +1 for me for time tracking OR for the Wave API to allow for a Zapier integration that allows my employees to make time entries on Toggl that can get sent to Wave's payroll timesheets. I personally would recommend Zapier over a direct Toggl integration so that Wave users can choose which time tracking they want to use and let Zapier be the middleman.

    edited January 29, 2020
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    AlanEAAlanEA Member Posts: 1

    Adding my interest in time tracking integration. I have only a handful of clients but every month, I must cut, paste and type all my billing into Wave (From Toggl.) You have an API. They have an API. There's like, 6 or 7 data elements to a time entry (client, timekeeper, date, hrs, text, rate) How hard can this be? If there is another reasonable timetracker that works with Wave already, I'd consider switching. Toggl is one of the best - and I pay $120 a year for about 240 entries, total!

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    PhilipBCPhilipBC Member Posts: 4

    Hi Everyone,

    BlueCamroo CRM Free may potentially fill the Time Tracking need that many of you are expressing in this and other similar threads.

    We've just recently completed integration with Wave.

    Working closely with the Wave Team we knew that Time Tracking that worked well with Wave Invoicing was important to many Wave users.

    Among other things, the integration will let you:
    • Set up and manage several Timers assigned to Leads, Customers, Suppliers, Opportunities, Tasks, and Events.
    • Apply the Timers as Time entries to your chosen record, including details such as date, description, etc.
    • You can also manually log time entries to a record at any time.
    • Once you’ve compiled the Time entries you wish to bill your Customer for, you can select them and send them (along with their descriptions) to Wave as line items in an Invoice with the click of a button.

    You can learn more about BlueCamroo and our integration with Wave in the Partner Integrations section inside of your Wave App.

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    GalamorGalamor Member Posts: 1
    Please, please, please implement this soon. It’s been requested for over 2.5 years. We use a separate app for time tracking and then have to copy/paste all info into invoices. With the growth of our company, this has become a tiresome, lengthy and inefficient process each month. We have to automate it somehow even if it means switching products (which we really don’t want to do since we love Wave). I need to echo the suggestion of another user - even if this was a “premium” or “add-on” feature to Wave, we would pay for it. Please just find a way to get it done. It’s time (no pun intended). Thank you.
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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Galamor! Thank you for reaching out here. I can see that this feature is important to you and your business and that it is frustrating to not have this built into Wave. To be transparent we have not this stage we have not started working on this feature and it is not on the immediate road map. However, we have partnered with BlueCamroo who offer time tracking that integrates with Wave. You can find this under the 'Integrations' tab in your Wave account. For more information you can reference @PhilipBC's post:

    @PhilipBC said:
    Hi Everyone,

    BlueCamroo CRM Free may potentially fill the Time Tracking need that many of you are expressing in this and other similar threads.

    We've just recently completed integration with Wave.

    Working closely with the Wave Team we knew that Time Tracking that worked well with Wave Invoicing was important to many Wave users.

    Among other things, the integration will let you:
    • Set up and manage several Timers assigned to Leads, Customers, Suppliers, Opportunities, Tasks, and Events.
    • Apply the Timers as Time entries to your chosen record, including details such as date, description, etc.
    • You can also manually log time entries to a record at any time.
    • Once you’ve compiled the Time entries you wish to bill your Customer for, you can select them and send them (along with their descriptions) to Wave as line items in an Invoice with the click of a button.

    You can learn more about BlueCamroo and our integration with Wave in the Partner Integrations section inside of your Wave App.

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    CoyodiSoulCoyodiSoul Member Posts: 1

    Here to +1 this feature as well. I'm trying hard to make the switch from FreshBooks right now, and this is the single deal-breaker for me.. I'm even trying to find integrations that will work until native support is added.

    I don't think that a native time-tracking tool would be necessary all at once. There is adequate support for Zapier to hook in and add hours via a time tracking app such as Toggl or Harvest. The issue I've encountered is that there doesn't appear to be any way to combine the charges from the individual time-tracked instances.

    2 ideas that may be solutions which would require less resource commitment (maybe?) from the Wave team that I've had than fully building time-tracking tools would be to:

    1. Add the ability to combine invoices in bulk per customer. It is possible to create an invoice based on an amount of time from Zapier integrations, but there would be one invoice per time log, which would be obnoxious to send to a customer of course. Combining invoices prior to approval/sending would at least keep it succinct for the customer to view, and a very minor change in workflow to invoicing.

    2. A new action event that Zapier/etc can integrate with to submit hours in float to a product/service type and/or income account type that holds the value, then when an invoice is made in Wave, all hours can be pulled from that value and added to the invoice at the set rate for the product/service.

    Anyway, I do like this product and I hope this makes it on the timeline or I can figure out a way to work around it, because this is the singular thing missing for me personally.

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    CLTVTD_TheCustodianCLTVTD_TheCustodian Member Posts: 4

    @sallyanne said:
    Intigrating with Tsheets OR having your own time tracking something would be awesome. I know HandR block just bought waveapps, so i don't know if that changes things or not. I also know that TSHeets, which is super popular in my industry, was just bought by Quickbooks, so seriously gals, up your game! :smile: I need it and gotta choose between ya'll and Freshbooks or yikes, quickbooks.

    I also would love to see Sheets integration. They make it seem rather easy to integrate using their KPI link below:

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