Coming soon: Wave's new Receipts feature



  • eoseos Member Posts: 2

    So if I'm on the road. I get a receipt. I have to very laboriously go to your web page (if I have service) and login and wait for it and enter a receipt, and then it it still creates a duplicate transaction that must be manually edited. Isn't that the original problem you set out to fix? This is no improvement at all. It just attempts to impose a new process on users. We now have to save our receipts, what I wanted to avoid, wait for transactions to post through the bank, then go back later and enter receipts.

    This is a change for the worse.

  • TorontoPsychologistTorontoPsychologist Member Posts: 4

    This was perhpas the best feature for my case where my personal credit card is not a connected account ( I operate a sole pro.) . I now have to explore options to migrate data out of Wave and into quickbooks - thanks for the headache

    edited June 3, 2021
  • mylcheemylchee Member Posts: 2

    This is very disappointing. As someone who processes a lot of receipts in one go who doesn't usually do it on a regular basis but as big batches, removing OCR is just SO SO SO disappointing. The whole reason why I started using this app! It was great before, why start to remove functionality now?

  • NamelusNamelus Member Posts: 1

    Would you guys consider talking to users before making such serious decisions?

  • gbgrantgbgrant Member Posts: 1

    This was the feature that had me join Wave. I will now need to find a replacement that integrates with Wave or anticipate replacing Wave as a result of this change. Adding the ability to upload a receipt to a transaction is fine. Removing the ability to upload receipts to create new transactions is a major loss of functionality. These are not mutually exclusive features...

  • SummerSummer Member Posts: 4

    Just adding on to the large amount of negative feedback. This is a horrible choice for users. You should have added the ability to attach receipts to existing transactions, not removed the app and ability to capture / OCR. This is very disappointing and going to add a lot of labor. The receipts capability was one of the reasons my team switched to Wave. Very dissapointed.

  • cmentchcmentch Member Posts: 1

    So I searched the community to see what others had posted about this decision to remove the Receipts app... and I can see I'm not alone who think this was a terrible decision. In the email announcements, it is CLEARLY a Wave decision and not a customer-centric decision. The app is the most convenient thing to open, take a pic of your receipt and done! Now we have to open the web page, sign in, navigate to wherever this is to associate with a transaction that may not be there yet... I see an older forum thread about this from March and it was LOADED with negative feedback about this change and the topic was conveniently closed... If you truly asked your customers about this, THE ONLY THING that you needed to add was to easily connect an uploaded receipt to an existing transaction (or choose to create a new transaction). I snap a pic and go. The receipts area is a convenient worklist when I upload a dozen or more receipts and need to work through them at a later time...

  • DJW_in_WNCDJW_in_WNC Member Posts: 1

    Overall I appreciate this feature as it will save me time. However I am perplexed why you also didn't keep the existing functionality as well which was particarly valuable for Cash accounting. Seems you could have also kept the existing receipt processing and added an option to "attach to an existing transaction" or to "create an new transaction". The specific use cases this handles is when a receipt is captured at the time (e.g. restaurant meal). When cash is used, the transaction could be created directly from OCR processing of the receipt without havng to manually enter info. Alternatively, when the meal is charged, the image could be captured at the time and then later attached to the electronic transaction when it shows up days later. What does one do with a receipt image when the electronic transaction to which it will be attached has not been created yet? Don't tell me the solution is to "merge transactions" as that is exactly the annoyance you were trying to get rid of!

    edited June 4, 2021
  • blankrealityblankreality Member Posts: 4
    This is horrible news. Discontinuing OCR, the email receipt function, and the mobile app are absolute deal breakers for me and I imagine most sole proprietors who do not bulk process receipts or link personal CC accounts. I work in rural areas without cell coverage, where is your use case for that? These changes have added a tremendous amount of time and complexity to my bookkeeping and have made the platform more of a chore than a help. How can the devs ignore the OVERWHELMINGLY NEGATIVE response to these proposed changes? Do you care at all about your user needs or just saving a few bucks on AWS fees? Very disappointing, will begin looking for a new platform that actually suits the needs of small business owners.
  • JunoJuno Member Posts: 1

    PLEASE don't do this!!!!!! UGH!!!!!

  • JFCJFC Member Posts: 1

    Very dissapointing news. OCR and the app is what set Wave appart from the other guys. That and a free basic service.
    So I guess we can't really complaint when we get something for free. I operate a sole proprietor business, and credit card used to pay is not connected (most expenses are personnal, I won't start sorting that volume). I guess Wave, like any other business, is trying to cut costs to stay in business... sometimes, you do the wrong savings, and it ends up hurting more instead. I believe these changes to be wrong savings. But hey, I'm not paying so I can't complain...

  • NorsinNorsin Member Posts: 3

    Huge step backwards, very disappointing decision. Please consider customer's reviews and retain this basic service.

  • alexluckyalexlucky Member Posts: 1
    Removing OCR and the mobile app mean I'm not sure I'll find Wave useful enough to use at all anymore. There's been nothing more convenient than being able to quickly snap a picture of a receipt on my phone immediately after purchase regardless of internet connection status, and if that's not going to be a workflow that Wave Receipts supports anymore (and it looks like it won't) I will be switching products for sure.
  • Sandra1987Sandra1987 Member Posts: 1

    Really unhappy with this change. It will cost a ton of time and effort. Please reconsider.

  • Technowhiz_1Technowhiz_1 Member Posts: 7

    WaveApps, you're just another software company purchased by a larger software company which doesn't give a fat rat about the user base and thinks they can raise prices and abuse customers. Join the club, H&R Block, you've done exactly what Intuit did when they purchased MYOB, Sage did when they purchased Timeslips,...wait to see the pricing go up and subscription models come out to extort more money out of your users.
    I lost several large accounts with hundreds of users and it's been painful when I was a full time consultant...fortunately I'm retired now and I only have to reconstruct my own finances.
    I'll be looking at other options.

  • JustAskDaveJustAskDave Member Posts: 3
    Wow... just wow. I can not believe that one of the main differentiators that Wave advertises is being removed as an upgrade? Was fighting to stay with you guys but I guess after telling your international customers to go away now you want to tell the rest of your customers to follow them.
  • Rob_DRob_D Member Posts: 2

    This change will benefit me, also. I wanted to import a credit card CSV file, but ended up with duplicate transaction when I tried to attach a recipt. I feel bad for others that the change negatively affects. I know everyone does things differently. Too bad Wave could not make both options happen.

  • Koo_JanzenKoo_Janzen Member Posts: 1
    This is a terrible step backwards. Please reconsider this, Wave, it is the only thing that is keeping me here...
  • YarYar Member Posts: 2

    Please reconsider this..the app was one of the best features.

  • LindsayDLindsayD Member Posts: 1

    I'm going to add my 2 cents to the long list of complaints. Receipts is my favourite feature in Wave. It saves me time and effort. Your "new and improved" system seems like its going to take me much more time. Please consider keeping the receipts app as is

  • mmrajoommrajoo Member Posts: 5

    OCR no more... That is going to be painful, to open and see the scanned reciept for every transaction...
    The OCR feature is great, I like it and use it all the time, is there any alternative...
    Will the new feature import any receipts from the Bank...
    (another way to OCR the receipts for me is to use the Banks app)

  • david_bavdavid_bav Member Posts: 2

    I can't believe you all are going this route.. this workflow is completely inefficient and makes no sense to me. The existing workflow and functionality was one of the main reason we selected Wave over some of your competitors. Unfortunately, as painful as it is for me to think of this.. we may have to look at moving away from Wave as this will create many headaches for us. This is a HUGE step BACKWARDS. Please reconsider keeping the existing functionality as a CHOICE.

  • 2StepLotto2StepLotto Member Posts: 2

    Don't like this!!! So your app used to be to recognize receipt details by filling in the vendor name, date and amount and now I have to fill that in myself!!!! How is this better?

  • rhinox2rhinox2 Member Posts: 1

    guess I, along with tons of other people, will be looking for a new service... taking away a poplar feature is NOT how you keep customers... guess i'll be checking out Foreceipt for iOS for receipts.. says it can import Waveapps receipt data..

  • AndyReynoldsAndyReynolds Member Posts: 7

    I don't know what irritates me more, the removal of a labour-saving feature, or your preposterous description of this action as a new and improved receipts experience.
    Attaching a receipt to a transaction is extremely basic functionality that should not have been absent in the first place.

  • RP108RP108 Member Posts: 1

    As per everyone else's comments, removing the OCR feature from a digital automation software and requiring more manual input of receipts data to attach them to a transaction is the equivalent to suggesting we play basketball without a ball. If anything, I would suggest keeping the OCR feature and then have receipts automatically reconcile or suggest which transactions (created from attached accounts, or manually created) the receipt should be attached to by matching transaction value, date and vendor details pulled from the receipt. In addition, a receipt that does not have a corresponding transaction should be flagged to create a new transaction record, with all the details pre-processed from the receipt.

  • eiderchickeiderchick Member Posts: 3

    I don't understand why this change is being made but I think it will make bookkeeping a lot more cumbersome for me, a very small business. I'm glad I don't have a lot of transactions.

  • PolinaPolina Member Posts: 1

    Really unhappy with this change. It will cost a ton of time and effort. Please reconsider.

  • r3homestagingr3homestaging Member Posts: 6

    I like the new changes, it works well for users who have connected accounts. Previously there will be duplicate entries if you use the receipt app to upload receipts.

    For users who do not use connected accounts or automated CSV import, adding OCR back will help them automate receipt driven transaction creation. Looks like they are relying on receipt upload + OCR as primary way of creating transactions.

  • Jamesy_DubJamesy_Dub Member Posts: 3

    It takes me 2 seconds to load my app on my phone and take a photo.

    The ease of the app was the main reason I started using Wave.


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