Coming soon: Wave's new Receipts feature



  • TeddTedd Member Posts: 1

    This "upgrade" is a "downgrade". I love how they've tried to put a positive spin on removing the extremely helpful and practical waves app and eliminating the best feature - the automatic image processing. I'd feel better if they had said, "sorry we're no longer able offer a mobile app or image processing on receipts" but instead they say, "with the new feature, receipts are simply attached to transactions, so the images no longer need to be processed to create transactions." I'm looking into switching to quickbooks or something else now. Very hard to imagine how Waves looked at this as a step forward.

  • HorizonHorizon Member Posts: 4

    Definitely a WRONG move from you guys, you removed what was the most useful feature on WAVE, you just shoot a ball in your face, most of your customer will leave within 2 weeks (and I will be one of them). You have to go fast on that one and come back to the existing OCR quickly...but first of all you should communicate with us WHY you did that, because that's really not to improve the use of Wave.

  • unhappycamperunhappycamper Member Posts: 1

    Agree with other posters. Receipt OCR was an incredibly good feature and was the main reason I used this app.

  • SpokaneFiberCleanSpokaneFiberClean Member Posts: 8

    Is there a new executive that thinks they have a better way to do things? Well, it's NOT a better way. Now, my techs have to go into a web browser on their phone, create a transaction, upload the receipt and without OCR, as the bookkeeper/owner I will have to go back and enter all the about a WASTE OF TIME!! Now we will have to double the effort to get the transactions and receipts in accurately! So angry about this!!! We'll be looking for another accounting software.

  • rezanetrezanet Member Posts: 2

    I don't understand the idea behind this change!! Clearly all the users are unhappy with this change! the mobile app for receipts is super handy and easy to use! if you want to improve the user experience, you should have implemented AI/ML to resolve duplicate transactions automatically and have users to review them for any errors!
    Opening a browser on the mobile phone then having to login and navigate to the right page and upload receipts, is just a big PITB, I don't think anyone would bother using it!

  • LilianaLiliana Member Posts: 8

    Well I don't know how this new way is going to work. I'm going to try it, i really loved the receipt app because my daughter doesn't track any expenses, so in that way was the only way to keep track of them.
    hopefully you can make the app to work again or make other app with all the dashboard thing easy to work in a app.
    I saw that you can drag the receipt from your computer but how are you going to do it if the computer does not take pictures.
    You cant take your computer everywhere.
    like I say I will try it but if is not working like should be I will make another comment. @KirkSimpson @AshiraGobrin

    edited June 16, 2021
  • RobertK123444RobertK123444 Member Posts: 2

    Does the person whos making all the decision and changes actually use THIS PRODUCT!?

    I dont understand why the most useful tool to OCR and email receipt was removed!? So the point is to add workload to the user by having them to manually fill in the details now? this is an exciting step backwards and causing more problems for the user, missed inputs and messy data entry, this is NOT problem solving for this market, instead creating additional problems for them... please restore the feature. I love wave-apps and gladly pay to use the service, Thanks.

    Please hire somebody who loves the product and actually uses it please.

    lets try to let our voices and concerns heard here and on the FB page!

    edited June 16, 2021
  • DylanDylan Member Posts: 5

    Another awesome feature removed :(

  • patpat Member Posts: 5
    I am trying new feature on the go and it is a disaster. In "mobile version" when uploading receipts I can't change currency!! Hello, people are traveling and purchasing in other countries... Gosh. This is annoying!!!
  • Mohan12Mohan12 Member Posts: 1

    OCR removal is a downgrade. I was very happy to find a service that was modern compared to the counterparts when I started using the service. I use you for payroll and I was a happy customer. The transaction page redesign, even though I agree was a step towards modernizing it, it was not fully though through. It decreased the speed at which I was able to edit, but, not a deal breaker. But, the new receipts approach is certainly in the wrong direction. Having to manually enter receipt details is a hassle and makes the workflow cumbersome. I hope that you can bring back OCR in one form or the other.

  • Baristas2019Baristas2019 Member Posts: 4

    This is a regression. I will leave it at that.

  • supakdeesupakdee Member Posts: 14

    "Create a new" button from Dashboard is not available

    edited June 16, 2021
  • EugeEuge Member Posts: 1

    Please integrate back the OCR feature as this saved so much time for me.

    How can it be that a software upgrade reverts to a manual system of encoding? This was the main time saving function that attracted me to Wave in the first place.

  • Christopher_128Christopher_128 Member Posts: 4

    OMG!! Using the app to upload receipt was such a breeze.
    I can't believe you will remove such useful feature. With this new method, it took me over 1hr just to upload and transact 20 receipts. Used to take me only 5 minutes.
    What a bummer....wish you guys could have kept it.

  • blankrealityblankreality Member Posts: 4

    This new workflow is absolutely TERRIBLE. I really don't understand how the Wave team thinks this is in any way an improvement over the slick, fast, and simple process that worked just last week. Taking out OCR is the dumbest, most regressive move you could have made with receipts, it just baffles the mind. It takes me 3-4 times longer to upload a receipt now than it did 3 days ago. way to go!

    I hope the exodus of users you create with this misguided move will open up some eyes on the development team!

  • CosmosHealthcareCosmosHealthcare Member Posts: 2

    Totally jacked off with this latest regression and no OCR. I had a whole heap of receipts stored for the future to add at the start of every month, that took a long time to print and scan in. I got rid of the originals and now I have lost them all. Thanks WAVE. Great initiative. NOT!

  • Peter1234567890Peter1234567890 Member Posts: 4

    Is it a joke? Something that worked smoothly you made totally user unfriendly, time consuming. On top of this all my receipts that I haven't confirmed before this update disappeared. Where are they? This is a ton of unnecessary work, Im shocked.

  • Peter1234567890Peter1234567890 Member Posts: 4

    I guess wave is doing what they can to push people using paid Zoho Books?

    I don't want to have anything to do with a company using such a strategy ...

  • ent_ishent_ish Member Posts: 1

    Sad to see that there's no longer an easy way to send in a receipt (photo in the mobile app or email) to process later, and that all OCR from receipts has been discontinued. As a self employed person who's been using Wave to track expenses such as home utilities for taxes this will create a lot of extra work.

  • CédricCédric Member Posts: 2

    I had automated the process by sending almost all my receipts to Wave by e-mail with the "Email receipts feature ("... The new process does not allow any automation, it is a pity...

    Apart from that, the new process seems more complex and slow than the previous one with the mobile app and OCR.

    I am very disappointed with these features removal (OCR and e-mail based receipts) and hope it will be fixed soon.

    edited June 16, 2021
  • MXFMXF Member Posts: 1

    I agree with everyone here that these changes are horrible. Can someone please recommend another service with OCR for receipts? Thanks

  • WaveUser0301WaveUser0301 Member Posts: 3

    This is a VERY disappointing move for Wave to make.

    The Wave Receipts mobile app features were so helpful! Especially while moving in and out of internet range. To now have to enter everything manually is a huge waste of time after having such a fluid system.

    Please bring back the Mobile Receipt option that automatically adds the transaction to WAVE!

  • RandalDRandalD Member Posts: 2

    This is ridiculous. How is this a new "feature"? You are removing the receipts app and turning this into a manual process is simply a lie. It is obvious that WAVE does not care about the feedback of its client's as the feedback is overwhelmingly against removing this flagship functionality. The mobile app receipt function was the ONLY reason I was attracted to WAVE in the 1st place. This is so frustrating but obviously WAVE staff could care less.

  • CJMCJM Member Posts: 2

    I already really hate this new method. It causes me so much more work WTF were you all thinking???

  • CJMCJM Member Posts: 2

    On behalf of my second company, I'm leaving two comments pretty much saying the same thing that this new receipt system needs to die in a fire. Put it back to the way it was, the hell are we paying for here?

  • Rebecca_B321Rebecca_B321 Member Posts: 2

    OMG I am so confused by this new system. Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!

  • Rebecca_B321Rebecca_B321 Member Posts: 2

    It looks like I've been emailing receipts to Wave for over half a year and nothing was being logged. I'd get confirmation emails that the receipts were being received, and yet.... I can't find them now. Nothing since August 2020 is appearing. What the hell is happening??

  • GKwaveuserGKwaveuser Member Posts: 1

    Is anyone happy with this new receipts method? Can you point out or make a comparison chart how this new method improves productivity? Or if this is a "legal" issue just be honest that you needed to shut it down because of IP, ownership rights or something because it is clearly not "liked" by many maybe even any. I recommend Wave constantly and this change is a big disappointment but the lack of reasoning is the real issue. Please tell us "Why". Thank you and I hope you really start to innovate soon.

  • Colleen1Colleen1 Member Posts: 3

    Any time you need to include multiple screenshots and step-by-step instructions for a new process, you can be pretty sure that it's neither quick or easy. The Receipts app was my main motivation for using Wave- I have a few employees with company cards, and I wanted them to be able to quickly and easily scan their receipts immediately after purchasing. I tried other systems in the past like keeping folders in our trucks to put receipts in, but they still always ended up in someone's pocket or lost. The Receipts feature was SO fast and efficient, literally anyone could do it, and then I could review everything when I had time. Now this...update??... takes us back to having employees store receipts to maybe give to me later, and then I'll have to scan and manually add them to transactions. I would never give an employee login information to my accounting software in order to do this process themselves, and even if I did, this isn't something that can be done in a couple of seconds after getting a receipt at the gas station. I left a similar comment before when Wave announced this change earlier in the year, and there seemed to be a lot of like-minded people commenting that this felt like more of a burden than an update. I was hopeful that Wave would reconsider getting rid of the app based on customer pushback, and it's disappointing to see that all of that commentary was ignored. I appreciate many of Wave's other features, but this may be a deal breaker for my business.

  • WWPWWP Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Anyone have any suggestions for a new OCR app and accounting platform? The mobile scanning of receipts on my phone was the only reason I joined Wave. Now I need to find a new platform. Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated as this new system is more onerous and cumbersome.

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