Coming soon: Wave's new Receipts feature



  • scho012scho012 Member Posts: 3

    Why can't you guys do it so that receipts that are emailed are still populated using OCR and then have it show up in transactions so we can merge them...or uploaded and populated using OCR into transactions page.....

    now the time it takes to filter the transactions that do not have receipts... then go through and search for the match physically... then upload it... then fill out the info.... ALL THESE STEPS JUST FOR ONE RECEIPT.... DO THAT FOR EACH TRANSACTION.?????!!!!!!


  • JustAskDaveJustAskDave Member Posts: 3

    Man this is a huge step backward for the little guys, a quick snap or upload of the receipt, OCR to fill in majority of details, select the transaction account and done. Now its a bloody chore to do every time. Thanks guys, totally useless downgrade completed.

    I guess H&R Block only wanted to buy the customer base and not actually keep the customer happy. Making the Wave program no longer user friendly will drive the customers away, but not to other paid H&R Block services.

    Kirk you have screwed over your loyal customers, I hope the $ millions serve you well.

  • tpeterketpeterke Member Posts: 6

    I find the handling of receipts as attachments to the banking transaction very good, even essential. However I'd prefer to keep the receipts hub. In our small business, my wife used to scan and classify receipts. Some of them were only forwarded as email.
    My humble advice / request would be to keep the hub, being able to upload files there. If a received email has attachment, then the attachmentSSSSSSSSS would create a new receipt in the hub (one entry per attachment), if no attachment in the email, then the email itself would be converted to PDF and sit in the hub on its own.
    Documents would then pile up in the hub and the not-yet-linked ones could be attached to a transaction in the transactions page.
    As you see, from my point of view OCR is not needed, if above options are given, and responsibilities can be separated.

  • francoismathieufrancoismathieu Member Posts: 1

    It's funny how they try to frame this as a new feature. What else do you expect from H&R Block.

  • Arlee_CanadaArlee_Canada Member Posts: 2

    He Support- So many complaints. - can you address this question. How about allowing Receipts push into wave. From the following - Hubdoc, Receipt bank, dext, AutoEntry Chacka etc. Especially for those Small Proprietorships. Note : For example.. Dext when scanning the 1st Receipt- on 2nd it recalls the normal Coding.. Ie. Staples then staples again.. Coding is the same Office supplies etc. Also they allow both systems.. Upload receipt 1 at a time By Email, or direct from smart phone... Plus the Bulk uploading of Hundreds of receipts such as at year end 2500 receipts all at once. From an Accountant trying to help clients as users of wave. @ analysis360

  • Paul_CEOPaul_CEO Member Posts: 2

    Terrible, emailing a receipt was the key feature of Wave. I'll start looking for an alternate solution. What a step backwards.

  • DaraMcCoyDaraMcCoy Member Posts: 1

    I finally figured out how to upload a receipt, but the old way was much easier! I am sad that Wave changed it!

  • blt480blt480 Member Posts: 1

    What a disaster! Why are you removing a great feature and replacing it with a more manual and complex process..... Now I need to look for an alternative, likely outside of Wave :-(

  • DanielJDLCDanielJDLC Member Posts: 1

    I am VERY disappointed that this feature is being removed. This adds quite a few steps to upload a receipt when you are on the road. Please consider adding this feature back!

  • MarcoBifMarcoBif Member Posts: 1

    This is a horrible idea!!! why would you take any service away from your clients and ,make it harder for them to do something. very disappointed. Please change or I will find a new software!

  • alan987alan987 Member Posts: 1

    Just wanted to add my voice to the many, many users who have expressed the way that this change will make their workflow more steps instead of fewer. It’s excellent to be able to attach a receipt to a transaction, but it’s many more steps to have to create a transaction just to then attach a receipt to it. It’s much simpler to forward the receipts I get to Wave, then later review them in a batch and have transactions created automatically in the review process.

    I certainly appreciate the tradeoffs that have to be made in building a product, but rolling out features that remove automation and are detrimental to user workflows is seldom a good tradeoff. From this — and many other — user's perspective, it’s a big step backward for the product.

  • Lucas2Lucas2 Member Posts: 1

    OCR was the best feature of Wave. I was attracted to Wave because I needed to handle receipts. OCR was a brilliant feature. I don't understand why you would remove it and make me enter all the datas manually. Hardly an improvement!

    edited June 15, 2021
  • 2StepLotto2StepLotto Member Posts: 2


  • ThreeByOneThreeByOne Member Posts: 2

    Agree with everyone else - this is ridiculous

  • FosteFoste Member Posts: 1

    This change is horrible. The receipt function was one of the main reasons I started using Wave in the first place.

  • Fox_Run_FarmsFox_Run_Farms Member Posts: 1

    The OCR for the receipts was the best part. Has anyone found a replacement system? It looks like its time to change...

  • JeanetteJohnsonJeanetteJohnson Member Posts: 3

    This process is absolutely ridiculous, convoluted, and entirely un-user friendly! I tried loading a receipt at the gas station immediately after filling up, I sat there for about 5 minutes trying to figure out where everything was, only to not have it even recognize the image I was trying to upload. 500 THUMBS DOWN!

  • 416User416User Member Posts: 1

    I agree with everyone, this is going backwards and now gives us reasons to look at other solutions.

  • bloblo Member Posts: 1

    oh man this is what I dreaded would happen since Wave started stripping back support. Does anyone have tips on a good replacement service for an app that does OCR which is what we all want??

  • stonemossstonemoss Member Posts: 3
    Absolute fail!!! I use the app feature everyday and now they take it away! This is the number 1 reason I chose wave, guess I’ll be moving my services elsewhere…
  • ByebyewaveByebyewave Member Posts: 1
    Bye bye wave
  • TheRustyNailTheRustyNail Member Posts: 4

    Looks like since H&R Block acquired them, they decided to tradeoff functionality, maybe for cost cutting reasons?? Well, if they would look at their values they have on their website, they pretty much hosed the top 3 in a single swoop by making the workflow 1000% harder when removing receipts by email and OCR capability.

    From WAVE website: "These are the values that guide us:
    1. Believe in small business owners. ....> (nope)
    2. Reimagine the possible, together. .......> (nope)
    3. Do fewer things, simply and beautifully. .......> (Nope)
    4. Care deeply and challenge directly
    5. Achieve extraordinary results ....> (Well, maybe for them. I don't have time to do the work, I now have to spend time inputing receipts by hand. That's so 80s!)

    3 is a serious Fail!

  • prmsssprmsss Member Posts: 13

    FAIL Terrible "update" removing the app / OCR functionality.

    And where are my receipts that were still in review? I desperately need an overview of those to recreate them!

    edited June 15, 2021
  • LucLuc Member Posts: 5

    thats just another attempt by wave to automate things save time and money by taking away from the useful features such as email receipts processing

  • RRTSRRTS Member Posts: 19

    This is a terrible departure from a very useful and often used feature of Wave. I have relied on the OCR functionality since I started by business. Why would that incredibly useful feature be removed?

  • FraukeFrauke Member Posts: 2

    I am so disappointed in Wave for removing the Receipts feature. I had recommended Wave to so many people but will now have to look for another software. I was just about to book a coaching session, however, I am glad I saved the money, at least for now. The process of entering transactions will no doubt take a lot longer.

  • rwcghrwcgh Member Posts: 16

    In addition to what others are saying in general about the very cumbersome and not user friendly process for uploading also seems that there is no way to change the receipt currency anymore. I used to be able to upload receipts from many different currencies. Now it's forcing me to use USD for even non-USD receipts. It's either a bug or not intuitive. Am falling behind on receipts already--if I can't enter receipts in non-USD amounts then I can't use Wave for receipts at all (which means migrating accounting after several years w/ Wave. I would even pay extra for the receipts functionality if that's what it takes to restore the old version...

  • Adriana_2021Adriana_2021 Member Posts: 1

    Wow, what an unhelpful decision to make! The functionality of having an app devoted to allow you to snap and upload photos of receipts for items as you purchase them (in-person) to then later merge to imported transactions — was actually EXTREMELY useful, intuitive and helpful. It also served as a great way to double check that transactions always went through, etc. Now there is no app and you are supposed to "log-in to the web browser?" Are you kidding me? Who is going to do that? That is so counter-productive and lame. Why bother. . . for someone who purely uploads digital receipts for online purchases, I guess this is no big deal, but for those of of us who still shop in the real world, this is going backwards in efficiency and I guess I will now need to look for a different bookkeeping software. This was THE best feature of Wave.

  • DaluciusDalucius Member Posts: 1

    Have you ever heard the expression ‘If it’s not broke, don’t fix it’?
    Receipts was fantastic app. Then it changed to Wave.
    Wave was not as good as Receipts but is was passable.
    Now it is useless for me and after reading the comment useless for many others.
    I am a retired person and I used Receipts to store my receipts mainly for proof of purchase and warranty claims.
    I was very disappointed when Receipts stopped working but continued on with Wave.
    Now I will be returning to manually storing receipts.
    Extremely disappointed in the changes you have chosen.

  • TotiToti Member Posts: 3

    This is horrible!!! Why? It worked fine and was automated... now it is extremely complicated to use and a waste of time. I have seen many changes over time in Wave Apps, usually good... sometimes so so but man this is horrible! I have been a user since you had adds, the early days... Useless now... I'm looking for a new solution. Receipts are instrumental and you have made this platform useless...

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