Coming soon: Wave's new Receipts feature



  • WWPWWP Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Anyone have an ALTERNATIVE PLATFORM or APP? Please post suggestions. Time to move on to something with OCR capability.

  • RussellCabournRussellCabourn Member Posts: 4

    Why have you ruined a perfectly good and easy system to make it more complicated and time consuming

    Taking a snap was so easy and took seconds

  • RussellCabournRussellCabourn Member Posts: 4

    Is it that you are trying to push the UK customer to Zoho and get rid of them

    I did not move to them, as their receipt scanning app is very poor compared to the Wave app, well that was until today.

  • LilianaLiliana Member Posts: 8
    Well this is my second comment. I tried the new us date and let me tell you .

    Dirt well you have to put all the info of the receipt manually, I know that you @waveapp tried to simplify the bookkeeping life but guess what?! Nop!! Imagine that you are in a gas station and you want to save the receipt and you are in a hurry. It’s impossible to do that .
    I don’t know if any of the @waveappteam or any from technology use the new upgrade.
    I think you should use it first to see if it woks for you in the easy go.

    Hopefully you guys can read all the comments and try to put it together and make other app that can do the receipts automatically on the transaction like use to, plus all the new updates that you have in mind.
  • cardsfancardsfan Member Posts: 12 ✭✭

    Well I read all 18 pages of complaints prior to this change.. I loved the quick four step method before.
    So now with this new method when using my mobile... on my emailed hardware store receipt which I had two today

    1. Take a screen shot of each receipt
    2. save to a ONEDRIVE folder as this is my cloud tool
    3. go to chrome on my phone
    4. find the bookmark for WAVE
    5. manually log in... yup no fingerprint recognition.
    6. Go to transactions
    7. upload the receipt from my one drive
    8. Memorize the amount
    9. ****manually ****type in the hardware store
    10. Enter the payment and expense account
    11. Save

    Old way

    1. Take screen shot
    2. Hit Share button
    3. email to wave
    4. go to receipt app
    5. enter payment and expense account
    6. save

    Five less steps, and roughly five minutes per transaction faster.,

    Has anyone from Wave actually tried this process

    Nice tough folks

  • Javier_MosqueraJavier_Mosquera Member Posts: 1

    This is a terrible idea, all is manual now!!. Taking away the OCR made it a manual process, higher risk of making mistakes and even forgetting to upload (taking the picture) the receipt it self. When you are on the go and you were able to upload right way a paid a receipt was one of the best features this software had available, taking that away is big step backwards. Sorry to write a bad comment about this, but now that I'm uploading receipts with the new feature it's a real pain and frustrating knowing that you already had a great tool in place...

  • gbarr14gbarr14 Member Posts: 1

    So disappointed with the loss of the receipt functionality and the simple process for creating a transaction through OCR. Horrible horrible decision to remove this function. Why not just make it an option that can be toggled on/off by users who don't want it (if there are even any)????

  • ltclippltclipp Member Posts: 1

    This has convinced me to stop using Wave and instead use one of the better (paid) alternatives. This is just seriously stupid. It now takes me more time to process receipts than before! Now I'll have to go through the hassle of moving my entire bookkeeping system over to someone else. Really sad wave, I used to support you but this is one step too far.

  • Lizzied822222Lizzied822222 Member Posts: 2

    Bring back the receipts app and email forwarding ability! Literally the only reason I use Wave.

  • Lizzied822222Lizzied822222 Member Posts: 2

    @ltclipp said:
    This has convinced me to stop using Wave and instead use one of the better (paid) alternatives. This is just seriously stupid. It now takes me more time to process receipts than before! Now I'll have to go through the hassle of moving my entire bookkeeping system over to someone else. Really sad wave, I used to support you but this is one step too far.

    What are you changing to? I'm in the market for the same reason and willing pay.

  • HubertHubert Member Posts: 1

    I agree with all negative comments.
    Taking away the quick upload of receipts with your smartphone immediately after the expense occurs is a big loss.
    Also removing OCR is a big loss.
    The biggest loss is the separation of duties between those providing receipts as they occur and the bookkeeper in the back office who merges the receipts with bank or credit card transactions, assigns correct cost categories, reviews transactions and reconciles accounts.
    But now the bookkeeper has to manage the input of all receipts which puts us back into the old way of doing things inefficiently and not in a collaborative way. This is obviously a different use cases than Wave believes is the mainstream process for receipt processing.

  • JanniesJannies Member Posts: 3

    I really don't have time for this!!!

    Where is a better accounting system??

    It needs to help us, not make more work for me

  • harold649harold649 Member Posts: 2

    Highly disappointed and a great loss. I am astonished as to the departure of the receipt functionality and for creating automated transactions through OCR. I can only wonder what happened? What were they thinking?

  • BenMobleyBenMobley Member Posts: 1

    Absolutely useless. Without drag and drop OCR, this takes up a vast amount of time in manual entry. I will be moving platform.

  • VortamockVortamock Member Posts: 1

    I waited until I actually tried it before commenting... Wow, this new system is garbage compared to the previous one. It takes so much more time to upload receipts now and the convenience factor is gone. I can't complain too much since it is free software, but this change definitely made the software worse and not better. With this much negative feedback, I can't imagine they will keep it permanently. I'll hang on a little while in anticipation of them reverting back to the old system, but if that don't happen I'll start looking for a replacement too.

  • NJANJA Member Posts: 11 ✭✭

    It WAS even easier than that, you could take the picture from within the receipts app....I run 2 companies through this software, including invoicing and payroll so I am paying for the use....I will be switching software at the year end. It's pathetic that Wave is positioning this change as an improvement.

    @cardsfan said:
    Well I read all 18 pages of complaints prior to this change.. I loved the quick four step method before.
    So now with this new method when using my mobile... on my emailed hardware store receipt which I had two today

    1. Take a screen shot of each receipt
    2. save to a ONEDRIVE folder as this is my cloud tool
    3. go to chrome on my phone
    4. find the bookmark for WAVE
    5. manually log in... yup no fingerprint recognition.
    6. Go to transactions
    7. upload the receipt from my one drive
    8. Memorize the amount
    9. ****manually ****type in the hardware store
    10. Enter the payment and expense account
    11. Save

    Old way

    1. Take screen shot
    2. Hit Share button
    3. email to wave
    4. go to receipt app
    5. enter payment and expense account
    6. save

    Five less steps, and roughly five minutes per transaction faster.,

    Has anyone from Wave actually tried this process

    Nice tough folks

    edited June 17, 2021
  • Adrian_counsellorAdrian_counsellor Member Posts: 1

    Sorry Wave, but if you aren't providing the processing for receipts that you previously provided, your software isn't much more than a spreadsheet.

    Very disappointed the feature has gone. Will now be looking for alternatives.

  • keenatolentinokeenatolentino Member Posts: 2

    You guys made a horrible mistake and are going backwards in your advancement. This is causing more work for my field logs and I am currently looking for an alternative program/app to replace Wave now.

  • cardsfancardsfan Member Posts: 12 ✭✭

    @NJA said:
    It WAS even easier than that, you could take the picture from within the receipts app....I run 2 companies through this software, including invoicing and payroll so I am paying for the use....I will be switching software at the year end. It's pathetic that Wave is positioning this change as an improvement.

    @cardsfan said:
    Well I read all 18 pages of complaints prior to this change.. I loved the quick four step method before.
    So now with this new method when using my mobile... on my emailed hardware store receipt which I had two today

    1. Take a screen shot of each receipt
    2. save to a ONEDRIVE folder as this is my cloud tool
    3. go to chrome on my phone
    4. find the bookmark for WAVE
    5. manually log in... yup no fingerprint recognition.
    6. Go to transactions
    7. upload the receipt from my one drive
    8. Memorize the amount
    9. ****manually ****type in the hardware store
    10. Enter the payment and expense account
    11. Save

    Old way

    1. Take screen shot
    2. Hit Share button
    3. email to wave
    4. go to receipt app
    5. enter payment and expense account
    6. save

    Five less steps, and roughly five minutes per transaction faster.,

    Has anyone from Wave actually tried this process

    Nice tough folks

    adding on, thanks @NJA the screen shot work around was for electronic emailed receipts. you could not forward the email to receipts@wave so I had to take the screen shot. For manual reciepts you are absolutely right.

    I just wish WAVE would come clean as to why they are making the change? Costs? The software works well for me other than this new work streams. Several members said for a nominal fee said they would pay for this OCR feature.

    Again, with all the negative comments , WAVE just needs to be candid.. and try their new process from a phone.. both on electronic receipts and paper

  • SPKSPK Member Posts: 1

    Terrible move by Wave. Receipt feature now is 10 times longer to do, less convenient for our small business employees. This is going to cost Wave business if not addressed.

  • SLDWRKSSLDWRKS Member Posts: 2

    This is Bullshit fuck you WAVE, See ya

  • KVPKVP Member Posts: 1

    I agree with previous coments, this is absolutely horrible change. The main reason I used Wave was the simplicity to upload the receipts on the go and edit them later.
    Now the process include too many steps.
    It's a bad user experience and definately step backwards.

    edited June 17, 2021
  • KimBKimB Member Posts: 1

    I am happy with this change as I found it harder to attach receipts to transitions before and it was creating more entries previously which i did not like. Thank you for the update!

  • TotiToti Member Posts: 3

    @WWP said:
    Anyone have an ALTERNATIVE PLATFORM or APP? Please post suggestions. Time to move on to something with OCR capability.

    My CPA recommended Wave Apps a long time ago and that is why I started using it in the first place. I reached out to him again given this recent change and he recommends XERO ( It is not free but they have a 30 day trial. I started the trial yesterday and so far I like it and will move all my business with them unless Wave brings the receipt feature back. Xero doesn't have payroll so I am also trying out QuickBooks online ( Good luck!

    edited June 17, 2021
  • benohio2021benohio2021 Member Posts: 1

    This change is beyond dumb! Couldnt agree more with the other comments. Wave has taken away the good, and added lots of bad. I do like that you can upload a reeipt direct to a transaction IF YOU WANT TO, but being forced too is garbage. The perks of Wave over Xero and Quickbooks have just decreased significantly. Time to start looking for new software for my accounting.

    edited June 17, 2021
  • JD_JD_ Member Posts: 1

    Sooooooo disappointed you removed Receipts feature. The OCR and image capture app was the most value-added part of your software. :-(

  • HNRHNR Member Posts: 1

    I would really love the ability to forward receipts, that made my bookkeeping life so much easier. With this feature gone I will likely switch my businesses to other software.

  • LAYERcLAYERc Member Posts: 9

    The receipt management page and how it ties into accounting/reconciliation was the most appealing portion of WaveApps. The most important issue is to easily reconcile receipts at end of month/quarter. Having them part of the accounting/transactions directly makes it difficult to reconcile. Please add a receipts page back with the color coordination for easy reconciliation.

    edited June 17, 2021
  • NJANJA Member Posts: 11 ✭✭

    @KimB said:
    I am happy with this change as I found it harder to attach receipts to transitions before and it was creating more entries previously which i did not like. Thank you for the update!

    This feature needed to be there but not at the expense of removing the email/OCR features and phone app....this is NOT a positive change. I hope the product manager(s) for WaveApps are reading these comments because you seriously misread the need.

  • Jason5150Jason5150 Member Posts: 2

    This is just horrible. the whole reason I even use Wave was the the receipt feature. I hated the process of looking for an app to do this. you took a good thing and made it suck. Now I have to start all over and find another app. I also have to let everyone I recommended Wave to know that they can forget about it.

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