Upload a bank or credit card statement in .csv format



  • ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @shanekweb Just one transaction for that month? Not sure what's going on here but perhaps it would just be easier to manually create the withdrawal transaction from your Transactions page? You can select the correct date of the transaction there too. :)

  • indopaksportsindopaksports Member Posts: 1

    Having Diffidently in reading the dates on my file how could that be possible its been hours i trig to upload

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @indopaksports

    Not sure if you've checked out our help center article on Troubleshooting your CSV upload but it might be worth checking out.

    Our CSV uploader can be very finicky and requires proper formatting. Typically it operates best if you follow the dat formatting as shown in the article, have no more than 100 lines of data, and 3-4 columns as well.

    If you decide to use three columns you'll want to add a negative value in front of the amount for an expense.

    I would make sure all your dates are formatted and centered (or left justified) in their squares. You can also try downloading the CSV doc again from your application and trying to upload it. Sometimes an invisible space character in the wrong place can mess up an upload. I apologize for the inconvenience.

    Another option is WAVE CONNECT

  • beardlesscambeardlesscam Member Posts: 1

    I have used Wave for 3+ years and it has been horrible the last few months. My bank connection stopped working months ago and I've tried multiple times to get help and I cannot get a real live person to help me. I've sent so many messages. I gave up on that and started trying to upload my statements. I've tried all the troubleshooting below and none of it is working. I bank with Wells Fargo so it shouldn't be an issue. My last hope is posting on this thread in hopes that someone actually helps me. Please help! I don't want to switch to quickbooks but I'll have to if I can't get anything resolved.

  • ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @beardlesscam I'm going to DM you! It looks like there are a few things to investigate here so I'm happy to dm you for more information so we can troubleshoot together.

    edited July 16, 2019
  • KyletKylet Member Posts: 2

    Wave has been getting worse and worse over the past months. Bank connections missing transactions and/or completely failing. Imports getting more and more fragile. To the point now when I can't even get my transactions into the software, with "Something went wrong with your file upload. Try confirming that the file type is an accepted file type" errors.

    And don't get me started on the "speed". Every time you click anything it takes 5 seconds for the app to do anything. It makes using the software painful and dreadfully inefficient.

    At this point I think it will be quicker to switch to another solution and start over.

    edited July 23, 2019
  • fyrespit789fyrespit789 Member Posts: 2

    Hi I am also getting "Something went wrong with your file upload. Try confirming that the file type is an accepted file type"".

    Please assist

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Kylet. I'm happy to go through a bit of troubleshooting with you in order to 'speed up' Wave, which mainly seems like you might have a bit of data built up in your browser (so clearing your cached/cookies should improve this). Could you also confirm the banking institution that's not importing transactions into Wave? Also, one alternative to importing transactions into Wave could be the use of Wave Connect (using the Google Sheet add-on): https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020768272-Wave-Connect-Easily-import-and-export-data-with-Wave-s-Google-Sheets-add-on-

    @fyrespit789 Have you gone through the steps that are outlined in this help centre article here: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/208622596-What-to-do-if-Wave-can-t-read-your-statement-in-CSV-format


    The alternative for Wave Connect for you might be beneficial in this situation as well.

  • KyletKylet Member Posts: 2

    Thanks @JamieD but cache/cookies only speeds things up marginally. Speed has been as issue ever since the UI changes a little while ago.

    Last time I checked Wave Connect was not compatible with my account.

    I'm using the exact same CSV files/format that was working a few weeks/months ago, it's only recently it stopped working. And with bank imports only going back so far it meant I'm basically unable to use the software for one of my businesses.

    Anyway I installed the free version of manager.io and set it up + processed an entire year's worth of transactions in less time that it's been taking me to do one month's worth of stuff in Wave.

    Hopefully you guys sort these issues out. I've still got other businesses running Wave and I do like the software, but lately it's been seeming like every update just makes it a little harder/slower to use.

  • fyrespit789fyrespit789 Member Posts: 2

    @JamieD yes I have went through those steps I've also tried Wave Connect.

    Could you please upload and share a CSV that actually works to upload? And similarly for Wave Connect? I've been banging my head on the wall just trying to get this to work with no avail.

  • MyronMyron Member Posts: 143 admin

    Hi @fyrespit789 , sorry to hear of the troubles you are having with the CSV uploader. Would you be comfortable with sharing the CSV file you are trying to upload with me? I can take a closer look at it to try to see why it is not uploading. If you wish to share the file with me, please send me a DM with the primary email address tied to your Wave account.

    edited July 30, 2019
  • SkafteSkafte Member Posts: 34

    Hi there,

    Hope you are well.

    I'm having the same problem as few others in here and am presented with this message when I try to upload my CSV file: "Something went wrong with your file upload. Try confirming that the file type is an accepted file type."

    I am exporting the CSV file from my Tide bank account and I am using a feature they offer, which is apparently a 'Wave-ready' CSV format export.

    Can you help me work out what's going wrong, please? I've also made the people at Tide aware of this problem and if you can point out to me what the problem is with the file, then I can let them know about it as well so that they can fix the issue for all their other users as well – that is, if it's not only me that's experiencing this problem.

    Many thanks!

  • Paul_CloudBookPaul_CloudBook Member Posts: 3

    Is there something wrong with the CSV uploader today? I have a very simple 9-line CSV. I know there's nothing wrong with the file and it usually works every month. But I'm getting the error message every time "Something went wrong with your file upload. Try confirming that the file type is an accepted file type.".

    Edit: Even the CSV file that uploaded fine last month won't upload today.
    Edit 2: Same problem for a different client the next day.

    edited August 2, 2019
  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Skafte @Paul_CloudBook. Could you please send me a DM with and attachment of the CSV that you're trying to upload? I want to try an upload the file to my test account to see if I also replicate that same issue. Please let me know when you get a chance here!

  • SkafteSkafte Member Posts: 34

    Thanks @JamieD! –I've just sent it to you :)

  • jcapy3jcapy3 Member Posts: 1

    It does not seem to matter what format I try to upload the it says there is a problem with my file. What to do? I have tried utf csv and quickbooks each time I get the same message. "Something went wrong with your file upload. Try confirming that the file type is an accepted file type." . For the CSV I preformated it using the wave template.
    I have also tried Wave Connect but it tells me the following.
    "Bank Transaction Upload not available:
    This Wave Business uses an earlier version of Wave's accounting software, that is not compatible with this Bank Transaction Upload feature.

    We apologize for the inconvenience, and are working to update your Wave business to the latest version of our accounting software as soon as possible.

    You can still upload Bank Transactions in Wave by visiting the Transaction page and clicking Upload Bank Statement in the top-right corner of the page."

    So it send me back to the method that does not work. I have been uploading statements manually for years this is the first time I have had a problem and must conclude your system is broken. I have a hard deadline for reports by the 10th. If I have to create thousands of transactions by hand its good bye to wave for me.

  • nardaiolo_n1nardaiolo_n1 Member Posts: 1

    I am having issues as well uploading my bank statement in order to connect my account. It is a CSV file and the site is stating that something went wrong with your file upload. try confirming file type is an accepted file. Please advise.

  • JenMinJenMin Member Posts: 1

    I too have had infinite issues uploading a CSV. It simply does not work - I have followed ALL of the trouble shooting steps.
    Wave admins, you have a problem and you need to address it.
    Everyone else; Wave Connect WORKED for me. Essentially a connection in Google Sheets that talks to Wave and validates the transaction format in the document before attempting to upload.

  • theTMtheTM Member Posts: 2

    Hi, in my case upload went fine but I need to upload into my personal account and the drop-down only shows my business. How can I upload into my personal account?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @jcapy3 How many line items do you have in your .csv file?

    @nardaiolo_n1 How many line items as well as columns are in the .csv file?

    @theTM Is your upload for Wave Connect or is it a .csv file? If it's a .csv file as listed in the article above, you have to select your Personal Account in the top left corner of the page before uploading a bank statement.

  • theTMtheTM Member Posts: 2

    @alexlewiszarkos I'm trying to use Wave Connect because it is easier to paste the data into the google sheet instead of formatting my bank statement into a workable csv file (as in the article above). Was just wondering why the personal account option is not available for Wave Connect.

  • geoteogeoteo Member Posts: 5

    I was having no luck with uploading bank transactions using any/all available file types. However, after doing the following:
    1 Switching to Chrome from Firefox
    2 Ensuring that my Chrome google user account was the same as my Wave google login account
    the CSV upload now works.

    Ironically, I went through steps 1/2 because I was trying to get Wave Connect to work. That tool also gets confused if you are logged into Firefox/Chrome using a Google Account that is different Google Account for Wave. Even after "switching" to make the accounts the same during attempts.

    Again, could be something as simple as a different cache did the trick. Luck be a browser.

    edited August 14, 2019
  • HasanShahidHasanShahid Member Posts: 1

    There is no link to download CSV template.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @theTM . The way that Personal was built means that it doesn't expose its data to the API that Wave Connect use unfortunately.

    @HasanShahid You can find a link to the CSV template at the bottom of the Help Center article here.

  • PartnerPartner Member Posts: 2

    I think there is currently a problem with manually uploading transactions with waveapps. I was able to upload transactions manually in csv format about two months ago and now i am running into the same problem as indicated below. Same error message "Something went wrong with your file upload. Try confirming that the file type is an accepted file type." It is accepted file type....i have confirmed it....and it is not the number of lines or the format of the csv file because it is in the same format as the ones i have previously successfully uploaded.

  • LucioLucio Member Posts: 1

    It seems like the CSV upload is broken. I can't upload any file at all, including one that I successfully uploaded a month ago.

  • KarenNZKarenNZ Member Posts: 1

    The bank statements from ASB are not recognised in any of the formats, or with any of the encoding changes recommended.
    There appears to be a problem in uploading files.

  • ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @Partner @Lucio @KarenNZ Admittedly, the CSV file uploader can be finicky but hopefully with the right tweaking, we can achieve a successful CSV upload. First of all, I recommend checking out this CSV troubleshooting article which will walk you through the exact ingredients needed to get those CSV uploaded. I recommend following it to a T as the uploader can have a grumpy response to any details that aren't accounted for: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/208622596-What-to-do-if-Wave-can-t-read-your-statement-in-CSV-format

    @Partner For the error you're getting, the troubleshooting article mentions that not only do you need the right number of columns (3), your file could have too long a name! Could that be the issue?

    @Lucio If you successfully uploaded a file a month ago and tried it again only to find that it didn't work this time, I'm wondering if it's a browser issue. Try clearing your cache and cookies to see if that makes a difference. Also be sure that you're using the browsers Wave supports: Firefox, Chrome, or Edge.

    @KarenNZ What file format does ASB use for their bank statements? You can always convert PDF's to CSV's using a file converter. For example, you check out this one: https://pdftables.com/blog/convert-pdf-to-csv

    If you follow all of those steps and your CSV uploads still don't work, can you send me a direct message with your CSV's so I can see if I can replicate the issue on my end?

    Wave Connect is also an alternative option for getting your transactions into Wave! https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020768272-Wave-Connect-Easily-import-and-export-data-with-Wave-s-Google-Sheets-add-on-

  • ShrekWhiteheadShrekWhitehead Member Posts: 1

    What happens when none of that happens?

    Uploaded first statement no problem did exactly same with next nothing .

    Any suggestion?

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ShrekWhitehead! Did you receive any error messages when you tried to upload the second time? As a start, I recommend checking out this guide on how to troubleshoot your CSV file. Wave Connect is also a great alternative for uploading!

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