How to customize your invoices and estimates

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin

imageHow to customize your invoices and estimates

Your Wave invoices can be as individual as you are.  Follow these tips to learn how to make invoices for your business that you are proud to send.

Click on Settings in the bottom left corner and s...

Read the full story here

edited December 20, 2018 in Help Center Discussion


  • CalmandGoodCalmandGood Member Posts: 1

    Hello! Is it possible to have multiple invoice templates? Like 1 for a service & 1 for products?

  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Great suggestion @CalmandGood! We're looking into having a lot more features and customizability added to invoices, so I'm going to pass along your feedback to our Product Team now.

  • BurgissMediaBurgissMedia Member Posts: 3

    The article doesn't specify version number or operating system for this article. I'm on Android and app version 2.9.2 I see none of the menu settings described in the article ?

  • bgad1476bgad1476 Member Posts: 2

    Is there a way to have things auto-populate in the invoice message that is sent to the client? Such as like in the below message:

    Email Subject: Invoice #%invoice_id% from %company_name%
    Dear %invoice_client%,
    Below is a summary of the time spent on %invoice_subject% this month. If you have any questions pertaining to the invoice please do not hesitate to contact me.

    Invoice Summary

    Invoice ID: %invoice_id%
    Issue date: %invoice_issue_date%
    Client: %invoice_client%
    Amount: %invoice_amount%
    Due: %invoice_due_date%

  • paulkrugerpaulkruger Member Posts: 3

    I searched on how to view the customized invoice. There is no information here telling me how to preview what the saved invoice looks like

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @bgad1476, it's not possible to automate that process at this time, but it's good feedback to have on our radar as we make refinements!

    @paulkruger, when you're viewing an invoice, click More Action > Preview as Customer, and it'll give you a good look at the invoice!

  • webxsitewebxsite Member Posts: 9

    Please consider adding at least very basic html syntax - bold, italicize, list

    Main Heading


    Section heading

    Paragraph text

    (Line Break)

    • List item text
    1. List item text

    Text Formatting

    words to be made bold

    words to be made italic

    words to underline

    edited February 6, 2019
  • webxsitewebxsite Member Posts: 9

    Whatsapp has ** bold ** _ italic _

    edited February 6, 2019
  • RahimRahim Member Posts: 97 ✭✭

    @bgad1476 Thanks for the feedback. Are these auto-populated fields only for communications you want or are there other places you want to see these?

    We have these built into the templates in a way that helps build the structure of each template. Can you share more about where and when you'd like to use headings, bold, underline, italic, etc? Is this on the invoices, or in the email messages to customers or somewhere else?

  • bgad1476bgad1476 Member Posts: 2

    I'd primarily like them in the "Main Message" sent to my clients when I send them their invoice and then again in the "Thank You" message. If during the invoice customization there was a way to create a default message with these auto populated terms. One for the" Main Message" when I send the invoice and then a "Thank you message" when I thank them for their payment.

    This way every time I went to send a message I didn't have to add all this in the message it would just auto populate.
    Below is an example of what I had in my last invoice provider.

  • RahimRahim Member Posts: 97 ✭✭

    Thanks for the additional detail @bgad1476 That's very helpful!

  • zemienzemien Member Posts: 3

    How can I add my bank account number to the Invoice template? I've added it in Standard Memo, but every time I save it strips out the bank account number leaving the last 5 digits, like this:

    Please pay via Direct Debit to Acme Ltd's account **-****-****137-01 with invoice number as reference code.

    I've tried replacing the dash with spaces with no luck. How can I save it as part of the invoice template?

  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @zemien! You should be able to save your bank account number to your invoices by adding it to your Footer or Notes sections. If you need this saved by default you can add this info in Settings > Invoice Customization on your account. I hope this helps! :smile:

  • zemienzemien Member Posts: 3
    @Zoe_caff1 that’s what I did but it always replaces my bank account number with asterisks after I click save
  • xianglixiangli Member Posts: 1

    Is there a way I can change the label "Estimate number" to "Quote number', and "Estimate Date:" to "Quote Date"? Thanks

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    @zemien this is actually by design for security purposes; Wave will detect most credit card and bank account numbers automatically and obfuscate them. I know this is a bit of a pain for you, although our heart is in the right place, security-wise. I wonder if you break up the number formatting, you may have success leaving these details on your invoice, although I can't guarantee it.

    edited March 6, 2019
  • SyridianSyridian Member Posts: 1

    Are there plans to be able to create completely customise-able templates at all? If so can you indicate when this feature might become available? I'm keen to use your service, but find not being able to personalise the template to be similar to my current invoicing template as a big stumbling block. I wish to maintain my own customer facing style.

    edited March 12, 2019
  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    @Syridian at this time, no concrete ETAs right now, but we're working to revamp our invoicing tool this year; I can't say if this'll include the level of customization you're asking for, although this is valuable feedback while we go through this process!

  • Graeme_SmithGraeme_Smith Member Posts: 1

    As an Other Non Profit I give receipts to donors, I don't Invoice them

  • karinv2karinv2 Member Posts: 2

    can the customer's account number be shown on the invoice somewhere?

  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @karinv2! You should be able to enter your customer's account number in the notes/footer of your invoice? If this is a bank account number however, it will be obfuscated for security reasons!

  • DanielNewYorkCityDanielNewYorkCity Member Posts: 1

    My dashboard under SETTINGS has a settings page called "Invoice Customizaton", not "Invoice/ Estimate customization" . I can do all the above for invoices only? How can I create a footer or memo that comes up with each new estimate I create as a default. For estimates, I have to re-type in standard memo notes each time. Thanks.

  • James_HudsonJames_Hudson Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hi @DanielNewYorkCity , you can find the available options for estimate customization in the Invoice Customization page! Scroll down past the Invoice Settings section and you'll find a few estimate-specific settings including a standard memo!

  • benjaminnjzbenjaminnjz Member Posts: 1

    Any ways to add a signature portion to the invoice?

  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @benjaminnjz, thanks for reaching out! I'm afraid that there is no way to add a signature portion to the invoice, but I can definitely pass your suggestion along to our Product Team.

  • ianpogi5ianpogi5 Member Posts: 1

    Reposting: Is there a way I can change the label "Estimate number" to "Quote number', and "Estimate Date:" to "Quote Date"?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    HI @ianpogi5 . This currently isn't an option for Estimates. To echo Ryan's comments from earlier on in the thread, we'll be working to revamp these products later on in the year, and although I can't ensure that this will include these updates, I'll make sure your voice is heard in the process!

  • LegacyGenLegacyGen Member Posts: 1

    Is there anyway the you can have a continuous link for payment. Meaning the link can be used more than once if it is posted to your website. For non profit donations

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @LegacyGen. If you are currently on the latest software of Wave and accepting payments already - you should be able to use our Checkouts feature which would allow you to sell 1 product/service through your website; -- Hope this helps!

  • Emilie_MartelEmilie_Martel Member Posts: 2

    Can I add multi-language option in the invoice? I can change the title but not the rest of the invoice.

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