How to customize your invoices and estimates



  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Devin , there's no current customization that will allow you to permanently change the default message I'm afraid. You do have to edit it when you're sending it out.

  • DevinDevin Member Posts: 10

    Thanks @AlexL . Where can I submit feature request?


    Is there a way to add a "Date of Service" as a custom field? I've poked around but haven't found anything like that.

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @Devin , Thanks for messaging back! At this time, we don't have a feature request submission area. Instead, comments in Community threads are considered feature ideas, and our product teams parse through these comments. Thank you for sharing!

    @DaniStatesVO Hi! Thanks for reaching out. I'm afraid it is not possible to add this customization to invoices at this time.

  • Axiom_28Axiom_28 Member Posts: 1

    Is there any way to change the P.O./S.O. Number text, I want to change it to VAT no. or VAT# is this possible?
    Ian Alport

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Axiom_28

    While there is no way to currently change the PO/SO number to VAT, you should be able to add it to your memo, or perhaps the notes section of the invoice itself. Hope this workaround helps.

  • J_S2020J_S2020 Member Posts: 1

    For those of use in the service/labor/construction industries there should be a way to enter a cost range for an estimate. Some estimates depend on labor costs and many variables are involved. It would be nice if there was a way to put an cost estimate range. I just submitted a estimate that could be between $12,000-13,000 but no way to display that on the estimate. I know it's not much of a difference but I would rather have a range to show a customer vs hitting them with bad news and a change order if we discover "unforeseen issues" after a project starts.

  • Dereck_2018Dereck_2018 Member Posts: 3
    Can we have additional statuses added on the estimate for:
    1. Signed
    2. Rejected / Refused

    These would be manually maintained.

    As well as a description field that displays on the full list of estimates?
    There’s no way of telling what the estimate is for besides opening it up; can be time-consuming
  • PerleyPerley Member Posts: 1

    Is it possible for us to change the word "Estimate Number", "Estimate Date" and "Expires On" in the Estimates invoice to some other words? I'm trying to create Proforma Invoice with Estimates.

  • DinelliConsultingDinelliConsulting Member Posts: 2

    I have an optimized version of my logo that is no more than 150 pixels in width and 14 kb in size, and I can't upload it to my invoices. I'm told: Upload an image that is less than 10MB in size.
    Please help.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Perley , at the moment, these customizations are not available.

    edited August 27, 2020
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @DinelliConsulting , if you're comfortable can you post a screenshot of the image so we can try it out ourselves? Thanks!

  • DinelliConsultingDinelliConsulting Member Posts: 2

    Support uploaded my logo for me, so we're all good. Thanks for the help.

  • LaurenOLaurenO Member Posts: 1

    Looking for a way to insert a payment QR code to the bottom of the invoice (like snapscan or zapper codes). Is there a way to customise the invoice to add this automatically without manually doing it after creation?

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @LaurenO , thanks for your message! I'm afraid that this functionality doesn't exist in Wave at this time. As a workaround, you could make the logo a QR image, but otherwise, I'm afraid there's not an ability to add QR codes or other images to invoices. Thank you for sharing this feature idea with us here!

  • StevenSStevenS Member Posts: 1

    I would like to customize the invoice to include a Project identification, preferably under the customer name. How can I do that?

    edited September 1, 2020
  • HappyHelen2020HappyHelen2020 Member Posts: 1

    I have two businesses that trade under the same company name but have different trading names. For tax purposes they are in the same accounting business but I would like to send out differently named nvoices. Is it possible to have two different invoice templates saved in the same ltd company?

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi there @StevenS , thanks for your message! I'm afraid this degree of customization is not available in Wave at this time - but thank you for sharing this feature idea with us here! If you need to input this information, it will need to go into one of the pre-existing fields, such as notes, address, footer, etc.

    Hi there @HappyHelen2020 , thanks for reaching out! I'm afraid it is not possible to have two business names on invoices under a single business in Wave. Thank you for sharing this feature idea with us here! If you'd need different names on the invoices, you would need to change the name manually per-invoice, or, add another business to your Wave account, send invoices from there.

  • ChuckbChuckb Member Posts: 1

    I would like to customize my invoice template to narrow the ITEMS column and widen the DESCRIPTION column. Also, I would like to reduce the size of my business address by not printing the country name. How do I edit for these changes?

  • HJAMIL_89HJAMIL_89 Member Posts: 1

    I am having an issue in the Invoice Notes & Terms. The notes and terms of my invoice which I have customized in the Invoice Customization are not reflecting when I convert a quotation to an invoice. The standard Memo for new estimates which I have are always reflecting in the invoice instead.
    Both Quotation and Invoice are having the Quotation Memo instead of Quotation Memo with Quotation and Invoice Notes & Terms with Invoice.
    Can someone please advice?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Chuckb , I'm afraid that these customizations aren't available at the moment for invoices.

    Hey @HJAMIL_89 , this is expected behaviour. The standard invoice notes take precedence over the estimate notes during conversion. If there's something that you need to have in your invoice which isn't in the standard memo, feel free to copy + paste it over when converting!

  • TiyaTiya Member Posts: 1

    Is there a way to add an additional column to the invoice, one for perhaps 'Date of Service'?

  • NicoleAirNicoleAir Member Posts: 1

    Hi, The Estimate info is very limited in comparison to the invoicing options. Can you amend the invoice for example where it says "Invoice Date to Quote Date" & "Invoice Due to Quote Expires" "Amount due to Quote Total" Or can these be added in on the estimates at all?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Tiya , this one definitely gets requested from time to time. We have no plans in the near future to add an additional column but you can change the existing columns under Settings > Invoice Customization.

    Hey @NicoleAir , this isn't possible at the moment and we don't have current plans to allow for this customizability within invoices, but I will ensure that our Product team gets your feature ideas for future iterations.

  • ACfitnessACfitness Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I was trying to customise the bottom footer of my invoices, but I cannot find how to do it anymore. I customised it 2 years ago adding my company name & address on the left side, while on the right there are my contact details (email, phone number). I now need to update these details, but I cannot find a box where I can update the text. So, I guess I'm looking in the wrong places. Could you please help to point out where I can update my bottom footer, please?
    I've been a very happy user for a couple of years now, still very enthusiastic about your product, so keep it up! :-)

    edited October 18, 2020
  • IrishDesignedIrishDesigned Member Posts: 1

    Is it possible to be able to add bold or. coloured text to the notes/terms box?
    If not would it be possible to add an extra box for payment/banking details?
    it would be great to have these options, the simplest way to implement them with requiring a Wysiwig editor would be to allow people to use either HTML tags or markup e.g.
    Heading Title or Heading Title
    Thanks in advance!

  • Erin_BErin_B Member Posts: 1

    Is there a way to add bank information for direct transfers?
    Or put it in the FAX field without it being designated as a FAX ?

  • Haris_WebDesignHaris_WebDesign Member Posts: 2

    For the estimate, before sending, the only available options if using Send via Wave will use the default email automatically. There's no option to select to send using different verified email?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @ACfitness , to customize your footer please navigate to Settings > invoice Customization. You'll see additional invoice customization options there as well!

    Hey @IrishDesigned , this isn't possible at the moment so your feature idea has been noted!

    Hey @Erin_B , although there's no dedicated section for it, you can add this info to the Notes section of your invoice.

    Hi @Haris_WebDesign , Wave will always send the default email. A workaround to this would be to change your default email before sending, but this can definitely be a cumbersome process.

  • Haris_WebDesignHaris_WebDesign Member Posts: 2

    Hi @AlexL yes indeed a cumbersome process when you have a few business email under single wave account. But it is way much better if the Estimate flow can be made similar to Invoice flow. For invoice, before sending there's a popup that enable me to select the From email to use. But for Estimate, the only option when click Send with Wave can only edit the To & Message.

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