RBC Bank Connection in Canada keeps failing



  • BuilderJeffBuilderJeff Member Posts: 8
    I know this probably has nothing to do with it, but I find it interesting that these connection problems seem to have happened sometime close to the same time that RBC purchased Wave...

    My year end is Oct 31 so I guess I will have the manually update everything that has happened since Sept 23.
  • Trevor_S4Trevor_S4 Member Posts: 1
    This situation is worsened by the fact that RBC statement downloads aren't even in the proper format to upload onto its own accounting app. Not so patiently waiting for some synergy and compatibility between RBC and Wave!!
  • mdcmdc Member Posts: 1

    My Accounts (RBC) also stopped importing since end of September. What do I do?

  • BuilderJeffBuilderJeff Member Posts: 8

    @Trevor_S4 said:
    This situation is worsened by the fact that RBC statement downloads aren't even in the proper format to upload onto its own accounting app. Not so patiently waiting for some synergy and compatibility between RBC and Wave!!

    Yeah, I've tried a few of the different options. Last one I tried was .csv file, which seemed valuable because you could see the spreadsheet before you imported it. Only to find out after I uploaded a couple hundred transactions that they were all showing up opposite of what they should be. Withdrawals were showing as deposits and deposits showing as withdrawals. Yet another hour+ lost fixing that.

  • HermanHerman Member Posts: 6

    I have the same issue. No connection since September 20, 2020. It's been over one month! What gives?

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Geonista and @Herman ! There is a known issue with RBC I'm afraid. Please refer to our other Community discussion found here for more insight. I hope this helps.

    edited October 26, 2020
  • goldenpowderguidinggoldenpowderguiding Member Posts: 3

    Back working folks

  • geordiedrummageordiedrumma Member Posts: 18

    @goldenpowderguiding said:
    Back working folks

    Seems like it was a short blip as nothing will connect again now. I just get a message saying "connection down, try again later"

  • AvocaAvoca Member Posts: 4

    Like everyone here, I'm experiencing the same RBC connectivity issue - with my business accounts. However, I also use Wave to connect to my RBC personal accounts, and there seems to be no disruption whatsoever on that side. Food for thought Wave...

  • geordiedrummageordiedrumma Member Posts: 18

    I had managed to sign in to my business accounts and link them about 5 minutes ago. Then it's thrown up an error message again. Possibly some signs of this working again soon?

    edited October 27, 2020
  • motoramblermotorambler Member Posts: 53 ✭✭

    @AlexL said:
    Hi everyone, no updates at the moment. If you're new to the thread and need a better understanding of the situation, please view Barsin's post from October 13th on page 3.

    We encourage you to keep uploading transactions via our Google Sheets integration called Wave Connect which will allow you to continue the upkeep of your bookkeeping until the connection is fixed.

    @AlexL are you asking Wave members to send their personal/business financial statements to the world's most privacy violating company -- the same company whose sole business plan is selling user data? That's your "solution"?

    Why do I get the feeling that, because you've been unable to have proper working bank connections since the inception of your platform, Wave is soon to abandon bank connections altogether and migrate (you'd call it an "upgreade") all users to Wave Connect?

  • KnightsKnights Member Posts: 5

    The issue seems to be resolved and our transactions are importing - however the ones I manually uploaded as per Wave's suggestions all duplicated so i had to reverse those out. Hopefully the connection continues to function correctly.

  • geordiedrummageordiedrumma Member Posts: 18

    @Knights said:
    The issue seems to be resolved and our transactions are importing - however the ones I manually uploaded as per Wave's suggestions all duplicated so i had to reverse those out. Hopefully the connection continues to function correctly.

    my accounts are missing a chunk of transactions from dates between the end of September - October 22nd, and haven't updated at all since I managed to re-link my accounts.

  • HermanHerman Member Posts: 6

    I'm afraid I will have to look for another service provider. I've been over 5 weeks without any connection to RBC. This is unacceptable.

  • gorchasegorchase Member Posts: 3

    @AlexL said:
    Hi everyone, no updates at the moment. If you're new to the thread and need a better understanding of the situation, please view Barsin's post from October 13th on page 3.

    We encourage you to keep uploading transactions via our Google Sheets integration called Wave Connect which will allow you to continue the upkeep of your bookkeeping until the connection is fixed.

    Gonna add to the frustration mentioned above. You told us to import our transactions individually and I did since it was over a month with no solution and no end in sight. Now it's working again and I have a month of duplicated transactions I now have to go back and find and erase despite a recent reconciliation... I realize this is a free service, but I'm already leaning into my paid options if this is a regular issue. Get what you paid for..

  • thoseguysthoseguys Member Posts: 6

    LOOKS LIKE WE ARE UP!! Only issue now is all the doubled transaction, I need to go back through all the downloaded transactions, but at least its working again.

  • geordiedrummageordiedrumma Member Posts: 18

    I have a huge gap in transactions from 24th Sept - 20th October after the new imports started coming in. Same gap across all of my accounts. Guess I'll have to manually upload for those dates. Anyone else experiencing this?

  • motoramblermotorambler Member Posts: 53 ✭✭

    @Herman said:
    I believe our problems stems from the sale of Wave to H&R Block (https://www.waveapps.com/blog/news/wave-to-be-acquired-by-hr-block-for-537-million)

    Wow, I had no idea. H&R Block is a company I cannot stand. Also, the blog post link you provided has now vanished...

    edited November 2, 2020
  • geordiedrummageordiedrumma Member Posts: 18

    This article is over a year old. I'm sure there would be more recent news on this if it was relevant to why they can't sync accounts. RBC were advertising Wave left, right and centre for free to businesses at the start of this year; which is one of the reasons I decided to swap my accounting software over to them. Seems like something else has fallen apart in the interim.

  • fakenoobfakenoob Member Posts: 17
    > @geordiedrumma said:
    > (Quote)
    > This article is over a year old. I'm sure there would be more recent news on this if it was relevant to why they can't sync accounts. RBC were advertising Wave left, right and centre for free to businesses at the start of this year; which is one of the reasons I decided to swap my accounting software over to them. Seems like something else has fallen apart in the interim.

    I agree the article is a little old for it to be relevant with rbc snafu.

    It looks like RBC broke up with wave.
  • HermanHerman Member Posts: 6

    The link was provided in reference to the Wave app deteriorating following the company's takeover by H&R Block.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi everyone! Our data aggregator has let us know that the RBC connection should be up and running again. If you received duplicates while reconnecting, my sincere apologies for this.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @motorambler + @Herman , you can find the blog post through the following link: https://www.waveapps.com/blog/news/wave-to-be-acquired-by-hr-block-for-537-million

    When you add a closing bracket to the end of a URL it picks it up as a part of the address. It looks like this is what happened with the link that @Herman posted.

    edited November 5, 2020
  • geordiedrummageordiedrumma Member Posts: 18

    Hi @AlexL ,

    My accounts are updating on my banking page and dashboard and showing the correct balances, but the transactions aren't syncing to each account. Is there any way to rectify this?

    edited November 6, 2020
  • fakenoobfakenoob Member Posts: 17

    Working now Thanks @AlexL

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @geordiedrumma !

    If your bank connection isn't importing your transactions, you can try removing the connection completely within the Banking > Connected Accounts page, and then re-adding the connection again. Removing the connection will not delete any previously imported data. This might do the trick.

    Also, when reconnecting your bank, please select a specific date to resume transaction imports to prevent duplicates in your account.

    If the issue persists after reconnecting your RBC account, please feel free to send us an e-mail at anytime so one of our support agents can assist you.

    edited November 12, 2020
  • geordiedrummageordiedrumma Member Posts: 18

    Hi @JulianP . Connection was working for about a week but hasn't synced for a few days now. I tried to reconnect again this morning and get a message saying "RBC has made a change that prevents you from connecting your accounts". Does that mean we're back to square one again with no automatic syncing?

  • geordiedrummageordiedrumma Member Posts: 18

    Just wondering if anyone else is still experiencing problems or if it's only me? @JulianP any news?

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