Sending Invoices to multiple emails



  • lagrecalagreca Member Posts: 3

    Yes, it is a recurring invoice, but 2 people at the company want to receive a copy of it. I've had this request from multiple customers now, but have to inform them that my accounting software doesn't support this. Maybe it's time you added multiple recipients?

  • CFavoredCFavored Member Posts: 3

    I need to send an invoice to 2 separate email addresses. Is there a way to automatically send the invoice to 2 separate email addresses without having to send one to me and then forward it to the 2nd email address?

    edited December 17, 2020
  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @lagreca ! I'm afraid that this functionality is not supported for recurring invoices. However, there is a work around available. Once the recurring invoice(s) is generated, you can manually send the invoice(s) to your colleagues by heading over to Sales > Invoices and pressing the down arrow beside the invoice(s) in question. You can then manually send it to them by pressing "Send", "Send by ..", or exporting it as a PDF. I hope this helps!

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @CFavored , when sending an invoice you have the option to add an additional email address with the '+' sign. You can add your second recipient to this field so that you don't have to manually save the invoice yourself to send it out.

  • CFavoredCFavored Member Posts: 3

    Thank you! I did not know this option existed.

  • CFavoredCFavored Member Posts: 3

    I do not see that option when I create an invoice from Wave. Are you talking about the plus sign from my email? I was trying to add another email when creating an invoice in Wave at the "Bill to" step.

  • SandroSandro Member Posts: 2

    Reading this thread, I am so frustrated by the round robin way you have of trying to push down the throat of your user a feature that does not work in a proper business workflow.. (AKA shitty "+" feature)

    Saving, Let me repeat the keyword here... "SAVING" a list of emails to whom the invoice should be "CC"'d to, INSIDE the billing & CMS software I use, frees my mind from having to type those email in one at a time at every billing cycle by pressing a stupid "+" sign..

    Clearly, people giving the users the run around for this simple feature,. are not business running people and therefor don't understand the value of time saving features.

    I'm a programmer too.. this is a fairly easy feature to add.

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @CFavored ! To clarify, when you approve an invoice draft and press Send invoice, beside the "To" section, you can press the blue "+" button as shown in Alex's screenshot to add multiple emails. Below I attached another screenshot for reference:

    I hope this helps!

    edited October 26, 2020
  • AndyP1960AndyP1960 Member Posts: 1

    I'd like to echo the calls for the ability to add a second email address to an account so invoices get sent to both recipients automatically.

    It's a real pain to have to remember to manually add a 2nd address.

    I've been using Wave for years now but more and more accounts are requesting that invoices go to both the accounts department AND somebody to authorise. It's a pain but makes so much sense. I've had way to many not get singed off by simply sending to an authoriser.

  • rossirossi Member Posts: 0
    Hey all, i’m wondering if it’s possible to add more than one recipient to a customers profile so that when i send the invoice i don’t have to manually CC in another recipient. is this feature available on here?
    edited December 7, 2020
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @rossi

    At this time, we only allow for one email to be attached to a customer profile.

    We're always looking for feedback from our customers on how we can improve our software with every update we make. So we appreciate you reaching out about this and you should know that our developers are always parsing through archived tickets looking for feature updates requested by our users. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other improvements you think we could make to our system!

  • AcolyteJonathanAcolyteJonathan Member Posts: 5

    Hey @Barsin , Just wanted to jump on the bandwagon for multiple emails per a customer profile. The usefulness of this would be immediately felt with the reminders feature (which is great!) as some of my clients have a hierarchy in which a manager has to approve the invoice so the accounts department can pay it. In an ideal world, emailing the manager would be sufficient, but I have found that when both the manager and the accountant are hit simultaneously, it creates an accountability that gets me paid faster (its harder to sleep on something when you know someone else is watching)! Please help us get our money faster??

  • tmetcalfetmetcalfe Member Posts: 1

    I need this for recurring invoices that are on auto-pay. The workaround for multiple emails that Wave always references doesn't work for this. Isn't this a very easy development task? Get it done!

  • FSCFSC Member Posts: 1

    This is deal breaker...please help.

  • FotanFotan Member Posts: 9

    I'm also a web programmer. Isn't it just a matter of having multiple email addresses added to the form field comma separated, then echoing that into the emailer? I suppose you may have to change the code you use to verify the input, but that's not a big deal. Unless the back end of the invoicing section is really out there, it probably could have been done in a fraction of the time it has taken you guys to comment about what a great feature it is and how you love getting feature requests for the last several years.

  • NimbusUnlimitedNimbusUnlimited Member Posts: 10

    I'd like to echo for the need to have multiple email addresses added to customers and especially for recurring invoices.

    I bill clients monthly, and the invoice needs to go to their AP department as well as to the manager who authorized the charge. Can you please give an ETA on when this will be updated?

    edited January 24, 2021
  • WPBNSWPBNS Member Posts: 6

    It's been a long time since this request has been provided to WAVEAPPS. I have seen numerous posts and replies regarding this issue over the past few years but it still hasn't been implemented.

    QUESTION: When will WAVE add the ability to allow for multiple email addresses to be included for customers, for automatically generated invoices?

    Currently, there's only one email address field. And is quite normal to want to have an invoice sent to multiple people (automatically) when invoices are generated daily, weekly, monthly or when add-hoc invoices are generated (so that we don't have to manually add the extra email addresses each time).

    I'd really appreciate knowing how soon WAVE might be able to finally add this feature. And if it's already there and I'm missing it, please let me know.

    Thank you,
    Gary Gordon

    edited February 10, 2021
  • FotanFotan Member Posts: 9

    There are at least a couple other threads asking the same thing dating back more than a couple years. I think the best answer I have heard from Wave is that they are doing some back end upgrades that, while not making noticeable changes to us end users, will make it easier to make other changes. Once those are done, they can look at some of these "nice to have" changes. I wouldn't hold my breath for getting it done anytime soon.

  • WPBNSWPBNS Member Posts: 6

    @Fotan Thanks. I only wish I could hold my breath that long. LOL Hopefully .. in 2021. :)

  • KristenVKristenV Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hi everyone,

    At this time, we do not have an update from our developers on this feature. Thanks so much for your feedback here!

  • swsupportswsupport Member Posts: 1

    Last comment in here is 2 years old and still no resolution to this very important feature. Multiple email addresses in customer profiles and included automatically in sent invoices is REALLY needed.
    So what is the current thinking on implementation?

  • LOls01LOls01 Member Posts: 2

    I am also very strongly requesting the option to add another email address to the customer profile. I often do recurring invoices that need to go to 2 recipients, but this not an option at all. There isn't even a workaround for recurring multi-recipient invoices.

  • AmanuelAmanuel Member Posts: 1
    I have two invoices that are now overdue and I just figured out why. I forgot to manually add the email address for the customer's accounting department in addition to the authorizer's email address. We really shouldn't have to remember to do this during each billing cycle for each client that requires it. It's very easy to forget. QBO allows users to have multiple email addresses for customers so that invoices automatically go out to the people that need to receive them. Does Wave have no plans to implement this feature in 2021? This is important for me to know.
  • KirshyKirshy Member Posts: 2

    This needs to happen! How are can it be to add this feature in. All other email platforms allow you to add multiple emails with just a comma separating them.

    edited May 7, 2021
  • BrowncoatOkieBrowncoatOkie Member Posts: 2

    Briefly describe your business. What do you do? Who are your customers?

    Computer consulting. All industries, from mom and pop to billion dollar companies.

    What is the business, financing, or operational problem that you are facing, that your suggestion is intended to address?

    Having to remember and type in the email addresses for invoicing every time. I can save the first one, of course, but most of my customers require invoices to be sent to multiple addresses.

    What outcome do you see your suggestion creating - i.e. what would your suggestion enable in your business; not what would it look like in Wave?

    I would no longer have to remember and type in the email addresses for customers at invoicing time. This would save a little time and effort but, far more important, it would reduce mistakes.

    OK, now how do you picture this outcome being achieved in Wave?

    Either allow multiple fields for email addresses, or allow multiple email addresses in the field. E.g., ",,"

    Who else do you think would find this outcome useful?

    Just about everyone from what I see.

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey everyone!

    Just a heads up, when you add a new customer in Wave, you now have the option to add multiple emails to their customer profile. You can do this by pressing the "Add Contact" button as shown below. You can also edit existing customer profiles to add multiple emails.

    When you send an invoice to a customer after doing so, the initial email you added to their profile will populate as the default recipient email. However, when you press the "Add recipient" button, you will now see the other emails you added to your customers profile for easy selection so you don't have to manually type in other addresses each time. Check out the screenshot below.

  • UnhappycanuckUnhappycanuck Member Posts: 2

    This feature sounds great doesnt it.... except Wave hasnt rolled it out. there is no ability to access these functions in wave... these screenshots must be from a beta instance of their software, there is NO Add contact field, there is NO Primary Contact/Contacts Fields.

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