Wave Connect: Easily import and export data with Wave's Google Sheets add-on



  • CoreffexCoreffex Member Posts: 1

    Oh my god this is a NIGHTMARE! How do you not have an easy method to import all the data from any application?

  • DT1DT1 Member Posts: 4

    Both the verify and upload options stall for me?
    How do I troubleshoot this?

  • PocketHandymanPocketHandyman Member Posts: 1

    Have installed Wave connect THREE times, it does not show up in my ‘add-ons’ menu in Google Sheets. Help!

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @DT1 , could you explain further what you mean by these options "stall"? Are you prevented from uploading your data into your Wave account? To clarify, it's expected that there will be a small delay when you select these options, to give time for the software to complete the action.

    Hi @PocketHandyman , as a first step, could you please ensure that you're both logged in to your Wave account, and logged into the Gmail account with the matching email address?

  • MirzaMirza Member Posts: 1

    Any option for importing multiple Tax line items on an invoice (for example, an invoice in Quebec where QST and GST both taxes have to be added on an invoice?

  • Deb_SACRDeb_SACR Member Posts: 1

    I'm also experiencing the stall when trying to upload transactions. At the "Validate Data" step, I click the button and then I wait and wait and wait. I even left my PC for a few hours and came back - nothing.

  • rwhiterwhite Member Posts: 2

    Same thing for me as reported by @Deb_SACR and @DT1 . This worked as recently as 06/30 but just spins now. Any object for validate, any object for update, any object for download. For upload, I can pull in the fields and the lookups work. No joy on validate or upload tho. Did a rip and replace of the add-on out of desperation, multiple browsers, private browsing. Seems that this is simply not working. I was planning on consolidating from Kashoo, FreshBooks, as well ADP. Looking like I will need other plans.

    edited July 2, 2021
  • DT1DT1 Member Posts: 4

    @KiahD The first time we tried entering data to the sheet and validating and exporting it worked, but all subsequent attempts on that sheet and new sheets generated the same way have problems. I was hoping to enter four years of invoicing into this platform but it didn't work. I mean stall as it nothing happens indefinitely after clicking either validate or export.

  • NeonNeon Member Posts: 4

    I am also having issues uploading transactions using Wave Connect. At the "Validate Data" step, I click the button and then I wait and wait...without being able to move forward. I have been using this tool for around 2 years without any issues. But in the last week, I am unable to get it to work.

    I initially started using this because the import feature from my bank accounts did not reliably work.

  • DheanaDheana Member Posts: 1

    I am also having the same issues with the Validate step stalling out. I have tried multiple times and left it for hours, even overnight to work. I am only trying to validate 11 transactions so it seems something is clearly not working. Any help would be appreciated.

  • snappyfishsnappyfish Member Posts: 55

    Not getting past "validate data" ?

  • prmsssprmsss Member Posts: 13

    The add-on is broken since last week. Nothing happens after pressing "validate data" in step 2, and the list of accounts isn't showing in step 3

  • dacklanddackland Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 25 admin

    The issue with uploading transactions has been resolved. Please refresh your sheet and try the validate step again.

  • KuyaKuya Member Posts: 4

    when downloading invoices with line data it stalls forever after downloading a few registries. tried in normal and incognito tabs.even in other browsers with cleared cache. also login in and connecting the addon from scratch. always same results.

  • rwhiterwhite Member Posts: 2

    @dackland. While I was able to download the Chart of Accounts, which I could not last week, I see no change when trying to validate/upload Invoice data. Kindly let me know when you plan on having this working again.

  • prmsssprmsss Member Posts: 13

    @dackland said:
    The issue with uploading transactions has been resolved. Please refresh your sheet and try the validate step again.

    Thanks it works again

  • KuyaKuya Member Posts: 4

    any help with this? ty

  • paul999paul999 Member Posts: 8


  • rbeatty01rbeatty01 Member Posts: 1

    It upload the first customer, then it just spins. I did it several times.

  • CynVTCynVT Member Posts: 1

    way too complicated; just get plaid to work with all banks

  • LgdoranLgdoran Member Posts: 1

    I've setup Wave Connect. Used wave connect to download all my customers. I need to add some emails and addresses. When I go to upload, it warns me "WARNING: A Customer with this name exists in Wave. Duplicate customer name will be created." How do I get around this so that I can upload my additional data for these customers? Thanks

  • DimitriyDimitriy Member Posts: 5

    @PaulC, I've recently came back to using Wave Connect again and just wanted to say THANKS! Great functionality on top of already good accounting software. I was able to save a ton of manual work time using Connect feature.

  • DT1DT1 Member Posts: 4

    alright I got it working.

    After coming back, validate actually showed errors and Invoices need products to import in properly.
    I needed to first make a sheet for dummy products first and I made the items named Invoice #1, Invoice #2... and put Invoice total values as well.
    I imported each invoice as a product first, and then to generate the invoices in wave, I made a invoice list and used the dummy products for the invoices.

    The only problem was that if a customer was the same for two invoices in a row, the second invoice doesn't import as I think wave connect thinks each line is a different line on the same invoice, and assumes the input invoice number is not correct.

    I had about 1000 invoices, so I can't complain too much about only missing 40 or so after using this method.

    As my high school physics teacher used to say: Massage the data until you get what you want.

  • kevsdiecastkevsdiecast Member Posts: 3

    I am uploading invoices and it would be nice to have the sales tax upload with the invoice. Its not an option in connect when formatting the sheet for upload, and even when you have the products in wave set to apply PST, they do not appear to do it properly when its an uploaded invoice. Also discounts. It would be nice to have a discounts field since our invoices in our other program (which we use for invoicing and wave is generally used for the wider accounting/expenses/etc with invoices being uploaded at month end) have discounts and we use them often as it is the only way we've found to account for the fact our prices are tax-included.

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