Wave Connect: Easily import and export data with Wave's Google Sheets add-on



  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @patbell101 , what's the error you're getting when trying to add Wave Connect to Google Sheets. A screenshot of the error would help immensely as well.

    Hi @annieos_hhi124 , this Community thread will give you some more information on how to handle this accordingly! Unfortunately the way that Google Sheets works, an invalid error message will always surface even if what you're entering is correct.

    Hey @Daniel_Nanton_PDMT , Callie's response from above is probably what's going on here. Due to the sheer amount of data, the integration is most likely having trouble pulling all of this information. I'd use the filter option to filter for specific dates, allowing you to break down how many invoices you're downloading at once (I'd recommend doing 50-100 per download). Let us know if it works!

  • Daniel_Nanton_PDMTDaniel_Nanton_PDMT Member Posts: 7

    Thanks @AlexL it did work, although I needed to use different sheets since it deletes everything each time the process is called with a different date, but at least I now have the data, thanks.

  • LwaziLwazi Member Posts: 2

    Hi BarsinA

    I have followed the steps you advised me to and I am still having trouble and I really would like to eventually get it right as it will save me time. Please can you try and send another example.! Below I have used a scenario where I topped up a phone twice so I DR. the affected expense account twice and the affected asset is CR twice. I tried to do something similar to what you show me but I wasn't quite sure what was happening there as it seemed to have an effect of cancelling out the transaction (Debiting and Crediting the same account by the same amount) and it still gave me an error message. Kind Regards

    Hi @Lwazi

    My apologies if this was not intuitive as it doesn't seem very clear but you will need to create new rows here and enter the value of the debit and credit on different lines to your specified account if you haven't done this. Check out my screenshots on how to do that


  • AntonyUpwardAntonyUpward Member Posts: 17 ✭✭

    @PaulC said:
    Hi @JamesNilsenMisra

    Thanks for your message. You are right, "Compound" would be more precise language. That's something we could correct in a next update.

    Yes please!

    Across Wave, we don't see many customers actually using journal entries on a regular basis, which is why we haven't yet built a 'true' bulk journal transactions uploader (i.e. many different journal transactions at different dates).

    I must be an exception :smile: I and my accountant couldn't get by without using approx ~10 J/E's a year

    I'm curious, if we did develop such a feature, would you be looking to bulk upload 'simple' journal transactions with 1 Debit and 1 Credit, or would you also need 'compound' journal transactions within the bulk upload set?

    It would be most useful if you can bulk upload compound J/E's

    I know you can't make commitments on when improved functionality might be available... but can you at least tells us whether or not this feature is on the product roadmap or not? i.e. did your people agree its worth the investment to add the feature.

    And since you say above this functionality could be "in a next update"... can Wave comment on the desired frequently of updates ? 1 per year, 4 per year - without giving a sense of dates or whether these are regularly or irregularly scheduled.

    In other words... I'm asking Wave to share your policy... not your plan. :smiley:


    edited August 16, 2020
  • AntonyUpwardAntonyUpward Member Posts: 17 ✭✭

    This is an excellent addition to Wave's functionality... congrats...

    AND from what I can understand below you can't upload to replace any records in Wave right now of any type... only to add new ones.

    I can definitely understand why this wasn't in v1...

    But it would be really really helpful if updating existing products, customers and the chart of accounts could be in the product roadmap for Wave Connect.


    At present it is really hard work to be consistent in Wave when defining customers, products, accounts etc. - the web interface makes it hard work. Being able to see all customers, products and accounts and all details in spreadsheet, edit and then upload would be amazing.

    Plus as several people have commented below it is not possible at present to make a bulk change to products or customers.


  • AntonyUpwardAntonyUpward Member Posts: 17 ✭✭

    AND :smiley:@PaulC ...

    How about giving the possibility to populate other fields in via the bank transaction screen?

    For example:

    • Notes field - my bank and credit card companies provide a ton of info in their downloads that I can't upload right now which it would be very helpful to be able to see inside Wave. For example details of foreign exchange rates
    • Adding category, vendor, or customer - its hard work to do this via the web if you have a lot to do
    • Adding tax details

    How about being able to upload vendors and bills?

    • Vendors - because you've done customers... so why not? :wink:
    • Bills - because the web UI for creating / editing bills is still in version 1... especially when compared to the UI for invoices. I know Bill's aren't as sexy... but they are vital!

    And how about being able to upload a Wave Invoice you get from another Wave user as a Bill in your company's Wave! :smile:

    I am pleased to be getting (by email) more and more invoices from vendors / suppliers who are also using Wave... and then I have to re-key them! :-1: It would be such great advertising for Wave if every invoice sent by email / viewed on line had a button that said "Import this Invoice into your Wave Accounting" :smiley:

    Am I dreaming in technicolor, or is some of this possible?

    edited August 17, 2020
  • kFabregaskFabregas Member Posts: 1

    Is there a sheets/excel template for the bulk journal entries upload via wave connect? Trying to upload a few years worth of data -- figured out the bank statement csv upload, but it doesn't support categories -- so having to hand-select categories for several hundred records after upload. Can I do this in one step with a bulk journal upload?

  • Own_ItOwn_It Member Posts: 0

    When I try to upload invoices the validation never completes when I get at the step of validating the data. Also, if I try to skip the validation and go to uploading, it never ends too.

    edited September 15, 2020
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @kFabregas , our Journal Transaction upload will only upload a single entry at a time. That entry can have numerous values to add to a number of different accounts, but you can still only add a single entry at a time.

  • SMEKINGZSMEKINGZ Member Posts: 1

    When uploading existing customer edits using google sheets wave connect, updates are created as duplicates. Is there a way to avoid this? The same issue with products and services.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Own_It

    Are you seeing a constantly loading wheel or is there an error that appears at the validation step?

    Can you try clearing your browsers cache and cookies and be sure that you're using a secure web browser like Chrome or Firefox. Would you mind also trying to disconnect your Wave Connect entirely, then re-adding the plug in and trying this again?


    Would you mind sharing with me what method you're doing to edit your customer details through Wave Connect. If you enter a customer's name (even if they are an existing customer in your Wave account) it will create a new customer duplicate. You can edit your customer's details in your Wave account under Sales > Customers.

  • tonitii24tonitii24 Member Posts: 4

    Hi, I keep trying to use Wave Connect, but then Wave Connect overwrites and erases all of my data instead of putting it into columns. Then I try to copy and paste it back in, but it's not working!!!

    EDIT: I actually got the transactions to upload by bypassing the first step. However, now I have duplicates with the transactions already uploaded from my banks! AND my transactions aren't categorized, so what's the point?? So now I'm trying to delete all of my transactions in my account :(

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @tonitii24

    My apologies you're experiencing this issue with our integration. I may need to ask a few more details from you such as guiding us through exactly the steps you're taking and letting me know at what point the tool over-writes your data?

    This is a strange issue which may be caused by a problem with the browser but it would help us if you could list out your steps!

    With regards to the duplicate transactions these will need to be manually deleted but you can do this in bulk by selecting the checkboxes beside your duplicates and the delete button at the top!

  • MindplayMindplay Member Posts: 14 ✭✭✭

    What problem does this solve? I was told to use this because you stopped supporting direct import of bank transactions. I'm not sure that I would ever bank at Google if they offered it, but since they aren't a bank, I can't see how this will fix the badly broken and generally unreliable Plaid service.

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Mindplay ! I understand your concern here. By using our Google Sheets add-on, Wave Connect, you can import your transactional data manually since your financial institution is not supported by Plaid at this time. Alternatively, you can also import your transactions via our CSV uploader. With this method, you can upload a bank or credit card statement directly into Wave to import your transactions.

  • MindplayMindplay Member Posts: 14 ✭✭✭
    1. Please elaborate on how setting up a 3rd party application so that I can type my data into google and then fight with a broken import system is LESS work than .... typing my data into wave?

    I just don’t get it. Google is a web app. Wave is a Web app. What’s the proposed workflow here?

    Since wave has decided not to support importing from many major banks and is actively deleting them from the system, how does this save any time?

    2. Have you actually -tried- the CSV import? It is quite difficult to import most bank CSVs without significant pre-edit.

    This seems to be “do all your accountIng in google sheets and then you can import them to wave.”

    Since your recent survey actually asked your customers “do you have a bank account” (yes/no) I don’t think Wave has a very good grasp at all on modern banking and is designing around hobbyists not businesses.
  • MindplayMindplay Member Posts: 14 ✭✭✭
    Oh and that leaves aside the issue that who knows, this google-connect could disappear after a year or two with nothing more than a shrug, just like bank importing did.
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Mindplay

    Thank you for voicing your opinions here on our forum. I understand that you're one of our users who is experiencing some major issues with our transaction uploader as well as the formatting of your CSV's from your bank. This is most definitely an unlucky situation and I do apologize about this.

    A lot of users have had luck by downloading their transactions using a CSV download from their bank, then opening up a google connect transactions upload page and copying and pasting the necessary data into the upload template. This might be able to save you some time on your upload I hope.

  • LoggersWifeLoggersWife Member Posts: 3

    Still slightly confused. New to WAVE platform from Sage Accounting. I have got everything set up and working but wondering if this is the way to import GL or bills? Not wanting to continue manually entering. Or suggestions for transferring that data?

  • HowardHoward Member Posts: 3

    It is common for an invoice to have different bill-to address and ship-to address. There doesn't seem to be this ability in Wave Invoices?!

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @LoggersWife ! Welcome to Wave, we're excited to be a part of your entrepreneurial journey! In terms of uploading your accounting data, our Google Sheets add-on Wave Connect is your best option. Otherwise, for importing transactional data, you can do so with a bank statement in CSV format. You can learn more here.

    Hi @Howard ! This is quite common :smile: . When you create a customer in Wave, you will have the option to enter their billing address and their shipping address. If their shipping address is the same as the billing address, you can select the "Same as billing address" box when adding your customer. Otherwise, you can deselect it and enter the appropriate shipping address.

    Here is a screenshot for reference:

  • JamesFraileyJamesFrailey Member Posts: 2

    Hello, is there a way to export/import Expenses?

  • ZimboDaveZimboDave Member Posts: 9

    I want to upload to WAVE multiple journal entries using the googlesheet add-on, but the add-on is certainly not clear or intuitive on how to use it. I was expecting to see a spreadsheet matrix ... there appears no place for date

  • AichataMAichataM Member Posts: 1

    @Own_It said:
    When I try to upload invoices the validation never completes when I get at the step of validating the data. Also, if I try to skip the validation and go to uploading, it never ends too.

    Hello! I have the same issue. I've disconnected the integration, then connected it again. Signed out from Connect and signed in again. Used last version of Edge rather than Chrome that I'm usually using. And I still have the same issue: the validation never ends. Here is a screenshot:

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @ZimboDave

    Curious if this post will help you:

    Hey there @Gurisha

    You will need to use Wave Connect to download your invoices as our current data export invoice downloader is not available with our new backend version of invoicing at the moment.

    Hi there

    My apologies if this was not intuitive as it doesn't seem very clear but you will need to create new rows here and enter the value of the debit and credit on different lines to your specified account if you haven't done this. Check out my screenshots on how to do that


    edited November 3, 2020
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @JamesFrailey

    The are a number of ways to upload or download your expenses.

    Using our CSV uploader


    Wave Connect


    If you head to Settings > Other > Data Export, you can select your preferred Data Export file format. You will receive an email containing a compressed .zip file with various types of data from your Wave account. These will include your transactions, customers, receipts, bills, vendors, and invoices, all in a CSV format.

    Hi @AichataM

    I'm just seeing some things that might be standing out from your screenshot, but it looks like you're trying to enter in the same invoice 0001 three separate times with three separate items. Can you try only have one invoice and one customer name then leaving those spaces below blank. You can then add different items below. See my example screenshot!

    edited November 3, 2020
  • SLAPOASLAPOA Member Posts: 2

    I am getting error "drive.google.com refused to connect" when trying to link via Wave Connect to my Wave account. I have a Customer spreadsheet that I want to uploiad to Wave Customers in bulk. I have been unable to find any directions that address this particular problem.

  • ZimboDaveZimboDave Member Posts: 9

    @Barsin Regarding the use of wave connect .... I was wanting to compile a bulk journal entries google sheet for upload with wave connect. None of the material really seems to help me. I have the add-on, but the template presented to me to prepare the journals just doesn't help ...... Attached is a spreadsheet of what I want to do ... can you provide a step by step explanation?

  • goodlocalEJgoodlocalEJ Member Posts: 1

    We would really love to see you develop an "Upload Bills" feature. We are a multi vendor marketplace and we pay vendors using "bills". I had explored if invoices in wave would work but the way the feature work suggests to our vendors that they actually have to pay us.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @ZimboDave

    Not sure if you were able to take a look at Paul's comment on page 6:

    @PaulC said:
    Hi @DaveWave88,

    Just jumping in to follow up on @NicoletteB's response, it looks to me like you are trying to use the Bulk Journal feature.

    The Bulk Journal feature supports a multi-line Journal transaction, which is uploaded as at a single date. The steps to use it are:

    1. Install and connect Wave Connect
    2. Select Upload => Bulk Journal
    3. Use Wave Connect to create your input sheet. This will populate a page with all your available Account.
    4. Fill in the Debit/Credit for each account you are trying to adjust
    5. Use Wave Connect to validate your input sheet
    6. Use Wave Connect to upload; you will select the Journal Date during the Upload process.

    It's important to use Wave Connect to create the input sheet for you, as this will fill all the Wave Account IDs required in Column A. It will also set up some calculations to help you see at a glance your transaction is balanced; yours currently isn't.

    Hope that helps!

    Hi @SLAPOA
    Are you able to try using a google chrome window and clearing your browsers cache and cookies as well as opening a new incognito window? I'm wondering if you may have a browser add-on or something blocking you from this connection!

    Hi @goodlocalEJ

    Thanks so much for this feedback with our google spreadsheet integration.

    We're always looking for feedback from our customers on how we can improve our software with every update we make. So we appreciate you reaching out about this and you should know that our developers are always parsing through our community looking for feature updates requested by our users. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other improvements you think we could make to our system!

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