Wave Connect: Easily import and export data with Wave's Google Sheets add-on



  • SLAPOASLAPOA Member Posts: 2

    I found my answer on the Web. Seems it won't work if you are signed into multiple Google accounts. Once I closed my personal account google sheets worked just fine. Thanks for the follow-up.

  • TudeTude Member Posts: 5

    Hi I am trying to upload historical invoice details via wave connect & google sheets but am having difficulty. I have added all fields as mandatory as advised and completed all data. I correct any data where it asks to validate (in red). When i press validate the validation just buffers and never completes. When I press upload it just buffers and never uploads. I have even broken down the csv into a single invoice rather than 150 I need to upload and still no upload.
    Im not sure if this is the date format as I'm in UK. Can you please advise date format- is it mm/dd/yyyy?
    Also Is there any way I can manually enter historic invoices into Wave without using the wave connect app. I need to input these invoices to be able to validate the historic bank statements I have uploaded which have invoice payments in them.

    edited November 22, 2020
  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Tude !

    I'm sorry to hear that you are having issues with Wave Connect. It sounds like this might be a browser issue. I suggest trying some browser troubleshooting steps. Regarding the supported date format, it is MM/DD/YYYY (Example: 07/21/2013).

    "Also Is there any way I can manually enter historic invoices into Wave without using the wave connect app?"

    I'm afraid that there are no other import options available. However, if it comes down to it, you can recreate your invoices in Wave under Sales > Invoices.

    edited November 27, 2020
  • Chris_MolnarChris_Molnar Member Posts: 1

    OK, I have run into a problem with the importing Invoices. I have 540 invoices to import from a prior accounting package. The problem is that it ignores all invoice numbers until the customer name changes. This won't work. I do work for about 4 customers. Each customer has multiple invoices in a row. I need a new invoice to be created for each new INVOICE number, regardless of the customer name. How can I make this work?

  • AnthonyMAnthonyM Member Posts: 1

    Hoping that Wave does some more R&D around the use of Wave Connect to import/export invoices. This posting lists this as "Easily import/export...". Folks, there is nothing easy about this system. Admittedly, when it works, it is quite easy. However, given that it works intermittently, it will likely cause most folks more frustration than simply entering invoices manually in the "Sales-->Invoice" in the Wave app itself. At times, whether you are trying to upload 100 invoices or just 1 (with one item on the invoice), you will definitely require some luck on your side for it to upload seamlessly. Same issue as @Tude, @Own_It , @AichataM (and countless others if you go back over time) on a regular basis. Re-initiate the spreadsheet a dozen times, completely log out another dozen times, then keep trying again and perhaps it might upload what you've entered.

    Same issue exists in 4 different browsers. Appears to be an integration issue between the two systems/platforms, not a browser issue.

    For folks contemplating moving their bookkeeping over to Wave for this particular option--especially requiring an option to import historical invoices in large numbers--you may want to do some testing beforehand to ensure it works as advertised for you. I made the switch for one of my businesses before doing so.

    Great concept for uploading invoices seamlessly, but significant failure in execution/delivery.

    Aside from this issue, I'm currently using Wave for 3 different businesses and it is a stellar choice for all other needs and its breadth of options.

    edited December 9, 2020
  • AmyDAmyD Member Posts: 1

    Attempted to upload bulk batch of invoices via the google add-on. Validated all the data - everything was green. Hit upload - 4 invoices uploaded the rest all turned pink and simply said "ERROR DID NOT UPLOAD" no explanation and again, everything was validated and the data was formatted exactly as the previous 4 had been. This is not a browser issue, it seems to definitely be an issue with the add-on.

  • RpoirierRpoirier Member Posts: 1

    I cannot get wave connect to work. Google sheets refuses to connect to my wave account for some reason. No error message, just a frowning face. I've spent over an hour trying to get it to work, uninstalled, re-installed, nothing works.

  • archivesutaharchivesutah Member Posts: 5

    I am trying to work out a process that I can do monthly to bring in data exported from another system. It appears though that using Wave Connect I can only create new customers not update existing ones. I have an export of name and emails that I copied into the Google Sheet. Upon validation, I received an error "WARNING: A Customer with this name exists in Wave. Duplicate customer name will be created." I know one of those customers has changed their email though and I'd like to make that update without manually checking and editing if possible.

  • LifeStreamLifeStream Member Posts: 1

    I just integrated my G-sheets with the Wave Connect add on...I'm not able to upload my Capital One cc transactions to my "Personal" file. The only option it's giving me is to upload to one of my business files in Wave. Is Wave Connect only able to work with business files?

  • Martin1776Martin1776 Member Posts: 2

    I cannot get wave connect add on integrated with g-sheets.

  • LJHealeyLJHealey Member Posts: 1

    Is there a way to export recurring invoices?

  • eterryeterry Member Posts: 1

    When I export my invoice data, it is not picking up the Unit Price which is a mandatory field in Zoho. Therefore I cannot migrate my invoices. Please help!

  • petefarrugiapetefarrugia Member Posts: 2

    How long should download invoices take? Nothing after more than four hours.

  • petefarrugiapetefarrugia Member Posts: 2

    Can journal entries, bills and receipts not be migrated to Zoho?

  • Robertmca123Robertmca123 Member Posts: 5
    Guys when I’m downloading my customer details it stops downloading (I have around 3000 customers) it’s freezing around 2400-2500 I have tried over 20 times to down load. Any ideas???
  • Robertmca123Robertmca123 Member Posts: 5
    > @petefarrugia said:
    > How long should download invoices take? Nothing after more than four hours.

    > @petefarrugia said:
    > How long should download invoices take? Nothing after more than four hours.

    > @petefarrugia said:
    > How long should download invoices take? Nothing after more than four hours.

    > @petefarrugia said:
    > How long should download invoices take? Nothing after more than four hours.

    I’m having the same problems !!
  • sohaibikramsohaibikram Member Posts: 1

    Im also getting the Mandatory field Unit Price is missing error when importing invoice. Whats the solution?

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @LJHealey !

    I'm afraid there is no option to export only the recurring invoices in one file. That said, you can export your whole list of transactions (including invoices) into a CSV file that you could then edit and filter to find the information you need. To export your transaction, head over to Settings > Other > Data Export. Otherwise, you can use Wave connect to export your transactions.

    Hey @eterry and @sohaibikram !

    If this is a mandatory field for ZOHO, I suggest reaching out to their Support team for further assistance with your migration. They should be able to shed some light on this.

    Hello @petefarrugia and @Robertmca123 !

    Your should be able to export all three using Wave Connect and our Date Export via settings in the left navigation menu. If you are having issues migrating your data to ZOHO, please reach out to their Customer Support team at your earliest convenience so they can assist you with the process.

    Regarding your export download, if it is endlessly "loading" I suggest trying some browser troubleshooting steps. This should do the trick.

    edited January 22, 2021
  • thanp73thanp73 Member Posts: 2

    how do i add an account from my chart of accounts to my uploads?

  • thanp73thanp73 Member Posts: 2

    I would like to add bank transaction with the transactions categorized via upload from google apps I tried using the word 'Category' as a col header, and 'Account' but neither works. Please advise

  • KunbiKunbi Member Posts: 1

    @sohaibikram said:
    Im also getting the Mandatory field Unit Price is missing error when importing invoice. Whats the solution?

    Me too! have you had any luck with finding a workaround?

  • diamondledgerdiamondledger Member Posts: 1

    I use Wave for my business but I also use the "Personal" business heavily for my own finances. Can this please be added to the integration as well?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @thanp73 , I'm afraid that Wave Connect doesn't support transaction categorizations at the moment.

    Hi @diamondledger , I'm more than happy to take this as a feature idea and pass it along to the team.

  • techsciencetechscience Member Posts: 3

    Tried to export all the invoices with line items, and it is stuck every single time, without giving me any error message. Any idea how to solve this?

  • NancyCNancyC Member Posts: 148 admin

    hey @techscience sorry to hear about this! I'm afraid without knowing the specifics, it's hard to determine the cause. Are you able to try some browser troubleshooting for me? Sometimes the data stored in your browser can interfere with a website's processes, causing issues like this. I'd like to try having you to clear your browser's cache and cookies and please ensure you're using either the latest version of Chrome or Firefox to see if this resolves the problem.

    Another option I would suggest is if there are a lot of invoices you'd like to download, try to filter them by status and try to download per status (instead of downloading all at once). For example, you can first filter our only Paid invoices to see if you can download. If that works, then work on Sent, Draft....etc.

  • AXSAXS Member Posts: 1

    No interest in using Google. How about Excel?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @AXS , the only spreadsheet uploader that we have available at the moment is through Google Sheets.

  • PaulradPaulrad Member Posts: 1

    hi I've installed the wave connect add on for google sheets but when I try to connect my wave account from the spreadsheet menu, I get a message: "drive.google.com" refused to connect" can you please help?

  • kel3lerkel3ler Member Posts: 8

    Google Sheets is a cumbersome work-around for a basic report function that Wave continues to lack, despite users asking for it for a long time. That function is to be able to display and print out a complete list of transactions sorted by category, including a category total amount. It should be a part of Wave and not require an intergation with Google Sheets. The only way to do that now within Wave is to display each category one by one, and even then, no total amount is shown. Finally, I find that when looking at a single category within Wave, some transactions show a total for that transaction even if it was entered with a split. For example, if I enter a deposit of $2,000 as a $1,500 consulting fee and $500 in expenses, when I sort by consulting fees, it shows up as $2,000, which shows too much income at tax time. Also, the "Notes" box is somewhat helpful, but there should be a separate "Notes" box for each transaction in in a split.

  • RoloDRoloD Member Posts: 1

    Exactly the same problem as Paulrad below:
    'when I try to connect my wave account from the spreadsheet menu, I get a message: "drive.google.com" refused to connect'
    Please help!

    edited March 9, 2021
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