Wave Connect's feature (Add-Ons>Wave Connect>Download>Invoices>Data to Download>Invoice data and line items>Download) used to populate everything that was marked as "paid" -- now it's only importing that data point for about 20% of the invoices marked as paid. What I'm Anyone else having this issue?
My apologies you're experiencing an issue with Wave connect. This is a particularly strange issue which I'm unsure how to diagnose. Have you selected all the appropriate fields in your Wave connect invoice download panel?
Could you also try removing the add-on and re-downloading it under Add-ons > Manage add-on?
I have been in touch previously but I just want to seek further guidance. I originally had a Wave identity under an email address with 4 businesses. I have created a new Wave identity with a different email address. Ideally I would like you to transfer 3 of the businesses to the new Wave identity. This I understand is still not a feature. My next step is to replicate the three businesses under the new Wave identity and ideally populate with data already input under the previous businesses. I have managed to move Customers and Vendors, plus matched the financial period end and chart of accounts. I have exported all transaction data (accounting.csv) and would love to upload all into the new business. Is this possible ? By having all the transactions from 2013 to date I will then have fully replicated the business.
This is possible, but there are some potential risks I wanted to share. One thing I always recommend is that you upload your transactions in batches. The issue with transactions in Wave is that if you upload them through Wave Connect, you cannot under it. They will need to be manually deleted.
You have two options when it comes to uploading your transactions:
CSV Uploader
Using our CSV uploader. With the proper formatting, you are able to download a CSV document containing all of your transactions from your online banking website, and upload them directly to Wave. Check out this article on Troubleshooting your csv upload if you run into any problems when uploading your transactions.
Wave Connect
My personal favorite method is WAVE CONNECT.
Wave Connect allows you to upload or download transactional data, invoices, customer lists, etc, into a Google spreadsheet. Your excel files can be easily transferred into a Google Spreadsheet as well. See this image below of what Wave Connect looks like: All you need to do is input the transactional information into a template that is generated through the add-on feature in Google sheets and it auto-populates right into your Wave account once you've validated the data.
Give this a try, but once again do it in batches and check in on your Wave transactions page. Also remember you cannot upload your categories via these upload methods unfortunately. So your transactions will appear uncategorized.
Hello, I'm trying to edit and reorganize the fields to match my generated exported invoice from Square. I know there are already tips on how to do this but I either don't understand or I'm doing it incorrectly. Help please
Hello @BarsinA
Thanks for your reply. I don't think it addresses my issue. From Wave I have a file called accounting.csv which contains all the accounting history held in Wave from 2013 to date, Each record has data fields populated. Your offer of either using CSV Uploader or Wave Connect is aimed at financial output from your bank. My output has been created by Wave itself so is much richer and preferably I would like to suck all of the information into my new shell replica of the business. Has no one developed a method of uploading all accounting.csv contents ? It seems simple to me but you will probably tell me it is not. If I only bring in Date, Description and Dr or Cr amount I leave huge amounts behind, The file accounting.csv has double sided entries and I imagine I could run all reports etc without any record by record manual processing.
Hi, Wave Connect seems to be a nice feature. However, I have tried many ways but still have not managed to get anything uploaded. I have now managed to validate my sample file but once I click upload it hangs there. Has anybody succeeded? Thanks.
You won't be able to manipulate or edit the fields that Wave populates. You'll need to stick within the parameters offered by Wave connect unfortunately. Hopefully I'm understanding your question.
Our CSV uploader doesn't necessarily pertain to bank output only. You should be able to do this with any CSV you download as long as it follows our proper formatting guidelines.
You can access the CSV uploader from the transactions page > 'more' at the top > Upload a statement. Wave connect is the best tool for uploading things like your invoices and products/services etc as you can see from my screenshot above.
Unfortunately at this moment it's not possible to simply transfer an account over with a button (believe me I do wish this was possible) however the coding behind this is much more complex.
Disabling your antivirus software, or adding waveapps.com to your antivirus whitelist should resolve any access issues you're having with our integrations or third party modals (such as banking login info).
Thanks. I have cleared my cache and tried tethering through my mobile. None of them works. I am using Chrome so it should be compatible. I am not using VPN or antivirus so it should be ok. I am able to validate so it seems to me the communication is fine.
Do you have any other idea?
Alternatively, are you able to add a drop-down selection box to Profit and Loss page so that we can generate Profit and Loss reports according to different Cash and Bank accounts as well as the whole company?
Wave Connect has no date column. I don't understand how I can do a bulk upload without a date column. The date field appears only in the Upload step. The way I interpret this you can only upload one date at a time. That is prohibitive if you're trying to transfer from another accounting system. I also considered the csv option but it only seems to allow you to upload a bank statement (one at a time) but what about uploading bulk journal entries that don't affect bank accounts?
Hi @DaveWave88! Sorry to hear you are still having trouble with Wave Connect. It should be working correctly. Are you able to share a screenshot example of your validated sample data here so we can look at it?
Hi @bradsmithcpa! Thanks for reaching out. If you are uploading Transactions using Wave Connect you will want to make sure you are 'enabling' the Sheet for Wave Connect. To do this in the sheet head to: Add-Ons -> Wave Connect -> enable for this sheet.
Once the sheet has been 'enabled' you will want to configure the sheet for the data you are trying to upload/download.To do this go to: Add-ons -> Wave Connect -> Upload -> Bank Transactions.
Once the sheet has been set up for Bank Transactions you should have a date column, a description column and an amount column, like so:
@DaveWave88 Thanks for the screenshot. From what I can see, this doesn't look to have the Wave Connect integrations enabled on the sheet. If you compare Emma's screenshot from above, you should see how it only defaults 3 columns (4 if the Money In, Money Out option is selected) and has a window to the left to show you the steps to a successful upload.
Are you able to navigate to any screen like this when using the integration? If not, can you provide a screenshot of the available Add-ons you have in Google Sheets?
Just jumping in to follow up on @NicoletteB's response, it looks to me like you are trying to use the Bulk Journal feature.
The Bulk Journal feature supports a multi-line Journal transaction, which is uploaded as at a single date. The steps to use it are:
Install and connect Wave Connect
Select Upload => Bulk Journal
Use Wave Connect to create your input sheet. This will populate a page with all your available Account.
Fill in the Debit/Credit for each account you are trying to adjust
Use Wave Connect to validate your input sheet
Use Wave Connect to upload; you will select the Journal Date during the Upload process.
It's important to use Wave Connect to create the input sheet for you, as this will fill all the Wave Account IDs required in Column A. It will also set up some calculations to help you see at a glance your transaction is balanced; yours currently isn't.
Thanks. Yes, I am trying to upload bulk journal entries from another account. I have tried many many different options and spent a lot of time on this. This is another screenshot:
I will put it on hold if we still cannot make it work. Thanks.
@PaulC said:
Note that for journal transactions, each upload will be a single post, even though it may add values to many Accounts (original article) and
The Bulk Journal feature supports a multi-line Journal transaction, which is uploaded as at a single date (a comment to @DaveWave88).
I am busy recording a list of personal assetS, plural, transferred to business assetS, plural. (Google Sheet>AddOns>WaveConnect>Upload>BulkJournalTransaction>Screenshot:)
@PaulC what exactly is a Bulk Journal Transaction, singular? Is it aka a "Compound Journal Entry. A compound journal entry is an accounting entry in which there is more than one debit, more than one credit, or more than one of both debits and credits. It is essentially a combination of several simple journal entries; they are combined for either of these reasons:..." continues
Perhaps that is a clearer term to use as this add-on has a single date association. Currently a tad confusing, as I was hoping to add a list of Journal Entries, in bulk. Rather than one bulky journal entry...
Nevertheless It has worked, adding each line as a separate part of the journal entry:
Is there perhaps another way to upload a list of individual Journal Entries? It would be good to be able to track each item on this list individually, rather than as part of one large transaction...
Hi @DaveWave88,
It looks like you are attempting to add entries outside the body of the table.
The Journal Upload uploads to Accounts that already exist in your Wave business. The best thing would be to go into Wave and create the additional accounts you need; then re-generate the input page in Wave Connect, which will list these newly-available accounts and link their IDs so they can be used in your Journal upload.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for your message. You are right, "Compound" would be more precise language. That's something we could correct in a next update.
This feature is mostly used when people move to Wave from another software application, and post a multi-line opening balance journal entry from the closing trial balance in their previous software. We also see it used for year-end adjustments.
Across Wave, we don't see many customers actually using journal entries on a regular basis, which is why we haven't yet built a 'true' bulk journal transactions uploader (i.e. many different journal transactions at different dates).
I'm curious, if we did develop such a feature, would you be looking to bulk upload 'simple' journal transactions with 1 Debit and 1 Credit, or would you also need 'compound' journal transactions within the bulk upload set?
As a work around, could one upload a list of assets with either the "products" or "Bank Transactions" spreadsheet uploaders, and then bulk edit the "account" to the correct credit account, and bulk categorize the transactions into the correct debit account, would this effectively create a bulk upload of journal entries?
Wave treats Journal transactions slightly differently from 'Money' transactions - i.e. the kind that ordinarily have a bank or card as 'the other side' of the categorization. You'll see this in the Transactions Page - Journal Transactions are identified within your overall list. While 'Money' transactions normally involve a bank, you'll find you can also create them with Owners Equity or a variety of Asset or Liability accounts taking the place of bank/card.
Thus, while it is not possible to replicate all Journal transactions with a 'Money' type transaction (and, therefore, use bank transaction upload), it looks like in your case it would be because you are relating Members' Loan Account - which can stand in the place of 'bank' for this type of transaction - with Fixtures and Fittings, which is a valid 'categorization' type account.
If you decide you do want to try this approach, the steps would be as follows:
Using Wave Connect, create the input sheet. For convenience, I'd suggest using the 2-column variant.
Fill the dates, descriptions, and 'purchase' amounts in the 'Money out from Account' column.
Validate, and upload to some temporary account - e.g. Cash on Hand (the uploader only offers bank/card/LoC type accounts). It's easiest if you pick an account that has little or no activity in it.
Switch to Wave and select the uploaded transactions. You can filter to just the relevant account, which will save you time if you have picked a low-activity account.
Having selected all the transactions, click the 'Edit' button that sits above the column of descriptions.
Change the Category to Fixtures and Fittings, and the Account to Members' Loan Account, and hit 'Apply'.
To repeat, the above will not create transactions that Wave will consider to be Journal Transactions, but it will give you individual transaction for each asset, with the correct accounts Debited and Credited.
I actually went ahead and tried something similar, only thing different was that I first
1. created a new bank account called "Journal Entries Uploaded". Then the rest were the same steps as you:
2. Ran the spreadsheet add on to upload a bank account, populated the list with my personal assets, and made the totals in the negative, then uploaded to the account I had just created.
3. Bulk edit the credit account to the relevant Equity or Liability Account (Due to You and other Business Owners) and categorize to the correct Debit Account, in my case: "Fixtures & Fittings".
That worked pretty simply, and as you say, I'll note it won't work for All bulk Journal Entry uploads.
By the way, to answer your other question, about a feature upgrade, I personally prefer more flexibility than restriction. Warnings I do find useful, such as "Optional".
Thanks, @PaulC . I see what you have done. However, in that way, it will be difficult for me to prepare the entries. I did generate the accounts in the first step but did not know that I need to put the transactions inside the table. Thanks again.
When you download Products & Services, you'll get both products that are bought and products that are sold.
When you upload Products & Services, any Product where you select an Expense Account will be available for Purchases.
Please note we are currently unable to provide an uploader for Bills.
Hope that helps.
Thank you. I found out what happened. Anything from Products & Services (purchases) shows up as "Purchases - Resale Items" in the Expense Accounts field.
Hi, This looked just the solution I needed to be able to edit all my products in one easy to manage setup (like add the same tax, or change the price for every item in bulk) - but I soon discovered that having downloaded the products there are two problems with uploading the amended versions -
1) You cannot upload an appended product (you can only write new ones)
2) When you prepare the sheet for upload, it overwrites all the previously downloaded products - (this is linked with problem 1)
Is there any way you could allow the addon to amend existing products or estimates etc ? This seems like a very helpful tool to have to edit items in bulk quickly and easily.
Hey @solosails , you're correct that this isn't currently available functionality in Wave Connect. I don't think that this is something that is coming anytime soon, although I'd be more than happy to pass along your feedback to our Product team so that they're aware we have a user reaching out about this.
Hello All,
How can I download my transactions as a basic table in which each transaction is listed only once, along with basic attributes:
date, account, category, description, net amount, sales tax, total amount
(BTW, the data export function does not help because each transaction is listed multiple times, each time under a different account, which makes it very difficult to work with)
Hi! May I ask if I have the waveconnect set-up already and uploaded my transactions yesterday.. and i am to add transactions for today, if i click upload, will wave only get the transactions for today?
Wave Connect's feature (Add-Ons>Wave Connect>Download>Invoices>Data to Download>Invoice data and line items>Download) used to populate everything that was marked as "paid" -- now it's only importing that data point for about 20% of the invoices marked as paid. What I'm Anyone else having this issue?
Hey there @DJC
My apologies you're experiencing an issue with Wave connect. This is a particularly strange issue which I'm unsure how to diagnose. Have you selected all the appropriate fields in your Wave connect invoice download panel?
Could you also try removing the add-on and re-downloading it under Add-ons > Manage add-on?
Let us know if you have any success!
I have been in touch previously but I just want to seek further guidance. I originally had a Wave identity under an email address with 4 businesses. I have created a new Wave identity with a different email address. Ideally I would like you to transfer 3 of the businesses to the new Wave identity. This I understand is still not a feature. My next step is to replicate the three businesses under the new Wave identity and ideally populate with data already input under the previous businesses. I have managed to move Customers and Vendors, plus matched the financial period end and chart of accounts. I have exported all transaction data (accounting.csv) and would love to upload all into the new business. Is this possible ? By having all the transactions from 2013 to date I will then have fully replicated the business.
Hey there @ShaunJ
This is possible, but there are some potential risks I wanted to share. One thing I always recommend is that you upload your transactions in batches. The issue with transactions in Wave is that if you upload them through Wave Connect, you cannot under it. They will need to be manually deleted.
You have two options when it comes to uploading your transactions:
CSV Uploader
Using our CSV uploader. With the proper formatting, you are able to download a CSV document containing all of your transactions from your online banking website, and upload them directly to Wave. Check out this article on Troubleshooting your csv upload if you run into any problems when uploading your transactions.
Wave Connect
My personal favorite method is WAVE CONNECT.
All you need to do is input the transactional information into a template that is generated through the add-on feature in Google sheets and it auto-populates right into your Wave account once you've validated the data.
Wave Connect allows you to upload or download transactional data, invoices, customer lists, etc, into a Google spreadsheet. Your excel files can be easily transferred into a Google Spreadsheet as well. See this image below of what Wave Connect looks like:
Give this a try, but once again do it in batches and check in on your Wave transactions page. Also remember you cannot upload your categories via these upload methods unfortunately. So your transactions will appear uncategorized.
Hello, I'm trying to edit and reorganize the fields to match my generated exported invoice from Square. I know there are already tips on how to do this but I either don't understand or I'm doing it incorrectly. Help please![:) :)](https://waveapps.vanillacommunities.com/resources/emoji/smile.png)
Hello @BarsinA
Thanks for your reply. I don't think it addresses my issue. From Wave I have a file called accounting.csv which contains all the accounting history held in Wave from 2013 to date, Each record has data fields populated. Your offer of either using CSV Uploader or Wave Connect is aimed at financial output from your bank. My output has been created by Wave itself so is much richer and preferably I would like to suck all of the information into my new shell replica of the business. Has no one developed a method of uploading all accounting.csv contents ? It seems simple to me but you will probably tell me it is not. If I only bring in Date, Description and Dr or Cr amount I leave huge amounts behind, The file accounting.csv has double sided entries and I imagine I could run all reports etc without any record by record manual processing.
Hi, Wave Connect seems to be a nice feature. However, I have tried many ways but still have not managed to get anything uploaded. I have now managed to validate my sample file but once I click upload it hangs there. Has anybody succeeded? Thanks.
Hey there @DocKelly
You won't be able to manipulate or edit the fields that Wave populates. You'll need to stick within the parameters offered by Wave connect unfortunately. Hopefully I'm understanding your question.
Hey again @ShaunJ
Our CSV uploader doesn't necessarily pertain to bank output only. You should be able to do this with any CSV you download as long as it follows our proper formatting guidelines.
You can access the CSV uploader from the transactions page > 'more' at the top > Upload a statement. Wave connect is the best tool for uploading things like your invoices and products/services etc as you can see from my screenshot above.
Unfortunately at this moment it's not possible to simply transfer an account over with a button (believe me I do wish this was possible) however the coding behind this is much more complex.
Hey @DaveWave88
Would you mind trying to clear your browsers cache and cookies or trying a different browser entirely?
If you're using a VPN, please disable it.
Please power-cycle your modem and/or router. A great article that walks you through how to do this, and why it helps is available here: https://www.lifewire.com/how-to-properly-restart-a-router-modem-2624570.
Try connecting to a different network. The fastest way to do this is usually to tether to your mobile device.
If you're still having trouble, please make sure that your browser is compatible with Wave.
Disabling your antivirus software, or adding waveapps.com to your antivirus whitelist should resolve any access issues you're having with our integrations or third party modals (such as banking login info).
Hi @BarsinA ,
Thanks. I have cleared my cache and tried tethering through my mobile. None of them works. I am using Chrome so it should be compatible. I am not using VPN or antivirus so it should be ok. I am able to validate so it seems to me the communication is fine.
Do you have any other idea?
Alternatively, are you able to add a drop-down selection box to Profit and Loss page so that we can generate Profit and Loss reports according to different Cash and Bank accounts as well as the whole company?
Hi @BarsinA, Is Wave Connect the same as this one?
If not, is it worthy trying? Thanks.
Wave Connect has no date column. I don't understand how I can do a bulk upload without a date column. The date field appears only in the Upload step. The way I interpret this you can only upload one date at a time. That is prohibitive if you're trying to transfer from another accounting system. I also considered the csv option but it only seems to allow you to upload a bank statement (one at a time) but what about uploading bulk journal entries that don't affect bank accounts?
Hi @DaveWave88! Sorry to hear you are still having trouble with Wave Connect. It should be working correctly. Are you able to share a screenshot example of your validated sample data here so we can look at it?
Hi @bradsmithcpa! Thanks for reaching out. If you are uploading Transactions using Wave Connect you will want to make sure you are 'enabling' the Sheet for Wave Connect. To do this in the sheet head to: Add-Ons -> Wave Connect -> enable for this sheet.
Once the sheet has been 'enabled' you will want to configure the sheet for the data you are trying to upload/download.To do this go to: Add-ons -> Wave Connect -> Upload -> Bank Transactions.
Once the sheet has been set up for Bank Transactions you should have a date column, a description column and an amount column, like so:![](https://us.v-cdn.net/6030557/uploads/editor/tj/dm3fygcruc5q.png)
Hi @EmmaP , thanks. I have tried it again but it is the same. Here is a screenshot. I tried with and without a date column:
Thanks, Dave
@DaveWave88 Thanks for the screenshot. From what I can see, this doesn't look to have the Wave Connect integrations enabled on the sheet. If you compare Emma's screenshot from above, you should see how it only defaults 3 columns (4 if the Money In, Money Out option is selected) and has a window to the left to show you the steps to a successful upload.
Are you able to navigate to any screen like this when using the integration? If not, can you provide a screenshot of the available Add-ons you have in Google Sheets?
Hi @DaveWave88,
Just jumping in to follow up on @NicoletteB's response, it looks to me like you are trying to use the Bulk Journal feature.
The Bulk Journal feature supports a multi-line Journal transaction, which is uploaded as at a single date. The steps to use it are:
It's important to use Wave Connect to create the input sheet for you, as this will fill all the Wave Account IDs required in Column A. It will also set up some calculations to help you see at a glance your transaction is balanced; yours currently isn't.
Hope that helps!
Hi @PaulC ,
Thanks. Yes, I am trying to upload bulk journal entries from another account. I have tried many many different options and spent a lot of time on this. This is another screenshot:
I will put it on hold if we still cannot make it work. Thanks.
Bulk Journal Transactions (with an S) please!
I am busy recording a list of personal assetS, plural, transferred to business assetS, plural. (Google Sheet>AddOns>WaveConnect>Upload>BulkJournalTransaction>Screenshot:)
@PaulC what exactly is a Bulk Journal Transaction, singular? Is it aka a "Compound Journal Entry. A compound journal entry is an accounting entry in which there is more than one debit, more than one credit, or more than one of both debits and credits. It is essentially a combination of several simple journal entries; they are combined for either of these reasons:..." continues
Perhaps that is a clearer term to use as this add-on has a single date association. Currently a tad confusing, as I was hoping to add a list of Journal Entries, in bulk. Rather than one bulky journal entry...
Nevertheless It has worked, adding each line as a separate part of the journal entry:
Is there perhaps another way to upload a list of individual Journal Entries? It would be good to be able to track each item on this list individually, rather than as part of one large transaction...
Hi @DaveWave88,
It looks like you are attempting to add entries outside the body of the table.
The Journal Upload uploads to Accounts that already exist in your Wave business. The best thing would be to go into Wave and create the additional accounts you need; then re-generate the input page in Wave Connect, which will list these newly-available accounts and link their IDs so they can be used in your Journal upload.
Hope that helps.
Hi @JamesNilsenMisra,
Thanks for your message. You are right, "Compound" would be more precise language. That's something we could correct in a next update.
This feature is mostly used when people move to Wave from another software application, and post a multi-line opening balance journal entry from the closing trial balance in their previous software. We also see it used for year-end adjustments.
Across Wave, we don't see many customers actually using journal entries on a regular basis, which is why we haven't yet built a 'true' bulk journal transactions uploader (i.e. many different journal transactions at different dates).
I'm curious, if we did develop such a feature, would you be looking to bulk upload 'simple' journal transactions with 1 Debit and 1 Credit, or would you also need 'compound' journal transactions within the bulk upload set?
thanks for clearing that up @PaulC ,
As a work around, could one upload a list of assets with either the "products" or "Bank Transactions" spreadsheet uploaders, and then bulk edit the "account" to the correct credit account, and bulk categorize the transactions into the correct debit account, would this effectively create a bulk upload of journal entries?
Hi @JamesNilsenMisra ,
Wave treats Journal transactions slightly differently from 'Money' transactions - i.e. the kind that ordinarily have a bank or card as 'the other side' of the categorization. You'll see this in the Transactions Page - Journal Transactions are identified within your overall list. While 'Money' transactions normally involve a bank, you'll find you can also create them with Owners Equity or a variety of Asset or Liability accounts taking the place of bank/card.
Thus, while it is not possible to replicate all Journal transactions with a 'Money' type transaction (and, therefore, use bank transaction upload), it looks like in your case it would be because you are relating Members' Loan Account - which can stand in the place of 'bank' for this type of transaction - with Fixtures and Fittings, which is a valid 'categorization' type account.
If you decide you do want to try this approach, the steps would be as follows:
To repeat, the above will not create transactions that Wave will consider to be Journal Transactions, but it will give you individual transaction for each asset, with the correct accounts Debited and Credited.
Hope that helps!
Thanks again @PaulC !
I actually went ahead and tried something similar, only thing different was that I first
1. created a new bank account called "Journal Entries Uploaded". Then the rest were the same steps as you:
2. Ran the spreadsheet add on to upload a bank account, populated the list with my personal assets, and made the totals in the negative, then uploaded to the account I had just created.
3. Bulk edit the credit account to the relevant Equity or Liability Account (Due to You and other Business Owners) and categorize to the correct Debit Account, in my case: "Fixtures & Fittings".
That worked pretty simply, and as you say, I'll note it won't work for All bulk Journal Entry uploads.
By the way, to answer your other question, about a feature upgrade, I personally prefer more flexibility than restriction. Warnings I do find useful, such as "Optional".
Thanks, @PaulC . I see what you have done. However, in that way, it will be difficult for me to prepare the entries. I did generate the accounts in the first step but did not know that I need to put the transactions inside the table. Thanks again.
Hello. How do I download from and upload to Products & Services (Purchases)? I am able to do this only for Products & Services (Sales).
Hi @MariLor,
When you download Products & Services, you'll get both products that are bought and products that are sold.
When you upload Products & Services, any Product where you select an Expense Account will be available for Purchases.
Please note we are currently unable to provide an uploader for Bills.
Hope that helps.
Thank you. I found out what happened. Anything from Products & Services (purchases) shows up as "Purchases - Resale Items" in the Expense Accounts field.
Hi, This looked just the solution I needed to be able to edit all my products in one easy to manage setup (like add the same tax, or change the price for every item in bulk) - but I soon discovered that having downloaded the products there are two problems with uploading the amended versions -
1) You cannot upload an appended product (you can only write new ones)
2) When you prepare the sheet for upload, it overwrites all the previously downloaded products - (this is linked with problem 1)
Is there any way you could allow the addon to amend existing products or estimates etc ? This seems like a very helpful tool to have to edit items in bulk quickly and easily.
Hey @solosails , you're correct that this isn't currently available functionality in Wave Connect. I don't think that this is something that is coming anytime soon, although I'd be more than happy to pass along your feedback to our Product team so that they're aware we have a user reaching out about this.
Hello All,
How can I download my transactions as a basic table in which each transaction is listed only once, along with basic attributes:
date, account, category, description, net amount, sales tax, total amount
(BTW, the data export function does not help because each transaction is listed multiple times, each time under a different account, which makes it very difficult to work with)
Hi! May I ask if I have the waveconnect set-up already and uploaded my transactions yesterday.. and i am to add transactions for today, if i click upload, will wave only get the transactions for today?