How to set up an invoice reminder

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin

imageHow to set up an invoice reminder

An invoice reminder is an automatic email message to remind your customer that an invoice is coming due or that it is overdue. This is a great way to stay on top of reminding your customers that yo...

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edited January 25, 2019 in Help Center Discussion


  • EddieJenningsEddieJennings Member Posts: 7

    Is there a way to see a timestamp of when a reminder was sent?

  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @EddieJennings, not at present. Right now it will only show you if an invoice has been opened/viewed. I can submit a feature request for this now however - we're looking at expanding our invoice functionality, so any feedback in this regard is much appreciated. To clarify a little more, how would you like to see timestamps displayed (i.e. a history of invoice timestamps from generation to payment, or the most recent action with timestamp, etc)?

  • Laurie_6425Laurie_6425 Member Posts: 0

    Is there a way to get an email when final payment is due?

  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @Laurie_6425! If you mean is there a way for your customers to receive an email reminding them to pay their invoice, then yes. There is no way to automatically send one out, but you can trigger reminders to your customers on your invoices page by selecting Send Reminder on the invoice itself. I hope this helps! :smile:

  • EssieEssie Member Posts: 2

    Yes please request this as a feature. It would be great to have timestamps next to when the reminder has been sent out!

    History of invoice timestamps
    Most recent action with timestamps



  • KevanKevan Member Posts: 1

    With Nutcache I could click "Activity" and see everything that had been done to that invoice: created, edited, viewed (and viewed and viewed . . .), reminder sent (and sent and sent . . .), and, finally, paid! It was an important feature, which I used several times a week without fail.

  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Kevan and @Essie, thank you for the feedback! I can confirm this sort of timestamping for invoices is on our roadmap so that users would have better insight. I know we're also working towards edit or state histories for as much of Wave as possible, because even just as a paper-trail it definitely gives user's greater control over their data.

  • frodojrrfrodojrr Member Posts: 4

    I have a couple of recurring annual invoices. Can I edit them now to send a reminder 7 months out or so, after the due date?

  • seanvoseanvo Member Posts: 6

    It would be helpful to have the option to send invoice reminders to clients inside the recurring invoice setup so that I don't have to turn it on for each invoice sent each month.

    Also helpful to have another option beyond 14 days. Perhaps 30 days and 60 days after the due date so they get a couple reminders.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @frodojrr @seanvo A more customization invoicing section is something that we are exploring in the future, and perhaps a feature that would allow for creating custom reminder times is something that we would find value in. While we don't have any immediate plans right now, I'm happy to let you know that your voice is being heard and this is something we will keep in mind for any future release.

  • dan777dan777 Member Posts: 10

    Please, please, please support recurring invoices on checkouts. I would like to be able to configure the checkout so that the client is automatically setup to receive an invoice reminder X days before the recurring schedule (in my case, annually, so that I can then automatically setup reminders to be sent let's say 14 days, 7 days, and 3 days in advance). Anyway, maybe this is asking too much, but this would really help. Thanks!!!!

  • okanokan Member Posts: 1

    Is it possible to set auto-reminders for all unpaid invoices instead of creating manually for each one?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @okan

    This action needs to be made at the beginning of an invoice creation before it gets sent.

    We appreciate you reaching out inquiring about this, as it lets our team understand how our users operate their business when using invoices.

  • DanielFriesDanielFries Member Posts: 2

    I have an invoice overdue for 2 months now. I would like to send the reminder with increasing frequency so that the customer gets annoyed enough to pay it. As it stands I have to think of it, sign on, manually remind. Please allow me to program reminders to go every week or more frequently until I mark the invoice as paid. Thanks!

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @DanielFries Thanks for your feedback. I can definitely see the value in automatic reminders. I'd love to hear from any others in the Community who have a similar request. Simply upvote Daniel's message and with some traction, I'd be happy to pass the feature request on to our Product Team. :)

  • DCSBOSSDCSBOSS Member Posts: 1
    How do I add late fee to invoice when customers don’t pay on time despite being reminded?
  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @DCSBOSS! While this isn't a feature that Wave currently has, we do have another community thread here that has a lot of discussion around this, which you might find helpful, including potential workaround suggestions from my team.

  • cbruynscbruyns Member Posts: 1

    I see that we can send reminders, but I don't see how to set up the reminder with the logo and company information. Can you point me in the right direction? My invoices are setup with all the right information.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @cbruyns

    Your invoices, invoice reminders, and receipts should all have your logo at the top of the invoice as long as you've set it up in Settings > Invoice customization. The email isn't as detailed regarding all of your company's info, however the logo should be there and you can customize the language in the reminder before you send it out.

    Let us know if you have any further issues and we'd be happy to help!

  • mgbDESIGNandPHOTOmgbDESIGNandPHOTO Member Posts: 1

    I am trying to find out how to look up paid invoiced...with all of the details.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @mgbDESIGNandPHOTO

    I think what you might be looking for is under Sales > Invoices > All invoices > Then you can select the status as paid:

    Otherwise you might be able to filter your sales income account which your invoice payments land in on your reports > account transaction (GL) report.

  • AZbusinessAZbusiness Member Posts: 4

    I have auto reminder set for the for the due date which is the 15th. Looking at each due invoice they all say last sent on original send date, but looking at the detail it does say sent for the auto reminder. This is confusing, shouldn't the last sent show the date of the auto reminder?

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @AZbusiness! Just from that screenshot you've sent, I can see where it says the last sent date of the invoice itself, and then it has the '1 reminder was sent for this invoice. It was sent yesterday.' line underneath the checkboxes. I'm not quite sure I understand your question, can you help me to clarify how I can help?

  • CavCav Member Posts: 5

    Is this only a feature for paid accounts?
    I can not see "reminder settings" in my Settings -> invoice customisation

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Cav! For full clarity here, this is a feature we're currently testing as far as client needs go. We can expect a full rollout soon, once we've collected the necessary data. Thanks for your understanding here.

  • CavCav Member Posts: 5

    Thanks @ConnorM for the update. Does that mean that at this stage, I have to set the reminders inside of each invoice (just to make sure, as I'm about to send 100 out for our club and want to do it only once :D ).

  • FiwaveuserFiwaveuser Member Posts: 2

    Reminders were never sent unless I selected that I wanted to send one- when did this change happen? I have just had a great client upset because invoice reminders were sent to her without my knowledge after she had already paid the invoice. I only use Wave to create the invoice, not for accounting and I really wish this was communicated rather than just changed without consultation. It caused a big headache this morning.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Cav . To confirm, if your reminders are defaulted to on, you should have an option under Invoice Customization to turn them off. It should be the second last header under that page. Would you be able to check again for me?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Fiwaveuser . I apologize if this has had a negative effect on the relationship with your customer as this definitely wasn't the intention. For the future, you can turn off all reminders under Settings > Invoice Customization.


    Can someone please make sure that my "reminder section " is TURNED OFF. My customers are all calling me telling me they are receiving these reminder to pay and it is very bothersome to them! i went under settings and turned it off i just want to make certain my customers WILL NOT be receiving these from now on !!


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