How to set up an invoice reminder



  • WPMuseWPMuse Member Posts: 1

    As others have mentioned, it would be great to be able to globally customize the reminders as far as number of days, frequency and text. For example, we may only want to send a reminder after 30 and 45 days. Currently, for me, they are too soon and too frequent to the point of annoying.

    Also having the ability to create reminder templates that have different verbiage based on the past due time elapsed would help to personalize what for most can be a delicate situation.

    As it is now, if we don't send as the system is setup (3, 7, and 14 days) and want to customize the text it all has to be done manually and makes us less efficient. Thank you for your consideration!

  • MartinCMartinC Member Posts: 3

    As a contractor my invoices are collected at the end of each job. The finish date is rarely predictable and so I don't set due dates. My customers are calling and asking why I am sending a bill when I haven't completed what I have said I would do. Or sometimes my customers have paid but I haven't applied the payment to their invoice and they get another one emailed to them, then they call and ask why they are getting a bill. This reminder system while thoughtful isn't good for my business.

  • pnaw10pnaw10 Member Posts: 3

    I see that individual invoices now have settings to send reminders at 3, 7 and 14 days BEFORE they are due. This is excellent! Just two things would make it perfect: (1) Currently, "before" reminders must be set manually per invoice. Would be great to add these to the overall reminder settings so they can be applied to all invoices by default. (2) Allow us to pick the intervals ourselves. I'm OK with reminders at 14 days, 7 days and 3 days before the due date, but I think it would be better to have them start earlier and have more space between.. like 30, 14 and 5.

    As a wedding DJ, my invoices are created when couples initially book me, which can be several months to more than a year before the payment is due, 15 days before their wedding. If a client misses their final balance deadline, it's technically a breach of contract. While I've never "fired" a client for missing their deadline, in my case, automated reminders BEFORE the date are much more useful than "past due" notices. If someone's past due, I'm already in touch with them directly myself.

  • dgoepfrichdgoepfrich Member Posts: 1

    I would love to automatically send reminders that a recurring invoice is coming up. Some of my customers are on annual billing, so sending a reminder a couple of weeks or a month ahead of time that their annual bill is coming would be great.

  • KVeeeKVeee Member Posts: 1

    PLEASE let me decide whether to send this first --even if I want the reminders. I always make my invoices due on receipt. It ends up being down right embarrassing when the next day, they get an ugly OVERDUE notice. At the VERY least, please default to THREE days for the FIRST overdue notice. It SO angers customers, I might loose one over this... Thank you.

  • AttolloAttollo Member Posts: 2

    Can reminder emails be edited?
    What is the default subject line and body text in the past due reminder emails?


    edited August 5, 2021
  • NS_TNS_T Member Posts: 3

    The article says you can configure reminders globally in the Invoice Customization options in settings. I do not have a Reminder Settings section in those options at all. Has this been removed?

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