
Discussion List

  • The transaction are appearing after the invoices are paid. However for the past 5 days they are still in transit and are not being sent into my bank account. The bank connection has no errors and I have updated it multiple times over the past few days. Could you help in resolving this issue. Thank you.
    Nathan101 21 views 1 comment Most recent by ZoeC May 13, 2019 6:38PMBank Connections
  • so I don't normally use account reconciliation, should I? I run a small self employed business with somewhere between 50 and 100 transactions occur in wave. I have looked back through reconciliation and first month that doesn't match is November 2017 Difference is £52.85 Looks like an invoice was recorded as paid in Wave transactions 25/11/2017…
    snappyfish 21 views 4 comments Most recent by Samd May 3, 2019 8:18PMAccounting Technical Support
  • Hola si ocupas ayuda con tu contabilidad y a revisar tu empresa estoy para ayudarte. Vivo en Honduras y he trabajado con contabilidades de Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Colombia, El Salvador y Mexico. escribeme a :) Saludos
    Jacinto_Cho 91 views 0 comments Most recent by Jacinto_Cho April 21, 2019 10:15AMPro Network Listings
  • Jacinto Cho Honduras, Centro America Hola, trabaje en auditoria en Deloitte una de las 4 grandes firmas del mundo. Luego trabaje en Tesoreria en Louis Dreyfus Company, unas de las 4 grandes empresas de Commodities del Mundo. Ahora trabajo en Grupo Cadelga como analista financiero. Tambien tengo mi propia empresa que se llama Desarrollo Emprendedor…
    Jacinto_Cho 71 views 0 comments Most recent by Jacinto_Cho April 21, 2019 10:02AMPro Network Listings
  • Need help on creating Share Capital Account , common shares and class preferred shared account
    MMaynard 973 views 1 comment Most recent by Samd April 12, 2019 5:43PMAccounting Technical Support
  • Hi, How should the following two transactions in an S Corp's Wave account be categorized and/or handled? Transaction #1: A $50 personal expense is mistakingly made with the business debit card Transaction #2: In an effort to correct transaction #1, a $50 deposit is made to the business checking account from the owner's personal bank account
    HOSPM 21 views 5 comments Most recent by Mikeg April 10, 2019 12:58AMAccounting Technical Support
  • I'm an international user (there's no option to link my bank account to Wave), with not much accounting experience. I'm trying to find out how to enter my credit card information in Wave Accounting. I created an account for my Cash Back Credit Card under "Liabilities and Credit Cards". What I'd like to know is what is the best approac…
    Acumen3 692 views 5 comments Most recent by Mikeg April 8, 2019 5:56PMAccounting Technical Support
  • New tax year has started so we're now open for new client's, and where better to start than by inviting our UK Wave user community to get in touch. We're experienced not only with Wave but with several other accounting solutions, not to mention 3 decades of practical experience in the accounting world. . Size doesn't matter - its true! We are hap…
    MerlinAccounts_UK 81 views 0 comments Most recent by MerlinAccounts_UK April 8, 2019 11:36AMPro Network Listings
  • Good day Wave community, probably an entry level question, here is the scenario: My business model currently includes an Online Event Registration provider that captures attendee information, availability etc, and which uses Stripe as a payment gateway My Event Registration provider currently allows me to capture each Client registration in Wave…
    Fpal 11 views 1 comment Most recent by Samd April 4, 2019 5:35PMAccounting Technical Support
  • Hi am a new wave user looking to file my business taxes for the year and I looking for an accountant or booker keeper who is using wave. You can reach me on
    JustinIyizoba 81 views 0 comments Most recent by JustinIyizoba March 29, 2019 4:21PMPro Network
    Hi! We are hoping to receive some much-needed assistance from a Wave Pro/Wave Experienced Accountant in Australia. We are a small Not-For-Profit animal rescue and education organisation and have recently been victims of an accountancy scam. We are hoping for a Wave Pro accountant to perhaps donate a little bit of time helping us fix our system up…
    ATS 51 views 1 comment Most recent by ClaireWryghtAccounts March 26, 2019 7:34AMFind a Wave Pro
  • I was just wondering where I would put a bank loan in the accounts? And for the monthly repayments too, where should I put that? The same thing for a grant given by the government. Thanks in advance!
    Kadthulas2004 143 views 5 comments Most recent by MerlinAccounts_UK March 25, 2019 1:04PMAccounting Technical Support
  • Hi Guys, Wondering how we can integrate or merge invoice payments which we submitted as Cash on Hand to reflect E-Transfer payments which we received directly to our bank. The payments are showing as duplicates for our Sales and causing a conflict with our imported bank data. We don't want to delete the invoice or e-transfer payment and not sure…
    sixlabel 161 views 1 comment Most recent by Samd March 18, 2019 3:01PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
  • Hi, I have a LLC that i use to manages rental properties and some other investments like Peer loans, etc. They all happen via the same LLC. This LLC is now on Wave. I am newbie (I did try to read the posts already here but still struggling with various concepts). I have a few questions I'd really appreciate help with. For a rental property * S…
    vishalsood 3.2K views 1 comment Most recent by JamieD March 13, 2019 5:16PMAccounting Technical Support
  • I wondered if you could help me find a way to mark invoices as paid without there being an actual income written on the account? The nature of our business means that we invoice our tutors for a commission for their private tuition work. These same tutors also get paid for other assignments direct through us. We tend to then deduct the payment d…
    RachelAtkins50 151 views 0 comments Most recent by RachelAtkins50 March 13, 2019 1:50PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
  • Wave is still a great product even though it isn't going to be MTD for VAT compliant - this doesn't impact on you if you aren't VAT registered, nor if you are VAT registered BUT have turnover below the VAT threshold. With developments in the pipeline for downloadable reports that will work with MTDVAT bridging software (VitalTax is a free product…
    MerlinAccounts_UK 121 views 1 comment Most recent by PaulC March 8, 2019 3:09PMPro Network Listings
  • Hi guys, I upload my bank statements monthly and O was just wondering if there is anyway that I can change the category of everything at the same time? I am upload over 200 separate transactions however they are all for the same category. I am currently having to go into each one and change the category - which is making it more laborious than it…
    MayaMercer 141 views 1 comment Most recent by AlexL March 7, 2019 5:15PMAccounting Technical Support
  • It's not too late to get your accounts in order for your 2018 (or older!) tax returns. I have extensive experience setting up new accounts and cleaning up existing ones. Visit my site or message me for more details. Boston based, willing to work outside local area.
    StaceySimon 111 views 0 comments Most recent by StaceySimon March 5, 2019 7:15PMPro Network Listings
  • So I run a small business. I have one business account, one business savings account and my personal account. My startup costs came from my personal account and some of my ongoing expenses. Sometimes I move money from my business account to my personal account to cover those expenses. I also move money that I consider profit to my personal accoun…
    Sungover 11 views 1 comment Most recent by Mikeg March 2, 2019 12:50PMAccounting Technical Support
  • Hi started using Wave for my new office. I make a record of purchases by creating bills from a vendor, the payments for these multiple bills are made only at the end of the month through a single bank transaction. Could you assist to record payment of multiple bills using single transaction in Wave? In short - how to record Multiple bills paid i…
    Vineeth 703 views 1 comment Most recent by Samd March 1, 2019 7:13PMAccounting Technical Support
  • I have tried uploading my csv multiple times. Everything goes smoothly and i get this message "Your transactions are being imported from your bank statement. Please check back in a few minutes." i have uploaded a few times and in the past hour i still have no seen the transcations updated. I also tried clearing the cache like it was me…
    bhimabi 22 views 1 comment Most recent by bhimabi February 28, 2019 7:43AMBank Connections
  • We are as near to you now as you are to your computer or favourite mobile device, so whether you're based in John O'Groats or Lands End, Anglesey or Dover or anywhere in between we can provide you with all your accounting needs. . . Need a face to face chat? We're on Skype! (and Skype to Skype calls are FREE! we love FREE stuff). . . Want to be s…
    MerlinAccounts_UK 122 views 2 comments Most recent by MerlinAccounts_UK February 26, 2019 11:33PMPro Network Listings
  • Hi there, This is my first year with wave and I am just finalising my accounts, I am just checking I have created entries for my starting balances, however when I pull off the account balances report it says all my balances are zero, they should show my entry as the starting balance, not zero, is this correct? Thanks
    Jusmih 42 views 1 comment Most recent by Mikeg February 19, 2019 3:04AMAccounting Technical Support
  • Hi, On dashboard in the box below "Bank Accounts & Credit Cards" it shows £2,266.59 Under Accounts > Transaction in the drop down box it shows £1,973.46 Why are they different?
    snappyfish 841 views 5 comments Most recent by JamieD February 14, 2019 6:13PMAccounting Technical Support
  • My fiscal year end is june 30. This makes using reporting in wave a real pita as far as I can see so far. I have told wave my year end, but there are only calendar year pre-sets for date ranges in the reports. There should be fiscal year date ranges as those are more important.
    GregVeres 221 views 12 comments Most recent by JamesW February 14, 2019 4:02PMAccounting Feature Ideas
  • Hello All, I'm running a web Design business out of my house and I'm wondering how much I should be reimbursing myself for internet and cell phone expenses as they're both critical for the business. -Thanks in advance! Curtis
    embersmithllc 11 views 2 comments Most recent by Mikeg February 13, 2019 3:33AMAccounting Technical Support
  • Hi, I'm a childminder and need to record meals taken by children as an expense (not charged for separately to care). Is there a way to do this easily as a reoccurring expense as I need to add different numbers of meals on different days.
    NatalieM 41 views 3 comments Most recent by Charlotte February 12, 2019 9:23PMAccounting Feature Ideas
  • I'm completely new to book-keeping so thank you in advance and sorry if these are stupid questions- 1) If I paid for advertising for my company, and someone paid me for their portion, which I had already paid for, how would you show that? 2) If I receive payment for a project, that's split 50/50 how would I show that in accounting? I've already …
    ReBroker88 11 views 1 comment Most recent by Mikeg February 6, 2019 4:08AMAccounting Technical Support
  • I have my biz CC and my biz bank account connected to Wave. When I make a purchase using the CC the individual purchases are automatically imported where I can adjust and verify them. Then I pay the CC from my bank account. This is automatically imported as an expense. It's not really an expense, though, as the expense was recorded when I import…
    PDA1964 31 views 4 comments Most recent by jwalter007 February 4, 2019 1:55PMAccounting Technical Support
  • Folks: I have an asset-based business where I own an asset that is rented out and I receive a settlement statement each month from the management company. I record this through a journal entry to record each month's performance. I've connected my bank accounts, and I end up with all these duplicate entries. As an example, I record an entry on the…
    captbrando 91 views 2 comments Most recent by captbrando January 31, 2019 8:23PMAccounting Technical Support