Payroll & Employees Technical Support


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  • Hello, We had a computer freeze while reviewing payroll and accidentally submitted an incomplete payroll report. Is there any way to edit it? I see a delete button in "Approved Payrolls" but am not sure if that's what I need. Any help would be much appreciate. Thanks.
    Easton 31 views 1 comment Most recent by Christopher January 25, 2018 9:03PM
  • DocDoc
    Direct deposit says "3 days" - do weekends count? I pay on Monday - so payroll deadline would be Friday at 1:30 or Wednesday at 1:30?
    Doc 51 views 1 comment Most recent by Michele January 24, 2018 6:40PM
  • Hi, I am really confused with the tax services Wave provides. So I'm paying for tax services, and received an email that :Wave will file and pay payroll taxes on your behalf for all payrolls with paydays afterOct 1, 2017." If I'm a California entity, does that mean I don't need to do anything for CA state or Federal taxes, because Wave will …
    SaaS 101 views 3 comments Most recent by Charlotte January 19, 2018 5:58PM
  • I am applying for EI sick benefits and I must provide a record of employment. Can you help me, I worked with toronto adventures between August and October of 2017
    Jtessier84 1.4K views 3 comments Most recent by James_Hudson January 18, 2018 5:01PM
  • Our POS accounts for tips, we put them into the bank, then they are payed out by payroll. What is the best practice for accountingfor tips? I split the transaction for the deposit into POS sales and added a liability account, but it is still asking for a Expense Category. Thanks in advance for help on this issue.
    bren 242 views 1 comment Most recent by Michelle_A December 29, 2017 9:53PM
  • Hello, I'mlooking to make one time profit sharing contribution. I'm not surewhat "Category" I should file this transaction into. Also should I add in "Benefits and Deductions" under Employees? Does that mean I have to enter in "Deduct from Pay"? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
    Won Rhee 235 views 1 comment Most recent by Abbas Ali December 19, 2017 2:43PM
  • So after months of uploading bank statements and three separate enrollment attempts, I am36 hoursaway from successfully paying my nanny via direct deposit for the first time. Then I got this crazy email from Wave saying that my <$600 payroll is "on hold" and that the only way to take it off of hold is to supply the username and passw…
    James Leslie 51 views 1 comment Most recent by James_Hudson December 14, 2017 7:46PM