Wave Connect: Easily import and export data with Wave's Google Sheets add-on



  • PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Timmot,
    I'm glad that Wave Connect has been helpful for you, and apologize that you're now experiencing a problem.
    This issue is due to a change that we had to implement on the Wave side that is not yet reflected in Wave Connect. An updated version of Wave Connect has been submitted to Google, but at this moment remains in "Pending review" state. We're pushing to get this live as soon as possible!
    I apologize for the inconvenience; hopefully we'll have you working again very soon!
    Cheers, Paul

  • TimmotTimmot Member Posts: 3

    Thanks Paul
    At least I can stop trying. Any idea the timeline as that will determine whether to do manual or wait ?
    Cheers, Tim

  • PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Timmot,

    Yes - "It's us, not you!" ;)

    Just heard back from Google that the update is now approved, which is good news.

    It can take a little while to update into the version installed in your Sheets, but if you go to Add-ons > Manage Add-ons and remove Wave Connect, then add it again, you'll force an immediate update and be able to upload Bank Transactions as before.

    Please let me know if you encounter any other issues.

    Cheers, Paul

  • wongwong Member Posts: 2

    Hi @PaulC,

    Intending to upload invoices. I've clicked "prepare input sheet". It's been running for quite a while. But no drop-down lists are being pulled into the worksheet, i.e. "item", "price" etc

    Appreciate if you can help me out.

  • PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hi @wong
    Could you please send me a direct message with your business name and the email address that you use to sign in to Wave? I'll be glad to take a look at our logs and see if I can guide you to a resolution.
    Thanks, Paul

  • NickSNickS Member Posts: 1

    The download of products does not include the Product ID. Can you please add that field to the Products download? Thank you

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    @NickS from what I know, there isn't a field in Wave when creating products & services (whether purchased or sold) which includes a distinct product ID. With that in mind, since there isn't a way to create a product in Wave which includes this data, it's not going to be supported by the Wave Connect add-on.

    If I'm misunderstanding what you're getting at, please let me know exactly what you're referring to (i.e. is it an ID that you've added to your products externally from Wave? Is there a text field in Wave where you've been entering specific IDs, like a notes/description field?). Thanks, and apologies in advance if I'm missing something obvious!

  • congansiecongansie Member Posts: 1
    This is a most useful tool. I've been struggling for months to get up to date with my bookkeeping. Now, i just copy and paste my invoice/customers/products into the sheet and voila!!! What was taking days has taken me just a few short hours. Thank you
  • uhi888uhi888 Member Posts: 1
    Thanks for the helpful tool. I have a problem though:
    I added a new business, which should have exactly the same customers, products and reccurring invoices. So I downloaded all with no problems, but for the upload I was running in some errors I can't explain, because the data should be the same in download as in upload?
    For the "products" the upload routine asked for some field named "product name", but in the download it was named "name". But that was easy to fix and the upload went smoothly after that.
    And now I am running in to a problem I can't fix:
    The upload routine for "invoices" demands some fields with "item name" but there is not any field with that name in the download. I do not know how to fix that.
    Can you help? Thanks, Uwe
  • sifersifer Member Posts: 6
    I was having trouble uploading the CSV downloads from one of my banks (PC Financial) so Tom S. in customer support recommend I try Wave Connect with Google Sheets. I've given it a go and it works - sort of. Under the Business drop-down in the right-hand menu I'm only seeing my primary business and not my "Personal" business, which is where I want to upload these transactions to. Is Personal excluded from Wave Connect?
  • PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hi @uhi888,
    If I understand correctly, you have downloaded your invoices from one Business and want to upload them to another, but you have no Items.
    Please go back and re-download your invoices - and before you hit the 'Download' button, check what data you are requesting (the last drop-down choice in the panel). The options are Invoices only; Invoices and Line Items; Invoices and Payments. You need to select Invoices and Line Items to make sure you have the line item data.
    Hope that helps, Paul

  • PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hi @sifer,
    At this time, Wave Connect is only able to work with 'Business' businesses. The 'Personal' Business in Wave has some characteristics that prevent us from being able to provide the same upload capabilities via Wave Connect.
    I'm sorry I can't be more helpful on this, but if you reach out to Support and provide a copy of the CSV file that you are trying to upload, one of the team should be able to point out what's blocking you.

  • sifersifer Member Posts: 6

    Thanks @PaulC . I'll reach out to Support.

  • paulmcclenaghanpaulmcclenaghan Member Posts: 2
    Hi Paul, I'm having an issue where I'm trying to upload a bunch of invoices and when I check the Invoice and due dates in Wave they are out by one day. For instance in my google sheet the invoice date is 2019-06-23 and after being uploaded to Wave it becomes 2019-06-22. Could that be a bug or am I missing something perhaps?
  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @paulmcclenaghan .. I'm not entirely sure if this is the right answer for your particular case, but we handled a somewhat similar issue a bit earlier. It sounds like it may have to do with the timezone that you are currently in/when you are actually posting things to the Google Sheet. On our side, even if our timezone was correct, it was sending the wrong date out to an integration (from when we tested). Changing the timezone, and then changing it back to the correct timezone seemed to fix that... Again, I'm not 100% sure this is going to fix the problem you are encountering, but it could be worth a shot!

  • paulmcclenaghanpaulmcclenaghan Member Posts: 2

    Hi Jamie,
    Thanks for your reply. I had a feeling it could be timezone related but I've tried lots of combinations of switching timezones on the Google sheet back and forth as well as tried to set the Wave timezone for my business to UTC but nothing seems to work. Also, my computer is definitely set to automatic locations based timezone. I wondered whether it was the date format but Wave seems to be able to recognise various date formats (I use day/month/year).

  • christychristy Member Posts: 1
    Hi there
    I'm having some issues uploading invoices using this function. I worked the first time I did it. But now, after I've generated the "prepare input sheet", and then fill in the rows with my data, the sheet just gets stuck on the "validate data" step, and then the blue loading bar just keeps going. I've timed it doing this for up to 15 minutes now.
    I'd be very grateful for some help!
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @paulmcclenaghan . Which timezone are you using?

    Hi @christy . How many products and customers do you have? Also, which browser are you using when accessing Google Sheets? Can you ensure that you're on Chrome or Firefox and if that doesn't work, try accessing through incognito / private mode. If you're still seeing the 'validate date step', try clearing your cache & cookies. If all of this doesn't work for you, can you break down your workflow as to how you're adding the data and what steps you're taking in specific order?

  • massliberationmassliberation Member Posts: 3
    I am also having timezone problems. Imported transactions for June 1 show up as May 31. I am using YYYY-MM-DD format, and America/New_York in Wave, and America/Eastern in Google Sheets. I tried resetting both my Wave timezone and Google Sheets sheet timezone, and didn't see any change. Going to experiment with time formats, maybe even setting all dates to 12 noon to prevent problems.
  • TimCloseTimClose Member Posts: 2

    Hello Is there a away to import categories either from Google sheets or a CSV file?
    I have sorted all bank transactions as Date, Description, Amount and Category. I have named in line with the chart of accounts that I have set up.

    Imporing as a CSV drops of the categorising column and Google sheets doesn't seem to support it anyway. This is the most labour intensive part of any import - doing the categorisation. I'd appreciate any assistance on how to automate the import of categories thank you

  • pika161pika161 Member Posts: 6

    is there a problem to upload product using the google sheet?

    i use to do it and it worked properly.

    but now, i m trying for a couple of hour, and the i get stuck at the validation data step.

    what can i do ?

    i ve tryed with large file ..small file ...

    what am i suppose to do ?

    thanks a lot for your help !!



  • pika161pika161 Member Posts: 6

    @christy said:
    Hi there
    I'm having some issues uploading invoices using this function. I worked the first time I did it. But now, after I've generated the "prepare input sheet", and then fill in the rows with my data, the sheet just gets stuck on the "validate data" step, and then the blue loading bar just keeps going. I've timed it doing this for up to 15 minutes now.
    I'd be very grateful for some help!

    i ve got the same issue when i try to upload a product list.

    My cache is empty, i use google chrome, i m trying with small amount of product (less than 50..and larger amount ..and both are not working

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @massliberation Were you able to resolve the issue after you experimented with the time formats? If you have any resolution or detail to provide that would be awesome here!

    @TimClose The category won't automatically populate after the transactions are imported via Wave Connect (even if you add that categorization in the CSV or the sheet document that you've created) -- this could be something that we implement in the future, but we don't have any immediate plans of adding it just yet.

    @pika161 Could you please confirm exactly what errors you're getting at the validation step so I can look into this further? Or, if it's just not validating at all -- perhaps a screenshot that you could provide would be helpful in this situation as well.

  • TimCloseTimClose Member Posts: 2

    @JamieD Thank you for your response. I believe it would be a great feature - unless there is something I am missing in the sorting functionality within Wave (I've only started using it this week - great product despite this request). It is very easy in a CSV download of your bank statements to sort by payee. If for example you have 10 payments to 'Acme Corp' that are all for office supplies - it's easy to then in a category column beside it simply drag down office supplies 10 times and you're done. If that could be imported into Wave transactions it would make the process of categorising much faster. Thank you

  • pika161pika161 Member Posts: 6

    hello @JamieD , many tks for your reply

    as request pls find a print screen!

    it is just not validating at all.

    the process of validation keep running, i ve tryed different scenario...but i still get the same problem...nothing happen...and i get stuck at step 2

    as i mention earlier, i ve tryed with small file, large file...wait for hours (literrally)

    i ve empty the cache, disconnect/ reconnect the google sheet, reopen the computer, open the sheet in a different browser..nothing works..but it use to work very well...

    Many thanks for your help

    edited June 5, 2019
  • pika161pika161 Member Posts: 6

    hi @JamieD and guys !
    sorry to disturb you again...but the upload is still not working and now i ve got this error message when i try to connect the google sheet to the wave app
    googlesheet/wave connect/connect wave account

    any idea ?

    edited June 6, 2019
  • massliberationmassliberation Member Posts: 3

    @JamieD said:
    @massliberation Were you able to resolve the issue after you experimented with the time formats? If you have any resolution or detail to provide that would be awesome here!

    Setting all dates to 12 noon worked just fine :smiley: The column had strings in the following form: 2019-05-01T12:00

    The import strings were from Venmo and were in the form 2019-05-01T20:14:31. I used the following formula to strip the existing time information and replace it with 12 noon: =CONCATENATE(LEFT('Raw import'!C3, 10), "T12:00")

    Still not great to have the issue at all, but this seems like a reasonable workaround, at least for UTC-4 or -5. Other time zones should use a different time I guess

  • pika161pika161 Member Posts: 6

    hello @JamieD !
    thank u ! it is working again !

  • JosephGJosephG Member Posts: 1

    Hi, how do you add QUANTITY to a product? I am running a retail shop selling trinkets and let's say i want to add 10 units of "Wall clock ABC". How do i do that?

  • AmaranathoAmaranatho Member Posts: 14

    I'm hetting thise error- any ideas?

    Bank Transaction Upload not available:
    This Wave Business uses an earlier version of Wave's accounting software, that is not compatible with this Bank Transaction Upload feature.

    We apologize for the inconvenience, and are working to update your Wave business to the latest version of our accounting software as soon as possible.

    You can still upload Bank Transactions in Wave by visiting the Transaction page and clicking Upload Bank Statement in the top-right corner of the page.

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