[Dec. 1] Changes to Wave for users outside of the United States and Canada



  • EUCustomerEUCustomer Member Posts: 1

    We are with the others on this forum and are happy to pay to use the basic features rather than loose access and spend countless hours transferring data over to another third-party. No offence to Zoho but their system is terrible, the reason we picked this system is the simplicity and clean UI. Please if you do decide to shutdown accounts give ample notice.

  • BalcmegBalcmeg Member Posts: 2

    Really disappointing, I been looking closely at Zoho long ago before I signed up, and later on as well when I had to start using it on behalf of a customer - really been disliking it both times, and no way I go that road. Might as well pay for an application, but My accounting is very simple and I haven't seen anything that been so easy to use as Wave. This sure destroyed my day!

  • hashkerhashker Member Posts: 1

    This is unfair and we are dissaponted. You can at least charge a monthly fee and continue the service.

  • veronicacvveronicacv Member Posts: 3

    Why did u have to stop huhu bank imports arent an issue Wave is already perfect u dont need to improve your service for other countries, cant u just continue with it

  • wiredafricanwiredafrican Member Posts: 9

    I cannot find the special pricing for Zoho Books if we migrate. Does anyone know what the special pricing is?

  • HappyPaulHappyPaul Member Posts: 1

    As an contractor who works in software development for a finance company, I'm confused and surprised that the reason you are leaving is mentioning OpenBanking/PSD2.

    In addition, new local legislation, such as Open Banking in the EU and UK, make it infeasible for Wave to offer full services in these markets, which has required us to limit Wave’s functionality for those customers.

    The EU is basically looking after people and ensuring you treat people and companies fairly. It's not a bad thing and it wont restrict you in any negative way if you're fair and open. So using it as an excuse gives me the impression you don't have people nor companies as your best interest. Shame.

  • DepthsheightsDepthsheights Member Posts: 2

    @visaodojogo said:
    So if Waves closes for me (I am in the Caribbean) how can I get my data to be able to transport it to a 3rd party?

    Click Settings.
    Scroll down to the bottom of the menu that appears, and click Data Export.
    Under the **Accounting ** heading, choose the format in which you want to receive your export.

    You can export for Excel or as a CSV. You can also choose to export your receipts.

    The export will be sent to the primary email address you use for Wave. It may take a few minutes to arrive in your inbox.

  • DepthsheightsDepthsheights Member Posts: 2

    Thanks for your service this far. I have been a user since 2017 and have all my data in here. Of course I know I can transfer them out but then, I want to always see them down the road (and in one place).

    I'm in Africa. Don't use Stripe or any automated services. I am hoping when you decide to move on, we can at the least still continue to use the basic functions.

  • SteveLuxSteveLux Member Posts: 3

    @WamiqAhmed said:
    How can I migrate my existing transactions/data from wave account to zoho books.

    I have just tried to migrate the Wave.csv export file into Zoho and it will not work. Contacted Zoho support and they are telling me manual changes to Wave export file are required before you can upload. They send an example Zoho file, not something i can do

    Is there an easy way ?

  • SteveLuxSteveLux Member Posts: 3

    I have just tried to migrate the Wave.csv export file into Zoho and it will not work. Contacted Zoho support and they are telling me manual changes to Wave export file are required before you can upload. They sent me an example Zoho file, not something i can do

    How can we extract a wave file that if fit for Zoho consumption? Is there an easy way ?

    edited December 2, 2020
  • WaveCanSuckItWaveCanSuckIt Member Posts: 6

    Hugely, hugely disappointing. UK-based, and would have gladly paid a monthly fee (in addition to the transactional charge levied on the numerous monthly Stripe-enabled payments that I bill through Wave).

    You couldn't have picked a worse time for this either - in the midst of a global pandemic, when business owners are stressed and worried about the future as it is! Shame on you.

  • yodanyodan Member Posts: 1

    i would be willing to pay if necessary

  • PeshPesh Member Posts: 5

    So wait, you want us to migrate to Zoho, but you've removed the ability for us to ask for assistance and support during this time? Talk about screwing over your customers!

  • fidofido Member Posts: 16
    Interesting that Wave posted this 2 weeks before they gave their overseas clients retrospective notice to eff off.
  • MJH26MJH26 Member Posts: 1

    @wiredafrican said:

    I cannot find the special pricing for Zoho Books if we migrate. Does anyone know what the special pricing is?

    It looks like it is 12 months free for Zoho books and then onto their standard tariff, which has 3 levels depending on how many customers you have and how many users you need to access your data. I guess they reason that once you have switched over to them, you won't want to go through the hassle of switching again a year on...

    There is a link to the offer in the initial notice and also here: https://www.zoho.com/lp/books/wave-active/?utm_source=app_active

    edited December 2, 2020
  • fbprojectsfbprojects Member Posts: 1

    Wave might like to talk to these guys;

    Looks like a similar profile to Wave's original concept and supports Uk banking

  • fidofido Member Posts: 16
    Notifying your clients the day after you've withdrawn support for them hardly fits with your primary mission below of supporting small businesses, transparency and communication. Instead it's more like a slap in the face and a whole lot stress for a large number of small businesses at a tough time. In fact the appallingly tardy communication and lack of support is in complete opposition to your mission. Somewhere in the near future I suspect you'll also break the "free forever" promise and disable access.
    Perhaps it's best to be moving on from a company that is completely failing to deliver on its hollow promises to a whole lot of customers.

    "Wave’s primary purpose is to support small business owners, and we believe transparency in what we do and how we communicate with our customers is central to that mission."
    edited December 2, 2020
  • MGC_MitchMGC_Mitch Member Posts: 2

    Please please please charge a monthly fee. So many of us would rather stick by you and pay for your services.

  • PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hi there @hamdingers @wunderhund @PixelBreach @Ramirez_Portela @Succeal ,

    Thanks for raising this question, and yes - we know Puerto Rico is part of the United States!

    In terms of support for Puerto Rico (and other U.S. overseas territories) within Wave, however, the answer is "it's complicated".

    Wave is increasingly becoming an integrated financial platform, where money movement services (and Payroll, for businesses that have employees) are tightly integrated throughout accounting and invoicing. As we optimize our platform for customers who increasingly use all of Wave's integrated services, Wave may become a less-than-ideal fit for businesses in regions where we are unable to offer our money-movement and payroll services.

    Wave works with a number of financial industry partners to provide Payments, Payroll, Debit Card, and other financial products, and these partners enable us to work with businesses in the 48 contiguous states of the U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, the District of Columbia, and throughout Canada. Some of these partners limit services in territories of the US, and this is why we are unable to treat Puerto Rico identically with the rest of the United States.

    So, to come back to your specific question: we are not accepting new signups from Puerto Rico, because this is not a region where we can offer the whole of Wave's service. Of course, because Puerto Rico is part of the US, you as an existing Wave user are likely to still find our accounting and invoicing features a good fit to your needs, even if Wave is not a platform you want to use indefinitely..

    As mentioned in the post, we have partnered with Zoho to secure a special offer from Zoho Books for Wave Users outside of the regions in the US and Canada where we offer our full suite of services. Zoho Books is a cloud-based accounting, invoicing, and payments processing software. Should you wish to change providers, we are actively working with the Zoho team to ensure that we can provide the easiest path for you to transfer your data and get set up with Zoho Books, and will provide you with more details shortly. In the meantime, we encourage you to check out what Zoho has to offer while you continue to use Wave.

    I'm sure this is not precisely the answer you hoped to hear, but I hope it at least makes sense. Naturally, should our industry partners modify their policies in such a way that we become able to offer the full Wave product in Puerto Rico, or any of the U.S. overseas territories, we would want to revisit this.

  • Ion_WilliamsIon_Williams Member Posts: 2

    Can you please modify the banner so we can minimize it or close it once we have read it.

  • MB_BokkeeppingMB_Bokkeepping Member Posts: 7

    @emmegi said:
    soooo, which alternative are you people going to go for?

    Pandle possibly, since Zoho books only seem to be free for an year. I have a very small number of transactions to justify even £6/month

  • MB_BokkeeppingMB_Bokkeepping Member Posts: 7

    @wiredafrican said:
    I cannot find the special pricing for Zoho Books if we migrate. Does anyone know what the special pricing is?

    From what I could gather it's free for the first year

  • NomaNoma Member Posts: 1

    Thank you for the excellent service over the years.
    It was awesome and I wish you success.

  • Kedwin74Kedwin74 Member Posts: 3

    I would like to konw if there will be charges levied by Zoho , once , migration to Zoho books is opted for . If Charges will be leived , kindly share with us teh Charges

    edited December 17, 2020
  • TrademarkitTrademarkit Member Posts: 1

    We have used Wave since 2016 so it is a real hassle to find an alternative. For UK & EU small businesses looking for simple and low-cost invoicing there are two possibilities: 1. Brightbook (https://mybrightbook.com/), and 2. Zervant (https://www.zervant.com/). Both are apparently free to use. I have not evaluated them yet, but there is plenty of time to try them out before Wave effectively cuts out on 31 March 2021. Zervant integrates with Stripe for online payments so this looks an attractive option.

  • NetFabricNetFabric Member Posts: 6

    @WDK said:
    This is disappointing.
    I was expecting an email to say you would need to charge us a monthly fee which I would of signed up to straight away.

    I too am put off using a non UK company for invoicing etc.

    What other solutions are people looking at ? Doesn't need to be free just needs to be affordable and straight forward to use :)

    Hi there,
    We are testing FreeAgent now but Xero and Zoho Books look good, not much expensive solutions too. You may also want to take a look at Invoice Ninja, decent and free.
    Good luck ;)

  • WDKWDK Member Posts: 4

    @NetFabric said:

    @WDK said:
    This is disappointing.
    I was expecting an email to say you would need to charge us a monthly fee which I would of signed up to straight away.

    I too am put off using a non UK company for invoicing etc.

    What other solutions are people looking at ? Doesn't need to be free just needs to be affordable and straight forward to use :)

    Hi there,
    We are testing FreeAgent now but Xero and Zoho Books look good, not much expensive solutions too. You may also want to take a look at Invoice Ninja, decent and free.
    Good luck ;)

    Thanks very much.
    I'll take a look at the Zoho. I've just seen the link where you can get it free for a year so might be worth a go. Xero I think it's a bit too much for me. I'll also look at FreeAgent too. Was also looking at invoice ninja love the projects feature with a kanboard.

    I came across fiskl.com . Spoke to their customer support on chat and they are hoping to get GoCardless approved for integration by end of the year which as me interested. It seems very Wave like but with its own quirks so for instance on Wave on a recurring invoice my clients had the option to save their cards details in stripe and it automatically charges them each month.

    Fiskl currently doesnt do that so if you set up stripe as a payment gateway even on recurring invoices the client has to manually pay it but the guy I spoke to said he'll mention it to their developers to see if they would do that before GoCardless goes live.

    Fiskl is also UK based as well. I haven't tried them but I'll report back if I do and let you know how I get on ( with Fiskl and any of the others :) )

  • Acco_wondAcco_wond Member Posts: 2
    Plenty of free alternatives. Zipbooks, Slickpie, Bullethq
  • MBHGBMBHGB Member Posts: 1

    This is absolutely shocking. I cannot believe the way Wave have just suddently decided to drop all of their customers and users just like that. I have been using Wave for over 5 years and have been with the service before it had its major facelift a few years ago. Its served my business very well and its annoying that I now have to find an alternative!

    I hope Wave introduces a migration system to Zoho otherwise its going to be very frustrating having to import everything manually including automatic recurring invoices!

  • TudeTude Member Posts: 5

    I echo other suggestions of a small fee to keep this service without having the bank import feature like it is now to get around the open banking issue- I am more than happy to pay a fee and import my own bank transactions. I have also, like another user been raving about Wave having very recently migrated to it. Please keep this platform available to UK/EU users somehow.

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