[Dec. 1] Changes to Wave for users outside of the United States and Canada



  • emmegiemmegi Member Posts: 8

    @P4NCH said:
    QB looks like the one for me, 6 months free too, what about you?

    Its hard to move to anything after wave... i think i'm settling for https://www.manager.io/

  • mikeincairnsmikeincairns Member Posts: 4

    If it payments and banking that are the issues, then why not offer a simplified reduced service to international customers. We only use the invoicing and accounts anyway. Dont even use payments and banking.

  • mikeincairnsmikeincairns Member Posts: 4

    How about $100 per year for international customers. Seems from the above posts there is plenty of interest.

  • MedicMedic Member Posts: 1

    Wow! I expected this when the entity was sold, but I also expected a longer notification period. I've enjoyed using the platform and recommended it countless times over the years. I have taught small business owners how to set-up and use your platform. And now this. It's unclear what you plan on doing with all the data you have collected from us "the poorer unrepresented peoples" around the world but in your "Making America Hate Again" please remember that time is the master.

    One Love...

  • Michael_2020Michael_2020 Member Posts: 2

    It seems to me, this community forum is clearly showing major disappointment through out the world. I have been using this excellent product for years now... and been telling friends and clients of mine to use WAVES, because it is clearly one of the best accounting packages - through it's simplicity of use and great flexibility.

    I can only agree, with everyone else... it's a very sad and disappointing decision for those of us who have invested our faith and time into this quality product.

    Can you imagine Google deciding to limit their 'SEARCH ENGINE' to only US and Canadian markets... ??? ... when in this forum you can see endless opportunities of international users - willing to pay to continue using the WAVES system.

    There maybe Regulation changes in different countries through out time, which I understand requires R&D to allow your product to be effective globally, but a lot of those changes... do not effect every user. Being in Australia, a lot of the EU and UK changes... have no effect here.

    I really do hope WAVES keep the platform open to existing international customers to use for a long time moving forward... or at least give us more than a FEW DAYS NOTICE - when making a major change come through that effects us like this. Removing technical support at this stage will not effect me personally (thank goodness), as I have only contacted support once in 5 years and that was because for some reason I could not login...

    Kirk, I really do wish you and your team all the very best with this decision... but to be honest, I would hope you could head back into the boardroom... and maybe have a few beers and coffee's and rethink or think-tank a new approach to this issue. I'm sure if it's a financial issue... this thread - shows the world is willing to pay !

    Thank you for the privileged of using this great product over the past 5 years, and I hope this may continue for long into the future.


    edited December 4, 2020
  • Michael_2020Michael_2020 Member Posts: 2

    OK Kirk... time grab the management team - grab some beers and coffee ... and head back into the boardroom for a big rethink (or think-tank) on this decision. :wink:

    From reading this thread, it is very clear that existing customers from all around the globe are very sad about this change in policy ... and they are also more than willing to pay for the privilege of using one of the best accounting platforms on the market, through it's simplicity of use... and flexibility in features. (not to mention future customers)

    Could you imagine the board at Google deciding to limit their - free 'Search Engine' - to only the US and Canada markets ... because it's to hard to make it work globally?

    I'm in Australia, and appreciate that when different countries have new regulations that come through, from time to time... that you have to spend R&D time in updating your platform to work globally, but for example ... all the recent UK and EU changes, have had no effect here in Australia.

    Thank you for providing me with the use of your amazing accounting platform, that I have been using for the past 5 years now and promoting to my friends and clients. I am really happy you have not totally cut your existing international customer base , and limiting the support - to be honest - will not affect me, because your product is so easy to use.

    Good luck with this decision, but as I said - to be very honest... I hope you can approach the issues that have made you come to this decision... from a different angle. We're willing to pay for this mate ! :smiley:


    edited December 4, 2020
  • nittoprimanittoprima Member Posts: 3

    @emmegi thanks for the recommendation...
    Do you experience any difficulty migrating from Wave to Manager?

  • D_Johnson_MCSD_Johnson_MCS Member Posts: 1

    @AlexL said:

    As of November 30, 2020, new Wave account sign-ups are limited to US and Canadian business owners only.

    So is there anything technically that would stop me accessing Wave through my VPN set to a US or Canadian gateway? I'm not registed for UK Vat so the different tax rates would have no impact and presumably I could still select the primary currancy as GBP?
    Ending Bank integration hasn't been an issue as I just upload a statement monthly

    I've read a bunch of reviews of Zoho which were all pretty negative so I'm really not sold on a move to them but obviously I have concerns that whilst you are allowing continued access to existing UK account holders, you could choose to end that service at any point, can you at least provide an indication of the notice period for terminating access to the account you will provide?

    edited December 4, 2020
  • NaazimNaazim Member Posts: 1

    Has anyone used Invoice Ninja and have you tried exporting Wave data and importing it into Invoice Ninja? There's a certain amount of free usage, I haven't tried using it yet to see if I would need to upgrade to a pro version.

  • jacsifyjacsify Member Posts: 2

    @JacoGriesel said:

    For my fellow South Africans who will have to move on to a new system, I can highly recommend Stratushop.

    Thanks, but the Free Version only allows 5 Invoices per month, that is ridiculous. The Basic Version (R99 p/m) doesn't even include Expense Tracking.... Think I'll skip.

    Pandle looks like a very good FREE alternative to Wave, I also looked at payPod - their paid options are quite well priced actually! If you can afford the $10 per month then InvoiceNinja Pro Plan looks REALLY good! (They also offer a free version that I'm keen to try out)

    If anyone has used these three options, please let me know your thoughts!

    VERY SAD ABOUT WAVE.... their decision to exclude other countries is truly selfish!

  • DavenirDavenir Member Posts: 13

    So I've explored the migration options and it's totally manual as before.
    Recurring invoices are not included.
    The days of work this one aspect alone will take us is so frustrating.

  • Ian_BondIan_Bond Member Posts: 17
    > @WDK said:
    > Hello
    > The reason I'm looking to move straight away is because they won't be allowing payments via stripe which all of my customers do. This move as also put doubt in my mind about how long they'd want me as a user.
    > I'd rather find an alternative now and get it out of the way before more many more invoices are raised etc.
    > I bloody love Wave and I was hoping that Wave were just going to start charging £10- £15 a month. I'd happily pay that but nope they just seem to want rid.

    Fair enough, I don't use stripe, I get paid cash, cheque or bank transfer so in the short term this should not affect me. Its if they pull the account altogether I'll struggle. Losing the apps when. I update my phone will be a pain too.
  • DavenirDavenir Member Posts: 13

    Where do we access the referral link for Zoho?
    I can't find one anywhere.

  • jesusvega1286jesusvega1286 Member Posts: 1

    Puerto Rico is part of the United States, this makes no sense to us here.

  • Cad07Cad07 Member Posts: 2

    I am also based in Australia but use Wave purely to create invoices, not to receive payments. Does any one know if you will still be able to do this?!

  • Cad07Cad07 Member Posts: 2

    @Aimee_Pollock2014 said:
    Hi, can someone please clarify for me if my account will remain open??

    I’m located in New Zealand but I don’t use any form of payments via Wave. It states in the email I received that my account will remain open?? And only NEW sign ups Outside of the US will be not be accepted. Very confusing?

    I'm in the same boat here.
    I'm based in Australia and use Wave purely to create invoices, not to receive payments. It's super vague as to whether you will still be able to do this. If you find out, please let me know! Fingers crossed and good luck...

  • adeyinka_oke1adeyinka_oke1 Member Posts: 1

    Please just charge us for the service. We only just use invoicing side of the app anyway

  • JustalJustal Member Posts: 4
    So, you say “ We are actively working with the Zoho team to ensure that we can provide the easiest path for you to transfer your data and get set up with Zoho Books, and will provide you with more details shortly.”

    Does that mean I’m better to wait until you have supplied these details before migrating to ZOHO books so as to ease the migration process? I want to make full use of the free year on Zoho so it would make sense not to move to it until the end or March (which will tie in with my accounting year as well). Will the free year offer from Zoho Books still be available if I leave singing up until March?
    edited December 4, 2020
  • RcreatorsRcreators Member Posts: 1

    Hello Wave,

    If you guys can give me a answer on my simple query.

    I am using wave from long time. I am self-employed outside of US & Canada. I am just using it to create invoice, download pdf of it and just record manual payment against it. No tax and no any fancy accounting stuff i use. Can you guys just give people like me to access and use this basic features at least and dont prohibit. Just confirm on it.

    Rishi Mehta

  • ZanZan Member Posts: 2

    Wave team.. at least give us a function that would allow us to download all transactions to CSV format.. Otherwise, users outside US/Canada might feel as if they have been hit by a ransomware..just sayin..

  • DavenirDavenir Member Posts: 13

    Can anyone advise how the process of signing up to Zoho actually works?

    Zoho are saying we need a "referral link" which is available in our account but the only link I can see is to the blog post announcement.

    I'm fed up with this BS. You want rid of us fine - but at least facilitate our ability to leave with clear communication.

  • WDKWDK Member Posts: 4

    @Davenir said:
    Where do we access the referral link for Zoho?
    I can't find one anywhere.

    There's this link https://www.zoho.com/lp/books/wave-active?utm_source=app_active then Zoho gives you a year for free. you can import different stuff from wave into there aswell.

    I also asked them what kind of price i'd be looking at after the year and the person replied saying I'd be able to choose one of the plans they have on the site -- https://www.zoho.com/uk/books/pricing/ . Which as eased my mind a bit as I was worried i'd do the year then they'd want something stupid each month. Assuming the person who replied is correct :)

  • PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    @Ian_Bond said:
    is there any need to jump ship right now then? they say they have no plans to end the service for current users, just not accepting new sign ups. Why are you all jumping ship? do you believe they'll eventually shut down access completely?

    I'm seeing a few themes coming up in this conversation, and @Ian_Bond's observation is a great jumping-off point to share some thoughts.

    The following are my observations as a former business-owner in the UK, and someone who has been at Wave in Toronto now for more than 4 years, working across Customer Success and Product. Apologies in advance if this response becomes a bit lengthy, but I know many of you will value a more detailed and complete response.

    Firstly, what does Wave mean when it says it has "no current plans" to close or limit access for existing customers outside its home markets in the US and Canada?

    It means that we are being very careful not to promise that existing accounts will never be closed down, because that is a commitment we might be unable to keep, but there are literally no plans at this time to take such action.

    Would Wave be able to keep your account active if your government - or a whole trading bloc such as the EU - decided to pass laws, for example, that demand access to their citizens' accounting data held in Wave, and required Wave to make all sorts of system changes to accommodate them? (The EU has previously done something like this with GDPR!) What if the Wave product develops over the long term in such a way that it simply won't work without features that we are unable to offer outside the US and Canada?

    We can’t know the future, and something could happen that would cause Wave to need to close existing accounts in markets where we no longer do business; but in any of the scenarios I can imagine, Wave would be able to give remaining users plenty of advance notice. Again, Wave has no current plans to close existing users' accounts.

    Talking of giving "plenty of advance notice", I've read comments criticizing that this change has been announced without notice. It is certainly the case that Wave did not provide advance notice that we would close to new signups outside US and Canada, but there is a good reason for that. Once Wave decided to direct all future investment to our home markets in North America, our leadership team felt it would be responsible to stop signing up new users. Announcing in advance and perhaps prompting a rush of last minute signups would have been completely contrary to that purpose.

    For existing users who take advantage of the Stripe integration, the change is that it will no longer be possible to send Stripe-enabled invoices from 31 March next year. That is 4 months' notice from the date of Kirk's email, which we believe offers ample time for users to select and migrate to a new solution.

    On the subject of migration - some comments here that migration is hard. We know. I know, and I have the task of working directly with the Zoho team to figure out - for customers who choose to move to Zoho Books - the recommended steps and how they can best support you and streamline the process. We're moving as fast as we can on this!

    BTW - why Zoho Books? Why is Wave recommending a competitor? Simply, Zoho has the global footprint to serve Wave customers outside the US and Canada with the kinds of localization that we believe our existing users will be looking for.

    So - what would I do if I were in your shoes? (And I've been in your shoes!) First - as Ian said - there's no rush. Take your time, research some alternative systems, and plan your next steps. We, at Wave, believe you'll be better served moving to a system that is going to grow features for your local market, but the timing is your decision.

    There’s no getting around the fact that changing accounting systems is a hassle, but it's likely something that you'll do several times over the years as your business grows and evolves. The easiest way to do it is at a month end, or even better a year-end.

    The best analogy I can give is a relay race, where you're going to pass the 'baton' of your bookkeeping from Wave to another system. Fundamentally, the steps are:

    • You'll get your bookkeeping up to date on Wave to your month- or year-end.

    • You'll match up the Chart of Accounts in your new system to Wave's.

    • You'll run a Trial Balance in Wave, and use it to fill Opening Balances in the new system.

    There are additional adjustments you'll need to make for invoices and bills that are open at the month- or year-end, and you'll certainly want to import as much Customer and Product data as you can to make setting up your new system easy, but in essence it's quite a simple hand-off. You don't need to re-create all your historic data in the new system; you can simply log back in to Wave and check any old transactions you need to see.

    I don't want to down-play this. Changing accounting platforms is another thing on your to-do list that you could live without, and we understand that if you use features like recurring invoices, you may have a bit more setup to re-do. But something I always tried to ask myself as a business owner when anything came at me from left-field was "OK - what's better about this?".

    Hopefully, when the time is right for you to make your move, you'll find a solution that - whether it’s because of local format tax reports, access to automated bank transaction imports that Wave could not provide, or whatever other features you value - feels "better" for you.

    We know many of you love Wave, and we truly appreciate that; but we firmly believe a solution that is designed for your market and will evolve with your market needs is ultimately going to serve you better.

    edited December 4, 2020
  • mzpmzp Member Posts: 14

    OMG.... so that means sooner or later all the data in wave shall be deleted.... This is so hard for me...

  • Craig1_Craig1_ Member Posts: 2

    I am new to this, spent quite a lot of time and energy in setting up wave and moving my customers over, eventually also offering card payments.
    it's such a shame that now after all this and during the pandemic i am being forced by some legislation to find a new source to fulfil my needs. yes its free. nothing in life should be free. so i was amazed to find this site at no cost!
    im also a bit baffled (english saying) that you are leaving 'stripe'. one of the biggest online payment gateways. do they use Huawei processing chips??
    the UK and US have a long standing relationship and i really hope you can overcome this legislation ruling somehow. i am willing to pay for this cloud service rather than switching to zoho. you meet the majority of our needs especially when combined with stripe

  • Craig1_Craig1_ Member Posts: 2

    where do UK business's go now?
    Boris-can you help us please!

  • KennethSyKennethSy Member Posts: 1

    I appreciate the time we've been together "WAVE", and for those other user who need other suggestion I found one that is Free which I think I can at least compare with Wave you can email me at "eassistantsy@gmail.com" for details. Thank you!

    edited December 5, 2020
  • AbdallahAbdallah Member Posts: 2

    Migration is an absolute PAIN, i tried to migrate my account and unfortunately:
    1. fields don't match
    2. invoices in Wave don't have ITEMS prices when export ti sheets so zoho can match them
    3. there is no clear way to export the balances any of them
    4. the whole thing is a mess
    5. Thank you for the short notice

  • MMMMMM Member Posts: 1

    Having left the American rat-race behind and settled in the Philippines; we moved our business to Wave in September and spent ages bringing in a year’s invoicing and posting payments to let our tenants see some of their history online. Our tenants (customers) and I all rave about how easy and convenient it is now.

    If it’s payments and banking that are the issues, then why not offer a simplified reduced service to international customers? We only use the invoicing and accounts anyway. Don't even use or need payments and banking. I’m quite happy to pay a monthly or annual fee.

    How can Wave turn away customers ‘en masse’ without consideration for making small businesses happy to continue using a ‘basic’ version that we would gladly pay for? I guess several million dollars a month revenue is nothing to H+R Block...

  • eerobateerobat Member Posts: 1

    So I don't understand, because you say those in the United States are not affected, yet I am in Puerto Rico which is a part of the United States and am still getting this message. Please clarify.

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