
Discussion List

  • Like others I'm really disappointed that wave doesn't have purchase order feature. I will even pay for it. Anyway some suggest to use the estimate. But I cannot change wording there and in some places it says ESTIMATE. Can wave create a template where I could just create purchase order and save it? So I have a record? It does not have to be integ…
    Kristof 43 views 0 comments Started by Kristof March 16, 2022 1:12PM Wave Features
  • Can’t find a way to generate po’s or track payments to suppliers and sales people. Is this critical features STILL missing from the app? Is there a zapier integration that would compensate? What about inventory management and other tie in needs? I’m not thrilled with having to login to 2 different crm modules but IF wave doesn’t have it I’m wil…
    SmartNotHard 279 views 8 comments Most recent by MJKGroup May 18, 2021 9:59PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
  • Hi, I am new to Wave and was absolutely loving it! Then I needed to send a vendor a purchase order and noticed Wave doesn't offer the capability. I've contacted support and they say they have no plans to add purchase order support. I have a business where many vendors require a PO and currently I manually create them, but it's a huge hassle. I als…
    blinden 174 views 3 comments Most recent by KiahD May 6, 2021 9:03PMSales & Invoicing Feature Ideas
  • Many times my clients issue a PO for services. When they send their payment, it is listed by PO payment. Currently, I have to search through all of their invoices in Wave to find the proper PO to apply a credit to, this can be 30 to 40 invoices. I have started making my invoice numbers match their PO numbers, however, with multiple companies doi…
    ServerJeff 1 view 1 comment Most recent by consultmbr December 14, 2020 4:34PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
  • Is there anything available to create an order form with available products/services which can be sent to clients?
    Judit 422 views 6 comments Most recent by Barsin May 20, 2020 7:40PMSales & Invoicing Feature Ideas
  • Hi all. I need to be able to create a purchase order which I then send to the supplier as confirmation of my order to them. How do I go about this as all I see is Bills which is not what I require? Thanks,
    bruskieza Closed 15.3K views 104 comments Most recent by Barsin April 12, 2019 7:49PMSales & Invoicing Feature Ideas
  • When I add a Receipt that has tax in it, I upload it via the android app then go to the computer to edit it. Why do we have to go through the boring: Select the tax Control Box (BTW: very tight and small) Go to the tax input-box. Select the 0.00 Deleting the 0.00 then add the tax amount. SUGGESTION: Can't it be as follows: tax Control is off by …
    RamK 31 views 0 comments Most recent by RamK December 29, 2018 8:59PMTechnical Support
  • How do I create a purchase order and mail it? Can't you mail "bills???" why not?
    Eben Closed 773 views 1 comment Most recent by Alexia June 12, 2018 7:29PMWave Features