Accounting Technical Support

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  • Hi all, I'm in Ireland so this may be slightly different to normal, but goes like this: I have 2 rates of Sales Tax, lets just say A and B. I pay my sales tax to Government every 2 months. So, for the first 2 months of 2019, it was like this: Sales Tax A: I owe the Government 452.83 Sales Tax B: I owe the Government -348.71 (Purchased more produ…
    SortIT 291 views 6 comments Most recent by Sophia March 14, 2019 5:45PM
  • Hello, I have several fields in my invoices that are in Hebrew. When my customers and I view the invoices online everything is fine. However, once the PDF is downloaded, all of the letters are backwards. How can I fix this? Thank you!
    judeanfootball 11 views 4 comments Most recent by Yehuda March 14, 2019 5:23PM
  • Account has just been upgraded to the new style. In the Sales Tax Ledger since the upgrade Discounts that usually go to Sales seem to go to purchases and I have no purchases in the Accural page but notice there are also amounts in the Cash Basis as well, GST Return is due in 2 days and I have no ideal what has happened, The report has always mat…
    Northern_2018 21 views 3 comments Most recent by JamieD March 14, 2019 4:22PM
  • A fiscal year is defined by the year in which it ends. The Dashboard is incorrectly defining the fiscal years by the years in which they begin. My fiscal year is April 1st to March 31st. Using the current year as an example, it would be from April 1st 2018 to March 31st, 2019, meaning the fiscal year header should read 2019 (not 2018) or am I tot…
    motorambler 1 view 0 comments Most recent by motorambler March 13, 2019 10:53PM
  • I have a personal account as well as a business account. I would like to set up a journal entry from my a personal credit card (not on the Wave list of c/cs . It doesn't appear that I can make jvs to my personal account I would appreciate a workaround
    Bruce_C49 21 views 2 comments Most recent by Bruce_C49 March 13, 2019 10:09PM
  • I have a few cash and bank balances set up in foreign currency. If I want to view balance in foreign currency, how can I do that? Currently it only shows me the translated figures in reporting currency. Kindly help.
    salman 341 views 10 comments Most recent by JamieD March 13, 2019 9:52PM
  • Hi everyone, I want my distributions to show zero for the start of 2019 and right now it shows what I took last year on my balance sheet. How can I "zero out" my distributions? I've tried creating a journal but don't see where I can "debit" the profit for all prior years. Also, is there a way to change the name of the "p…
    luvpugs 161 views 1 comment Most recent by JamieD March 13, 2019 9:47PM
  • Hi, I have a LLC that i use to manages rental properties and some other investments like Peer loans, etc. They all happen via the same LLC. This LLC is now on Wave. I am newbie (I did try to read the posts already here but still struggling with various concepts). I have a few questions I'd really appreciate help with. For a rental property * S…
    vishalsood 3.2K views 1 comment Most recent by JamieD March 13, 2019 5:16PM
  • Firstly, I love this feature! Making life a lot easier I think there might be a bug where it doesn't pick up similar transactions with stars in the transaction ID? I'm struggling to get it to pick up similar transactions by apple pay, which seems to always have stars in the description from my bank, or contactless payments. But other transactions…
    JonGrilli 41 views 3 comments Most recent by tthavendran March 12, 2019 7:00PM
  • cpocpo
    I am new to wave, and I don't even know enough to know how to search for what I am trying to do. Right now, I was just planning to set up wave to track expenses and income associated with training that I provide. Here's the basic rundown: * I put on a training course with 10 students. * I already received cash payment for the training from each s…
    cpo 31 views 2 comments Most recent by ZoeC March 12, 2019 5:58PM
  • I am relatively new to Wave. I have found it simple to use and very powerful. However I did work for my accounts in one of my clients companies that I set up. I was capturing bank details for 2014. (I am trying to get the books up to date from February 2014.) I had almost completed the banking details for 2014 and logged out. A week later I log ba…
    Deryn 11 views 0 comments Most recent by Deryn March 12, 2019 10:22AM
  • I have a brokerage money market account, set up as a checking account in wave. It pays a monthly dividend let's say $10 and the dividend is automatically reinvested in the money market. The $10 is downloaded as two transactions, the dividend and the reinvestment. How do I manage this in wave without recording the income twice? Obviously I can…
    Cary 32 views 2 comments Most recent by AlexL March 8, 2019 4:38PM
  • Hello, I've recently spoken to a new accountant. She looked at the income statement generated by Wave and asked if I could move items like "Salary for owner" and "credit card payments" off my operating expenses and into my balance sheet. Please could someone help me with this. Thanks Sarah
    Sarahc 701 views 4 comments Most recent by Sarahc March 8, 2019 12:27PM
  • If I'm not mistaken, the only way to export at this point is to request the giant compressed spreadsheet, right? Like the one you'd download if you were planning on switching away from Wave to use a different service? The one I requested 10 minutes ago and am still waiting on an email for? You definitely don't want people thinking about switching…
    jotcreative 41 views 2 comments Most recent by jotcreative March 7, 2019 11:02PM
  • I am only able to export my financials in csv, when i try to export in pdf nothing happnes. Please help
    msawyers 491 views 14 comments Most recent by Joe_D March 7, 2019 7:52PM
  • I use paypal "here" to take credit card payments for medical services. Over a period of 1-2 days there is a balance in my paypal account that i can transfer to my business checking account. Let's say after 20 transactions i've processed $100. Paypal deducts their fee automatically and leaves $97 available in my account. I then trans…
    Tdub 71 views 1 comment Most recent by AlexL March 7, 2019 5:30PM
  • Hi guys, I upload my bank statements monthly and O was just wondering if there is anyway that I can change the category of everything at the same time? I am upload over 200 separate transactions however they are all for the same category. I am currently having to go into each one and change the category - which is making it more laborious than it…
    MayaMercer 141 views 1 comment Most recent by AlexL March 7, 2019 5:15PM
  • Hey Guys - WHenever I pay anything through PayPal it shows the expense coming out of my bank but PayPal shows up as an income. How can I prevent this double entry problem when something is actually an expense.
    joeyb506 411 views 2 comments Most recent by AlexL March 7, 2019 5:06PM
  • I have setup my bank accounts to sync, classified my lodging income, tax and expenses and have succeeded in balancing and creating my P&L, etc. Currently, I enter a 'bill' if I buy something and need to be reimbursed from these accounts. Or, I record the expense when it hits the bank account. The 'income' is tracked when a deposit is made f…
    SeadanceRental 1.6K views 10 comments Most recent by Efi March 7, 2019 12:10PM
  • How do you record personal cash that's invested into the physical construction of the business? I am having trouble determining whether that's recorded as building or as owners investment.
    Nads 11 views 2 comments Most recent by Nads March 7, 2019 12:27AM
  • Can I request that there is a setting in Profile to allow report dates to be default to Financial Year not Calendar Year. It is a constant niggle that we have to keep adjusting the date when we are always looking at the financial year. Although many people set their financial year to be the same as the calendar year, most companies do not - i don'…
    trelimon 11 views 1 comment Most recent by Ryan_W March 7, 2019 12:25AM
  • I run a very small business and run everything out of one bank account. I rarely handle physical checks and never use an ATM. Since switching to Wave for invoicing and accounting, I'm trying to figure out what to do with this "cash on hand" account. When I get paid on a Wave invoice, the full payment shows up in my cash on hand account,…
    jotcreative 721 views 8 comments Most recent by britannic March 7, 2019 12:17AM
  • Hi, I typed "casual labout" instead of casual labour ..... how do I correct this? Thanks!!
    MarlyTagz 31 views 3 comments Most recent by Ryan_W March 6, 2019 10:28PM
  • I'm a new business owner in Ontario and am a bit confused about setting up the sales tax in Wave. Should I be creating two sales taxes? One for HST charged to clients that's used for invoices and a second one for HST paid for products that's applied to receipts for products bought for the business? I've also received conflicting information about …
    laila 31 views 1 comment Most recent by Ryan_W March 5, 2019 9:11PM
  • Hi, We have been using Sage one for a number of years, and are looking to migrate to Wave. However, I need to be able to import the data from Sage One, including the attached images of the supplier invoices etc. Is there a defined process available, possible a migration tool or process, or how does it work. We need to be able to import that dat…
    louisy 591 views 1 comment Most recent by MerlinAccounts_UK March 4, 2019 8:02PM
  • Hi, I have placed an order for 2 items, both of which attract VAT (UK sales tax). I have been sent two VAT receipts, one for each item. I am paying for the 2 items by instalments. ~ I have therefore set up a bill for the total cost, to which I then apply payments, as and when they are due. How can I attach the scanned copies of the two VAT rece…
    Ubergeeksov 21 views 1 comment Most recent by Ryan_W March 4, 2019 5:33PM
  • Hello, I am facing a weird thing, in Cash Flow report, I am seeing fractions in the bills, although I did not input any numbers with fractions. When I open the transactions, I still see those fractions, once I open the bill I see a totally different number (the one I did enter, without fractions and a different value). I think it may be a bug but …
    Rami 1 view 2 comments Most recent by Rami March 4, 2019 4:56PM
  • So I run a small business. I have one business account, one business savings account and my personal account. My startup costs came from my personal account and some of my ongoing expenses. Sometimes I move money from my business account to my personal account to cover those expenses. I also move money that I consider profit to my personal accoun…
    Sungover 11 views 1 comment Most recent by Mikeg March 2, 2019 12:50PM
  • jdbjdb
    I have an accounting question I have so far been unable to find an answer to online. When I was linking my personal bank account to my business bank account to enable transferring money in/out of the business account (for "Owner Investment/Drawings"), I ended up with two "microtransaction" deposits ($0.03 and $0.15) in my busi…
    jdb 451 views 1 comment Most recent by Mikeg March 2, 2019 4:13AM
  • My credit card balances all show as negative numbers. This is causing my balance sheet and net worth reports to be off greatly. Am I missing something? How can I correct this?
    esatterfield 441 views 6 comments Most recent by Mikeg March 1, 2019 10:36PM