What are customer statements and when should I use them?



  • MauritzMauritz Member Posts: 5

    Hi, I am brand new to Wave, and evaluating its function. However Under "Sales/ Customer Statements" i get a message "COMING SOON: CUSTOMER STATEMENTS" I see in this post many comments regarding customer statement pdf/email. is this what is coming soon, and what is the expected date? Or am i missing something in the user interface where a statement can be seen even if it is in the browser? Statement meaning Invoice/payments ordered in date view-able in one document.

  • jbenjelvinjbenjelvin Member Posts: 3

    Hi, same comment as below, when do you expect to have the customer statements available. I'm currently trying different invoicing platform but yours would definitely be the best if the customers statement section was working...

  • ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @jbenjelvin @Mauritz The approximate ETA for customer statement availability is mid-September! This is because we're doing a back end update in order to roll out new invoicing features. Thanks for your patience while we make these updates! Once the customer statements become available for you, you will be able to email them out!

  • VirgelVirgel Member Posts: 1

    Hi! It is already September 23 and the statement tab isn't working yet. Do we have another ETA?

  • jbenjelvinjbenjelvin Member Posts: 3

    Hi. Same comment again... Would love to see how this is working? Thanks!!

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Virgel . Still no updates on the exact date as the ETA has been pushed back. I want to reassure you and let you know that this is a very active project for our sales team, but we're just not quite there yet. Keep checking back in!

  • AlettaVenter427AlettaVenter427 Member Posts: 3

    I get a message that says that the customer statements will soon be released. When is it expected? Is there currently no function to generate statements to customers?

  • finphicfinphic Member Posts: 2

    One of my customer has 4 businesses. I need to invoice each business separately. But my customer need a single statement for all the invoices issued to all the business so that he can pay to me at once.

  • OmnisolOmnisol Member Posts: 1

    as soon as there is a release date... please let us know. its a great feature to have on wave!

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @AlettaVenter427 @Omnisol I'm afraid that there is not a firm release date yet, but the Product Team is hard at work currently, working on the feature and it should be released shortly!

    @finphic I'm afraid that within Wave, the customer statement feature uses the outstanding invoices for each business individually, since they would typically be using the funds from each different business to make the vendor payments. I can understand if this is not the specific case here, however the functionality within Wave would not allow for you to make a custom customer statement that allows to combine multiple customers within one Customer Statement, I'm afraid.

  • Kim1982Kim1982 Member Posts: 0

    Just wondering when customer statements will be available. I have just started using wave and the only thing that is a let down to me currently is the fact that i can not issue a statement to my customers.

  • boltgirlmdboltgirlmd Member Posts: 1

    I agree. Customer Statements needs to be a priority.

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @Kim1982 @boltgirlmd

    Thanks for raising your concern and I hope that I can help clarify! A couple of months ago, the Invoicing Team started an initiative to upgrade the back-end systems to the "Sales" features in Wave which includes customer statements. This means that it will give Wave the ability to build out more features for invoicing and customer statements specifically. Currently, users on the upgraded system do not have access to customer statements temporarily because we are in the works of adding further features. The feature should be available shortly though, so they will have access to customer statements shortly.

  • jimnjimn Member Posts: 1

    Will the free account be able to use the statements feature?

  • Rudolph_01Rudolph_01 Member Posts: 0

    When can the customer statement start running


  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @jimn! All accounts created in Wave will have access to the customer statements feature when it becomes available :)

    edited October 17, 2019
  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Rudolph_01! I've merged your question into an ongoing thread about customer statements. We currently do not have an ETA, but you can keep an eye out here!

  • jbenjelvinjbenjelvin Member Posts: 3

    Hi, unless you can fix that really soon I'll have to go for some more "reliable" softwares. Sorry about that but this has been a problem for a while now and it is an important feature for me. Can you not come back to the previous version? Regards,

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @jbenjelvin, unfortunately there is no way to revert back to the previous version of Wave - we will need to hang tight as far as the release date of customer statements for the updated platform goes.

  • GeorgyGeorgy Member Posts: 1

    I can't get the date range past one month!

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Georgy . Can you explain the issue some more? What happens when you try to change the dates of the month to something that spans longer than a month?

  • VWMVWM Member Posts: 1

    Hi there. I have a "Coming Soon" on my Customer Statements view. When is this going to be restored?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @VWM . No exact ETA at the moment, but we're working hard at bringing this to you as soon as possible!

  • MauritzMauritz Member Posts: 5
    Customer statements. This was message from Wave in August."The approximate ETA for customer statement availability is mid-September! This is because we're doing a back end update in order to roll out new invoicing features." But this is now long overdue??
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Mauritz . Definitely long overdue, you're right. We ran into a few complications but the team is still actively working on getting Customer Statements out as their #1 priority. Stay tuned for when they arrive, I promise it will be worth it 🙂!

  • ryantanryantan Member Posts: 3

    Hi! Found that the customer statements are live and available now. Thank you very much as we've been really waiting for this feature for so loong. Just a couple of questions: wondering if the link to each customer's statement that we will generate today will remain the same every time so we can just provide our customers with this link and they'll be allowed access to their updated account after each transaction? Maybe a possible integration of these statements with Zapier, too? Is there also a simpler way to just view all outstanding accounts of customers and have it generate a report? Also, I found that there are still inconsistencies between what we see on screen and after clicking the desktop customer preview mode as some fields are omitted (e.g. subheader, footer, and notes), and our company logo and details placement centers on the page making the statement look odd and unbusinesslike. Nevertheless, props for getting it up and running!

  • Joseph0481Joseph0481 Member Posts: 2

    I'm really tuned for updates to Customer Statements to include the upcoming Account Activity statement! Thank you so much!

  • GreatBakes1GreatBakes1 Member Posts: 8

    Only joined wave a couple of weeks ago and WOW what a difference it makes to be able to get customer statements with the push of a button. Great work wave and so quick from me asking.

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @ryantan! We are so glad to hear that you are able to access the Customer Statement feature in your account now. We appreciate your patience, as it did take some extra time. The 'Share URL' link that you generate and send to a customer will change each time you access the statement. In your reports tab there is a 'Aged Receivables' report that you can create to show all your customers and the number of outstanding invoices each has. Thanks for letting us know about those inconsistencies! Now that the feature is available in your account we will continue to work on improving what it can do and how it looks, so your feedback is important in this process! In terms of an integration with Zapier, do you have any details on what you would like that to look like, or what function you would like it to do? Let us know!

    Hey @Joseph0481 & @GreatBakes1! Thanks for your feedback as well. We are thrilled that you have access to Customer Statements, and we hope to keep improving this feature for you!

  • ryantanryantan Member Posts: 3
    Hello @EmmaP , I appreciate hearing from you and looking into my questions. With regard to the integration of the customer statements feature with Zapier, perhaps a trigger to auto-generate a monthly or bi-monthly statement that will output the “Share URL” link for each of our active customers? We can just preset the beginning and ending periods that we’d like to show in these statements. The current set up seems to be very tedious to generate specially if our customer list grows to be in the hundreds.

    Moreover, regarding the ‘Share URL’ link that has to be run every time period; I’m quite not sure if this is just a bug, but the link that we’ve generated last Nov. 27 for one of our customers have been updated with a new invoice we’ve just created yesterday, Dec. 02.

    Here’s the link for that:

    Unfortunately, this is the only link we have that was generated last week so we can’t fully test to tell if the link will likewise show an updated statement for our other customers who we’ve just created new invoices for yesterday.

    If this isn’t a bug and this link will be available to stay —as long as we can rely on this primary link we will manually generate for each of our customers from now on, maybe the Zapier integration for this feature may not be necessary. The link above was generated to show all unpaid invoices without any beginning or ending periods set.

    Again thank you for looking into this matter and I look forward to hearing again from you soon.
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