What are customer statements and when should I use them?



  • LauraHMLauraHM Member Posts: 4

    @EmmaP said:
    Hey @Jerry! Overdue statements do not have the option to choose a select date range. Is there a reason you need to have a date selector here? I'd be happy to pass your feedback to our team for review! Any information about why this is important to you or your business is useful for our team to reference :)

    Hi @Eddie_Gr16! If you have noticed a change it is likely your account has gone through the process of to have the new functionality added. Your customers may not be able to view the link for statements sent recently as they were sent before the change. You should be able to resend a statement via link under: Customer Statements -> More Options -> 'Share Link'.

    Please add the option to to choose a select date range!!!!

    It seams that you have change the customer statement report sometime in February. I sent my my customers their statements on the 1st or 2nd of every month. So on February 1st I sent January statements with the old format you had. Now my customers cannot access those statements since those links don't work anymore! what a problem! Not only we haven't received a single payment this month but is also embarrassing with my clients. You should have at least gave us some notice about this change and about this huge glitch in the software.
    I now have to re-send all statement to my clients, only to find out that I cannot select a date range for the statement. Huge problem!!!!! I need to be able to select a date range!!!! The other option, Account Activity, has the option to select a date range, but that includes information that is confusing and the amount does not match what the clients owe.
    I will have to migrate to another software that meet my needs.
    I am very disappointed.

  • janicejanice Member Posts: 3

    hi, what if the customer paid more than the invoice (let's say his deposit) and we have returned it to them. What will be the entry for this? thanks!

  • cheryllee_24022020cheryllee_24022020 Member Posts: 1

    how can i schedule sending of Customer Statement of Accounts on a regular basis, say once ever two weeks or monthly?
    this would be more convenient for the customer than receiving reminders for each individual o/s invoice.

  • Shihan308Shihan308 Member Posts: 1

    I also need to schedule Customer Statements on a regular basis - and not individually but either for a range of customers, or for all customers at, say the end of the month.
    This would definitely be more convenient for the customer than receiving reminders for each individual o/s invoice.
    The response from AlexL on 6 February 2020 "To be honest with you, bulk printing isn't something on our roadmap at the moment but we appreciate the feedback and I'd be happy to let the team know that we have two users requesting it" is unacceptable. This is a basic requirement for all businesses, accountants and auditors. Even small businesses need to be audited

  • WRH2CoordWRH2Coord Member Posts: 1

    Is there way to create automatic updating invoice numbers.

  • gauravsuryan12gauravsuryan12 Member Posts: 3

    This is statement of customer who is buying from us. If that customer sells to us, how will get the transaction details in single ledger?

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi Eduardo @Eddie_Gr16! Thanks for reaching out! For the Customer Statement 'type' are you selecting outstanding invoices or account activity? At the moment is isn't possible to customize what appears on the statements. I'm happy to pass on your feedback on this! Before I do, I'm curious to hear more about why you would rather not have past due invoices on the statement? Let me know!

    Hi @TimRomero! I'd be happy to pass on your feedback as well! Just to confirm what would you want the summary to look like on the statement? Is it a summary of invoices to be paid?

    Hi @NS_AS_2020 & @LauraHM! Thanks for reaching out here. I can see having a date range selector for outstanding invoice statements is very important to your business. I am sorry this change has impacted you so much. I can't make any promises of this changing but I have passed this along to our team to review.

  • AdeleWBLAdeleWBL Member Posts: 3

    We do send statements including the total of all invoices of a month. In the previous version the statement only took these invoices into account with starting/closing balance. Can one still do that?

  • AndrewBouwerAndrewBouwer Member Posts: 2

    Good Day, our customers cant open there statements is there way for me to send it in PDF format if anyone can assist please. tia

  • DonovanDonovan Member Posts: 5

    _> @JamieD said:

    Hey @AndrewCW! Adding an outstanding amount owed would essentially need to be added via creating an invoice that's outstanding in Wave and technically overdue. From there, you would be able to see the total amount owing to you from the customer (based on the overdue amount) + other invoices that haven't been added as overdue. There isn't a way to manually add a total outstanding amount of what would need to be paid out to you, although this could possibly be something that we add in the future._

    I don't know if this has been asked before but here goes...
    I have a product that is paid off over several months in equal monthly repayments. I would like to show the customer a statement with the full amount of the agreement, and then the repayments received and actual outstanding balance per month.

    Is this possible?

  • CanadaCoderCanadaCoder Member Posts: 3

    Is there not a way to send out a statement to all customers with an outstanding balance at the end of the month? Do they have to be done individually? Aren't computer programmers supposed to strive to eliminate repetitive work?

  • vanspvansp Member Posts: 8

    I wish I didn't have to go though all my customers to print off and send statements.

  • Wayne_Fitzpatrick1Wayne_Fitzpatrick1 Member Posts: 2

    A very welcome addition. You should now allow the statement to be sent as a pdf document, the same as an invoice, and it would be perfect.

  • Stoocrow_number46Stoocrow_number46 Member Posts: 3

    Be good if could be exported as a pdf for emailing out.

  • LieselLiesel Member Posts: 4

    Need it in PDF urgently

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @CanadaCoder Totally hear you on the need for a streamlined process for customer statements to be sent out to all customers. In full transparency, this is definitely version one of customer statements that have this level of functionality, and so I'd be happy to ensure that our product team receives this feedback. Curious if any of you would be able to give me some insight as to how many customers you typically invoice and also how many invoices are typically outstanding to be paid?

    @vansp I understand that printing all of the customer statements can be a challenge. We do have the option to send the customer statements through email. Would that potentially suffice in this situation? If not, mind adding some colour to how you typically use the customer statement feature?

    @Wayne_Fitzpatrick1 @Stoocrow_number46 @Liesel I understand that PDF versions of the Customer Statements are valuable to your workflow. Mind explaining a little more about why this is necessary for the way that your business operates?

  • vanspvansp Member Posts: 8
    My statement is more about going through my customers. I have to go and check every single one at the end of the month to see if they need to be emailed a statement. Wish I could do a batch and say need to send statements to everyone. Even if they all got a $0 balance statement would be better than me having to take the time to go through every customer
  • Wayne_Fitzpatrick1Wayne_Fitzpatrick1 Member Posts: 2

    @JordanD said:
    @CanadaCoder Totally hear you on the need for a streamlined process for customer statements to be sent out to all customers. In full transparency, this is definitely version one of customer statements that have this level of functionality, and so I'd be happy to ensure that our product team receives this feedback. Curious if any of you would be able to give me some insight as to how many customers you typically invoice and also how many invoices are typically outstanding to be paid?

    @vansp I understand that printing all of the customer statements can be a challenge. We do have the option to send the customer statements through email. Would that potentially suffice in this situation? If not, mind adding some colour to how you typically use the customer statement feature?

    @Wayne_Fitzpatrick1 @Stoocrow_number46 @Liesel I understand that PDF versions of the Customer Statements are valuable to your workflow. Mind explaining a little more about why this is necessary for the way that your business operates?

    Its what my customers want. I would have thought they would want less paperwork, but they want pdfs attached for invoices, and for statements.

  • Stone_Castle_FarmsStone_Castle_Farms Member Posts: 5

    Hi guys I have a question or a suggestion: Is there a way to easily see that a payment was made and the notes logged with the payment in a small window when clicking on an invoice ? I have say 100 invoices in a row and want to check the payment made as well as cheque number and amount so I can update my records. Problem is that it opens the invoice and then you must go back and wait for a redraw before you can continue working. Any ideas how to do it easier?

  • inyamazane_farm1inyamazane_farm1 Member Posts: 1

    I'd like to be able to pay multiple invoices for one client in one go. I'm currently loading 150 plus payment for less that 20 clients.

    Otherwise this is a great system
    Thank you

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @vansp, @Wayne_Fitzpatrick1, @Stone_Castle_Farms & @inyamazane_farm1! Thank you all for providing your feedback here! This insight is really helpful for our team to have when looking into future enhancements for this feature.

  • vanspvansp Member Posts: 8

    I just went through 1 by 1 checking to see if someone owed me $$ and then sent them a 'statement'. The old way was much better. Now I can't just send "outstanding" statments I have to send ALL statements. OR I have to send a statement of account. and If I don't put a correct date in there it won't show a previous payment or invoice so it won't come out correct at the end. Also, why can't I attach them as PDF's?

    But then I also go through EACH customer and check if they owe.....very time consuming.

  • AlliAlli Member Posts: 3

    why cant I pdf and email the statement to the customer?

    When I pull an account activity statement and I pull an outstanding invoice statement. The amounts do not match.
    What can be causing that ?

  • ryantanryantan Member Posts: 3
    Hello @EmmaP , I appreciate hearing from you and looking into my questions. With regard to the integration of the customer statements feature with Zapier, perhaps a trigger to auto-generate a monthly or bi-monthly statement that will output the “Share URL” link for each of our active customers? We can just preset the beginning and ending periods that we’d like to show in these statements. The current set up seems to be very tedious to generate specially if our customer list grows to be in the hundreds.

    Moreover, regarding the ‘Share URL’ link that has to be run every time period; I’m quite not sure if this is just a bug, but the link that we’ve generated last Nov. 27 for one of our customers have been updated with a new invoice we’ve just created yesterday, Dec. 02.

    Here’s the link for that:

    Unfortunately, this is the only link we have that was generated last week so we can’t fully test to tell if the link will likewise show an updated statement for our other customers who we’ve just created new invoices for yesterday.

    If this isn’t a bug and this link will be available to stay —as long as we can rely on this primary link we will manually generate for each of our customers from now on, maybe the Zapier integration for this feature may not be necessary. The link above was generated to show all unpaid invoices without any beginning or ending periods set.

    Again thank you for looking into this matter and I look forward to hearing again from you soon.
  • A_Lee95A_Lee95 Member Posts: 1

    Yeah. PDF is needed please.
    Would like to have the option to put in a date and just automatically generates as well.

    Is there a way to easily see that a payment was made and the notes logged with the payment in a small window when clicking on an invoice ?

    Can you please explain how to download the PDF of the Customer Statement as I have tried doing so. It seems the only way to do so is by right click and request to print to PDF but it downloads with the url. Is it possible to do it another way that does not show the url?

  • teresacteresac Member Posts: 8

    The new customer statement for Account Activity doesn't seem to realize that payments have been made if the payments were made during the date range of the statement, but made against invoices with a future date. It does seem to correctly reflect future invoice payments made in the past (before the date range of the statement).

    To restate with an example: I paid $100 on March 10th on an invoice with a date of April 1st. If my statement date is March 9-March 11th, it won't reflect this payment at all. If my statement date is March 11-March 13, then it correctly shows that I currently have $100 credit. You also won't generate a statement if there's no activity for that time period (even though a statement showing the balance even without activity and without outstanding invoices would be helpful) and won't allow a statement range to be in the future; so, I had to generate a fake $.01 invoice to get it to show this.

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Alli! If you are pulling the two different types of statements and they do match this could be normal behaviour. Outstanding invoices only shows invoices that have not been paid. Account activity would include payments and outstanding invoices.

    Hey @ryantan! Thanks for providing that information! I have done some testing in my test account and when I created statements I had to create a new share link each time for a new statement. When I updated a statement it did not seem to update the share link. With this being the case, setting up a trigger in Zapier would likely be the best way to try and send statements automatically each month.

    Hi @A_Lee951 There isn't an easy way to see payment in a small window but I can see how that would be handy! In terms of printing a PDF it sounds as though you are currently on the version of Wave where the PDF option is not available. We are currently in the process of migrating everyone over to the new version, but at this time we do not have an ETA for total migration.

    Hi @teresac! Thanks for letting us know and I'm sorry about the trouble this has caused you. I have passed this information to our internal teams to look into. For now, it would be best to keep using your workaround to generate the statements you need.

  • knk0128knk0128 Member Posts: 1

    Is it possible when we generate an Account Activity statement, can it just show the amount due only?

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @knk0128, unfortunately not at present. I'm sorry for the inconvenience here.

  • AndrewCWAndrewCW Member Posts: 6

    Thank you for the print function for statements. Andrew

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