What are customer statements and when should I use them?



  • MureyMurey Member Posts: 6

    it's possible to take price list

  • miriamjean700miriamjean700 Member Posts: 4

    No I need to send the statement with the option as on the inv to send as pdf.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @Murey can you confirm what you mean by the company stamp? If I'm understanding correctly, you want to have some sort of stamp on the invoice that represents your company's logo saying it has been paid? If this is the case, I'm afraid this isn't possible at the moment.

    Hi @miriamjean700 , can you further explain what you're looking for? If you want to download as PDF, you can do so through the right click print option. View @CallieP 's comment on page 6 for further information on this.

  • MureyMurey Member Posts: 6

    @AlexL account they asked me to paid stamp for invoice

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Murey

    Wave does not have a way to digitally add a company stamp for a paid invoice. You can only send receipts that let your client know they have paid the invoice. With regards to saving as PDF, have you tried selecting the preferences button that appears on your print settings? I know that Apple allows you to do this on their software, but curious to know about PC. Let us know if you find this.

  • JasonqJasonq Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I have noticed that the customer information does not pull through correctly when I generate a statement. Where can I go to resolve as this information is correct when I generate an invoice.

  • TesTes Member Posts: 1

    @Murey said:

    @KentL said:
    Hi @CallieP
    Attached is the screenshot when i clicked the Print option. Can't see the Save as PDF option.

    I have the same problem too

    I have the same problem

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Jasonq , can you give me more information around what isn't pulling through properly? Specific examples and screenshots would be helpful.

    Hey @Tes , Connor's suggestion above should answer this for you.

    @ConnorM said:
    Hey @Murey and @KentL! Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of troubleshooting that we're able to do outside of the steps that Callie has already asked. This is something that affects each of your situations individually and uniquely, and as far as troubleshooting the print dialogue that pops up, you'd want to reach out to a local service professional in order for some help printing these statements.

    edited June 30, 2020
  • suzybaz757569suzybaz757569 Member Posts: 1

    You should provide paid invoices as an option in the statements column.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @suzybaz757569! Thanks for your input here! Definitely appreciate it :)

  • goosegreene14_goosegreene14_ Member Posts: 1

    Is it not possible for you guys to set up emailing statements in the same way as emailing invoices is ie:having the option to click box to send as a PDF?
    Regards Mark

  • LividLivid Member Posts: 2

    "You can print now your Customer Statements for your records."
    Grammar check!

  • BetsyBetsy Member Posts: 2

    would like to note{ on bottom of statement ** if payment past in the mail Thank You** and list outstanding invoice #'s

  • RobertGattRobertGatt Member Posts: 3

    Hey! As quite often I would end up creating the same statement for customers belonging to a business, I wonder if its possible to create a group of statements at once, instead of creating them one by one for each customer?

  • RobertGattRobertGatt Member Posts: 3

    Hi, as quite often you could use the same vendors across multiple businesses, it looks like if today I found a new vendor I will need to add that vendor manually for each business. Alternatively you can upload a CSV with the details, but still you need to do this across each business. Could be an idea to have a "Create For (Which Businesses?)" option with a "Select All" option so that you input details once and have them uploaded everywhere.

  • RobertGattRobertGatt Member Posts: 3

    Hi, apologies for the flood, I'm testing this out and considering for use. I'm noticing that when you set an invoice you have a "Schedule reminders after due date:" option. When setting up a recurring invoice, you don't seem to have that option though. I find that a bit strange as you always want to follow up on pending invoices, ideally automatically. Or maybe I'm missing something?

  • Charlene_HCharlene_H Member Posts: 8

    Hello! it works great on my end, however my customer says all that happens is the icon spins and spins without generating the statement. the only way i can send it is to print to a pdf file and then email it via my email browser which is a real pain when i'm on my phone.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @goosegreene14_

    While we do not have a way to send PDF customer statements in Wave at this time, there is a workaround. On mac computers you can print-save a customer statement in PDF statement. See the images below. I believe PC COMPUTERS can also do the same!

    Hey @RobertGatt

    You're correct when you say that there are not invoice reminders for recurring invoices. Essentially a recurring invoice is a generator and it generates regular invoice which send on a scheduler that you set up. You can see these created invoices under Sales > Invoices. You're able to send reminders manually from these invoices generated by your recurring invoice.

    Hi @Charlene_H

    This sounds like your client may be having some potential browser issues which is causing a communication issue between Wave's online statements and their computer. This can usually be fixed if your client clears their cache and cookies and if they're using the appropriate browser

  • ASA_2020ASA_2020 Member Posts: 1

    Dear Sir,
    Could you please prepare a report in such a way that it contains the following.
    Customer, Item Name, Total QTY, Total Value all in one line. This helps us to see what are the sales of product per customer in terms of QTY as well as Value

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @ASA_2020 , thanks for your message! As of right now, we're not working on building our new reports. The reason for this is that our product team recently updated reports to include cash basis reporting, and are now working on a transaction page rewrite. Thanks for your patience as we build this out. An existing report that is similar to what you're looking for would be the Income by Customer report, or, Customer Statements (which you can find in Sales > Customer Statements)!

  • MacDaddyNavyMacDaddyNavy Member Posts: 2

    I Have a small landscaping business and Ive been working with your program ..I need some direction I need an additional column in my invoice and I cant seem to figure out how to add it ? My invoice columns need to be 1) Date, 2) Description 3) Supply Charge 4) Labor Charge 5) Amount...I cant seem to change the quantity column to Supply charge as it needs to know how many units to charge the Labor Rate I enter it seems ..Can I add an additional column ? Usually on my prior Invoices I had sub total for Supply Charges bottom of one column and sub total for Labor charges in another column and then a find total in lower far right side.. How else can you suggest I put in my supply charges ..theyre not consistent and rarely the same. I usually enter them by a date and then itemize them and then sub total ..at the bottom I like to show on monthly Invoice separately Total Supply Charges and Total Labor Charges ..some companies request this as their accountants when preparing 1099 tax forms for dont include supplies charges as taxable income that I have prepaid for that they're reimbursing me for when they issue monthly payment..It also helps track those charges separate for each customer.. Any ideas ?

  • ColQKColQK Member Posts: 1

    is it possible to add our banking details on the statements we send out ?
    Thank you

  • AccountsProAccountsPro Member Posts: 103 ✭✭


    Thanks for asking these questions, I am also interested in the replies.

    edited July 25, 2020
  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @MacDaddyNavy! Thanks for reaching out here with this great amount of context for us. While this isn't something that is currently possible within Wave as far as your particular needs go, the context that you've offered is instrumental to understand how and why particular features would be needed in future builds of the Wave platform.

    @ColQK This is not something that is currently possible, but I would love to know more about how something like this would be used by your particular business, and how it would ideally affect your workflow.

  • nekeditingnekediting Member Posts: 5

    I tried running an account activity statement for a customer. So far they only have a credit (they've sent me pre-payments). Why doesn't the statement report show any activity for this client? I would like to be able to send them a statement showing them the amount of credit they have.
    Do I have to make an invoice to do this? I'd prefer to wait until they actually use my services.

  • MacDaddyNavyMacDaddyNavy Member Posts: 2

    For me as I said I have a simple need on an invoice, My invoice columns need to be 1) Date, 2) Description 3) Supply Charge 4) Labor Charge which subtotal at the bottom and breakout in the final Total as 1) Supplies Charge 2) Labor Charge 3) Total Charge...With the current design of this software I guess I gonna have to enter a supply charge as an item number separate from a labor charge on same day for same event ..Somehow when I get to bottom though all events/entries if I use date will be added into final charge ..So perhaps I ll have to invoice separately my Labor and my supplies? ...IM not sure right now ..Ultimately, the accountant that oversees cutting checks for my Invoice needs to see the 2 separate columns. They only 1099 me for labor... they dont include the supplies as income for tax purposes and reimburse me for them at my cost ..Maybe Im not clear ..Anyone have a suggestion on how in this app I could do this? I combine various diff type landscaping jobs it affects my workflow by slowing me down in my Invoicing which has always been my issue ..Getting timely Invoices out ..Its the last thing I get too I wanted a easy quick invoicing system with a basic template so I could just drop in a few things and send it by email and be done with it ..vs currently I had been using a word template and manually putting details in and then saving it and emailing it etc ..

  • MaggieAMMaggieAM Member Posts: 2

    When I try to print a statement there is a white circle over the final outstanding balance at the bottom. If I try to save as PDF, the white circle is there. It isn't there when I look at the statement on-screen. Can anyone advise how to remove this circle? There's no point being able to print or save a pdf of a statement if the customer can't read the balance. Thanks for your help

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @nekediting

    Wave currently doesn't have a proper method of dealing with a credit besides creating a new product called "credit" or something like that, and adding a negative symbol to the front of the dollar value. This essentially adds a credit to the invoice but will show as activity to the customer. There isn't a way to send them a statement without showing that account activity. Hope this makes sense.

    Hi @MacDaddyNavy

    My apologies that our invoicing is not designed for your particular business needs. Our system is a bit more universalized for the small business owner and I understand that this may not work with everyone's desired formatting.

    Hey @MaggieAM

    This is odd, but I do believe that this might have to do with your computers print settings. My apologies I'm unable to help you with this. Depending on the type of computer you have I'd reach out to to your manufacturer and see if this is a common issue on some web pages when you use the print pdf function.

  • MaggieAMMaggieAM Member Posts: 2

    @BarsinA said:

    Hey @MaggieAM

    This is odd, but I do believe that this might have to do with your computers print settings. My apologies I'm unable to help you with this. Depending on the type of computer you have I'd reach out to to your manufacturer and see if this is a common issue on some web pages when you use the print pdf function.

    It isn't a problem with the print pdf function or the save pdf function on my computer. It only happens on Wave when trying to print a customer statement and the circle is exactly over the outstanding amount. It doesn't happen when trying to print any other Wave documents.

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @MaggieAM . thanks for clarifying. Would you be able to provide an image of the file not printing properly? Wave is designed for online usage rather than printing, so it is possible that there's a flaw in the statement print screen - but an image will help confirm this.

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