What are customer statements and when should I use them?



  • MyEEMyEE Member Posts: 2

    I created a test transaction with a customer and Account activity did not show this transaction for the given date range. I tried testing this feature 5 mins after creating the transaction. Do we need to wait longer or is there something wrong here?

  • louise5678louise5678 Member Posts: 1

    I'm having an issue with the customer statement (account activity) not showing all payments for that customer. For example if a customer has paid ahead of an invoice being issued, I have added that payment against the customer's name, but it is not showing on their statement.

  • jessdibbsjessdibbs Member Posts: 2

    Revision to my previous comment: I am attempting to go through my customer statements; however, they do not show invoiced amounts, only payments. If necessary, I can provide a screenshot of what I am trying to explain. My goal is to show all account activity (charges on the account and amount that has been paid by a customer). This is what the summary at the top states:
    Opening Balance $0.00 (which is what it should be)
    Invoiced $0.00 (there should be an amount billed here, I believe)
    Paid $20.00 (however much the person has paid)
    Refunded $0.00 (this is supposed to be 0)
    Balance ($20.00) (reflects the amount that has been paid on the account, not the actual balance)

    How can this be fixed?

  • MyEEMyEE Member Posts: 2

    Update to my post on Oct 27, 2020. My test Sales transaction for a test customer does not show up in the accounts activity report even after 4 days. Note that the ability to send out receipts to customers is an important feature. Please advise how I can do this. Thank you.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @VLinAssociates

    Unfortunately a master statement for all customers is not available in Wave at this time :disappointed:

    I wonder if you're able to select Sales >> Invoices >> Select your date from the date picker >> Select the status of the invoice >> Then you can select the customer button and sort by customers to get an overview. Of course this isn't a statement as you were initially looking for and it is a workaround, but I hope it helps to some degree!

  • JbnJbn Member Posts: 2


  • Shrey_LaddhaShrey_Laddha Member Posts: 2

    Is there any feature available, where we can check entire transactions with a customer (whether reimbursable expense or sales), so that we can get to know total amount outstanding (sale amount + reimbursable exp amount).
    Currently, in Sales< Customer statements, this is not available.

  • Kim2020Kim2020 Member Posts: 3

    can a person send a statement in pdf? without having to print to pdf and then email from outlook or whatever your email program is?

  • LarikeLarike Member Posts: 1

    The notification of wave changing and no new registrations outside US and Canada will be allowed is on all my statements that need to go to clients if I print it to pdf. How do I take off this notification???

    edited December 17, 2020
  • LarikeLarike Member Posts: 1

    Does this notification really need to be on statements that I send in pdf to a client?? Very unprofessional.

  • USDFRegion1USDFRegion1 Member Posts: 1

    I created a list of all invoices from 1/1/20 through today; however, I can't find an option to print or export that report. When I try to select multiple invoices, it opens on the first one I click. Any help appreciated!

  • nsamnsam Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I usually print to pdf using the "more actions" option and the output is always fine. Today, however, I tried the same and the pdf now displays the notification, "Changes to Wave for businesses outside the United States and Canada", etc, on the top half of the statement. Can you advise how I can remove this?
    Many thanks

  • EdC_OnTheRockEdC_OnTheRock Member Posts: 3

    Hi Wave Team,
    Is there a way for customers to pay their total outstanding balance in one transaction not each individual invoice? I have a customer trying to pay their total outstanding balance at once that is from multiple invoices but telling me it's not allowing them to do so. I am not exactly sure if this is possible but if so how do I direct them to make the full payment? Thanks in advance!

  • BBMBBM Member Posts: 1

    Please can you remove the advisory banner about changes in 2021 from the top of the statement? Its showing up when I try to print and send the statement and looks very bad...

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Jbn , can you send some screenshots of the paid invoice as well as the balance still showing as unpaid in your Customer Statement?

    Hey @Shrey_Laddha , As it turns out this isn't available at the moment.

    Hi @Kim2020 , the only way to save to PDF at the moment would be through the "Print..." option.

    Hi @USDFRegion1 , do you have the More Actions button appearing at the top of your statement? BY clicking that you have the option to print. Alternatively, if you want to save the Customer Statement as a PDF, you can right click and select **Print...* and when the modal pops up, under destination there's a Save as PDF option.

    Hi @nsam and @BBM , thanks for flagging this for us. I'll bring this up with our engineers so that they're aware it's an issue.

    Hey @EdC_OnTheRock , I'm afraid that there's no single button to pay an entire balance, although your customer can at any time overpay a single invoice for an entire balance. The issue with this is that you would have to spread these payments out manually on your side to apply to all invoices using our Accounting for overpayments Help Center article which creates a little bit more work on your end.

  • Kim2020Kim2020 Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for the reply Alex, but I want to email statements in PDF, like the invoices, not save them to PDF. I understand how to save them.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Larike , this has been flagged for our Engineers and I'll update once I have more info. Thanks for flagging this for us!

    @Kim2020 , I'm afraid this isn't an available feature at the moment.

  • Kim2020Kim2020 Member Posts: 3

    Thanks again for the reply. Is this going to be a feature soon? My customers will not click on the link to view their statement considering how much spam is out there and it comes from wave not my personal email. If the PDF ability was available like the invoices are, statements would be much less time consuming.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @nsam , @BBM and @Larike . Following up on this, after generating a statement if you click the More actions... button at the top of your statement and select Print, you can print/save the PDF this way without the banner appearing.

    Hey @Kim2020 , we don't have any plans at the moment to implement this in the near future so saving the PDF and manually sending would be your best option at the moment. Thank you though for providing some additional context here on how this would help your business, it helps our Product team prioritize future features!

  • KennyJKennyJ Member Posts: 1

    There does not appear to be a way to show late payments - the activity shows the payment and the dates, but does not show when they were due. It would be helpful during contract negotiations and project kick-offs to be able to show payment history to the client (or to our management team so they can negotiate/explain why a late fee, non-payment penalty, etc. is being discussed).

  • qcmqcm Member Posts: 4

    This was great until I realized it added a slew of payments that have already been paid, they are showing them as overdue from last year. Can you fix this bug and also separate by years.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @qcm , I see that you're already in touch with our Support team about this and that it's being escalated to be looked at further. Thanks for your patience in the meantime. If you have any further questions until then , please don't hesitate to reach out to the agent via email directly.

  • RishiRRishiR Member Posts: 2

    Is there any way for the statement to reflect the original invoice, then include late fees and finally show total due amount?

  • MystguyMystguy Member Posts: 1

    The system is not recognizing the customer transactions. The customer is added to a transaction, but when generating a customer statement for account activity, there are no results. Any ideas what i may be doing wrong?

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @RishiR !

    I'm afraid that customer statements only contain the invoice number, invoice date, due date, total, amount paid and due. If the late fees were applied on the invoice, the fees will be included on the customer statement.

    Hello @Mystguy !

    To clarify, your customer statement will only include customer invoice activity such as issued invoices, invoice payments and refunds. If you add a customer to a regular transaction on your Accounting > Transactions page, it wont appear on the customer statement. This feature is strictly for invoice activity.

  • withmission2020withmission2020 Member Posts: 1

    Hi, we are receiving donations and would like to send a yearly report to each giver with yearly donation records.
    How can we do this job in Wave? We already connected all the bank transaction records and categorized them. But we do not make any invoices so we cannot use customer statement. Please help me how we can do this job done.

    edited January 28, 2021
  • Jawed_AllanaJawed_Allana Member Posts: 9

    Good addition. Please also develop Group of Customers tag.

  • M_FinanceM_Finance Member Posts: 1

    There is a need of a new type of Customer Statement and Vendor Statement also showing Item Name, Quantity, and Rate with Invoice Number and Amount. Thanks

  • BobbibBobbib Member Posts: 1

    Unfortunately many customers pay the total due on one invoice, rather than each invoice individually. I see there is a new item in the transaction section that says split transaction. Can this be used to split a payment between different invoices?

  • erichhdschmitterichhdschmitt Member Posts: 6

    Can you create a customer statement without having sent any invoices?

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