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  • I've recently photographed around maybe 100 receipts (in batches of approx 8-10) using the Android app, but after the first few were processed & uploaded successfully, processing seems to have stopped & I have the majority stuck in the 'PROCESSING' column, displaying 'Unknown Merchant' & 'Uncategorized''. I was able to manually proces…
    kacit 181 views 2 comments Most recent by kacit March 20, 2019 4:55PM
  • Hi, I have uploaded a couple of receipts today onto my IOS app expecting that these would stay processing for a while and then show up as usual with the name of the supplier (read through OCR) and the amount. However this did not happen today. All the receipts came in blank (no name of merchant) and the amount remained 0. The receipts have all bee…
    matcas 11 views 0 comments Most recent by matcas March 18, 2019 8:15PM
  • Dear Wavers, Thank you so much for taking the time to voice your feedback in this discussion. We appreciate you, we’ve heard you, and we’ll be making some changes to the updates described in the email you received on Monday. First and foremost, we apologize for the lack of clarity in our initial message. As evidenced by the feedback we’ve recei…
    Charlotte Closed 1.1K views 43 comments Most recent by Rahim March 8, 2019 7:49PM
  • We are in the very early stages of a startup and many purchases are for plant assets, equipment etc. Is there a way to record asset purchases in the correct category with the app? So far I only see expense catagory's listed...
    That_Guy 31 views 1 comment Most recent by ZoeC February 26, 2019 5:31PM
  • I have the (more actions) on my mobile phone but when I choose print it temporarily sets up to print as I see the print screen momentarily (split second), then I am simply looking at my invoice again with no printed invoice. I have checked other apps that I frequently print from and flawless operation occurs, I only cannot print from wave? I have…
    Garwood 11 views 0 comments Most recent by Garwood February 23, 2019 6:54PM
  • My wave invoice app won't let me upload my logo. Keeps saying: "error uploading" I'm well under the size/scale limits add have tried .png and .jpg files. Any thoughts anyone?
    SeriousMischief1 Closed 512 views 3 comments Most recent by Katie_Wave February 22, 2019 3:13PM
  • Hi all. Since the last product update, each time I enter a transaction under Accounting, the app freezes after I hit save. I noticed this first last night so I closed the app and tried again just now. Same thing. Anyone has the same issue and did you find a solution?
    Jamgirl 231 views 4 comments Most recent by Katie_Wave February 12, 2019 4:10PM
  • I sent 5 receipts for processing a few days ago. Today when I turned on the app it says no receipts for processing. So those 5 receipts have disappeared. I've re-done one of them about 10 mins ago and the app still says processing. What can I do to get the app to work for me? EDIT - it is working, I didn't know that I had to slide the screen to …
    graham 61 views 3 comments Most recent by Charlotte February 11, 2019 9:37PM
  • I enjoy using the app on my previous phone (Sony), but after changing to iPhone, I totally dannot use the app, everytime I try open the app, it shows error message that “cannot load the content” even I deleted the app and re-install again, it can’t even show the login page, but I can use it through the web and on my ops phone. How should I tackle …
    KL1226 301 views 0 comments Most recent by KL1226 January 31, 2019 1:35AM
  • When I upload a receipt and go in to edit it, why isn't the gst automatically calculated? I have indicated that it includes gst, however seem to have to manually input the amount of tax that is included in the total amount of receipt. Am I doing something wrong?
    jacquiek 42 views 0 comments Most recent by jacquiek January 24, 2019 5:51AM
  • Hi Been a while since I used Wave receipts (2 months) and now nothing will upload. Keep getting “unable to sync” message. It always took some time to upload multiple receipts now just 2 won’t go at all. Can anyone pls help?
    PeterFree 51 views 0 comments Most recent by PeterFree January 23, 2019 6:34PM
  • Hi. I’m suddenly having issues with the receipts app where it cannot accesss my phone’s camera. It worked fine in the past. I’ve tried deleting and reloading it to no avail. I click on Allow Camera Access but the app does not respond. It will let me do everything else though. I have an iPhone SE with an updated Safari browser, but this is th…
    Farmgal 11 views 2 comments Most recent by Farmgal January 23, 2019 12:29AM
  • Hi Wave team, I'd just like to raise an issue that I've had since I started using the Reciepts app. My device is a Samsung Note 8 The checkmark button to confirm your taken photographs for processing is too close to the edge of the screen, meaning for right handed users especially, pressing the button is often accompanied with a bit of a right-t…
    DubMFG 11 views 0 comments Most recent by DubMFG January 19, 2019 7:13PM
  • I'm a newbie. I need some help understanding the Invoice App. A client invited me and I set up an online Wave account. Online I can see my Personal Account but in the Wave Invoice app I cant switch to my Personal account, only my client is listed under the Switch Business feature. Are accounts identified by email? I assumed that I would be able …
    JayLode 21 views 0 comments Most recent by JayLode January 10, 2019 6:24PM
  • Printing invoice from wave is always frustrating and time consuming. Usually I have to send a copy to my email and get on my computer to download and convert the invoice to pdf manually, and print it out. Today I tried to print it from my mobile, so I opened the copy email from my phone, click the "view invoice" button from the email, o…
    DaluClinic 11 views 1 comment Most recent by Erik December 20, 2018 6:19PM
  • I tried to import two client contacts on my iphone this morning in preparation for appointments later today. Customers Add (+) Import from contacts Search and found Select contact Done Click on Done is as far as I can get. Screen gives a short fade out and back in but goes no further. Have to cancel. Never had this problem before. Perform the s…
    clancularius 11 views 1 comment Most recent by JamieD November 12, 2018 9:16PM
  • This discussion was created from comments split from: Problems with receipts.
    System 211 views 7 comments Most recent by Calvin June 30, 2018 11:11AM
  • Does anyone knows how to add a discount in the invoice in Wave apps? I know how to do it in the computer, but in the Wave apps, when I click on the price, only the number pad shows up, and there is no way to add the negative "-" sign!
    Petmarthk 1.7K views 1 comment Most recent by Alexia February 27, 2018 4:17PM
  • I've added a receipt and it's stuck in processing for more than 2 weeks. An orange bar is displayed in Status of the receipt and shows "Processing" but no data. How can I delete the record and re-upload the receipt?
    ssameer 21 views 0 comments Most recent by ssameer February 16, 2018 6:43AM
  • I am having this issue of the app hanging and shut down when trying to load existing receipts on my phone rather than taking new photo. Thanks.
    ianton 11 views 1 comment Most recent by Alexia February 13, 2018 9:43PM
  • I am finding that I cannot add cents on the receipts app on my iphone? Is there perhaps a workaround for this?
    sshelver 71 views 7 comments Most recent by Bon_Ap_Jordan January 25, 2018 8:46AM
  • Hello. I am struggling trying to find where to remove my sales tax (gst) from my template on my android phone as I'm no longer required to charge it.
    Kerwin Norton 251 views 1 comment Most recent by James_Hudson January 23, 2018 5:53PM
  • dondon
    Hi, The other day I uploaded many receipts (more than 100) and most all seemed to go through ok. However, I currently have 20 receipts stuck in the processing tab of the mobile app (iOS). Interestingly, when logged into the web interface (Chrome on PC), I am able to find all of the 'stuck' receipts and am able to verify them all. They all show as…
    don 191 views 2 comments Most recent by Charlotte January 11, 2018 12:25PM
  • Hi everyone, I had a push notification from Invoice app which simply said 'lol'. Can someone help me decipher this message? I know what it means, but it really has no place in this context.
    nathan Closed 81 views 4 comments Most recent by Charlotte December 1, 2017 6:08PM
  • ianian
    I had a very unsettling experience just now when I received a notification from the Wave Invoices app which consisted of the acronym 'lol'. No other information was included, and when I opened the app no further information was forthcoming. Is this a poorly planned 'easter egg', a possible compromising of Wave's infrastructure, or the actions of …
    ian Closed 31 views 5 comments Most recent by hunnydip December 1, 2017 6:08PM
  • s ms m
    not able to log in
    s m Closed 1 view 1 comment Most recent by Charlotte November 23, 2017 1:52AM