API & Integrations Technical Support

Discussion List

  • Is there a way to import invoices issued to me by a supplier who also uses Wave?
    Halifax_Farms1 11 views 1 comment Most recent by PaulC July 13, 2020 2:57PM
  • Hello, would it be possible to get an update for the API roadmap please? The latest update is Q3 2019!! https://developer.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020333492
    P110 51 views 0 comments Started by P110 July 13, 2020 2:29PM
  • Good day all, I am trying to connect Wave to Teachable (course sales platform) and have managed to create a custom Zapier zap which reads and pushes the sales transaction details, including the processing fees (even though I have to combine credit card fees and platform fees). I wanted to know whether anyone had managed to push other types of ex…
    Richardds 41 views 0 comments Started by Richardds July 2, 2020 8:07AM
  • Pipedrive and Wave have an integration. One of the options in their integration is to create a new invoice. In Zapier I keep getting an error: Invalid customer id: 0 Is it possible to update a card in Pipedrive and have a new invoice created in Wave?
    onlinejoel 181 views 5 comments Most recent by onlinejoel July 1, 2020 6:43PM
  • Hi Is it possible to extract supplier/vendor/purchase information from the api. I have gone through the documentation and cannot seem to see anything on that side.
    golabekp 51 views 5 comments Most recent by RobVG July 1, 2020 3:21PM
  • Hello, in recent months I've noticed an issue with the date for journal transactions uploaded via Google Sheets. Although I'm selecting the correct date in via the Google Sheets interface, when the JE gets uploaded to Wave, the date is populated with the day before. This wasn't always the case, I started noticing this back in November. Please a…
    EL_Consulting 131 views 16 comments Most recent by CallieP June 29, 2020 8:04PM
  • I am running a number of ecommerce stores which are using Stripe for payment. They are coming from different niches so I want to keep them separate. I actually have 1 stripe account but 4 different businesses (niches) in it. I am going to use Zapier to bring all those transactions into WAVE but I want to keep them separate from the different sites…
    tracyselena 31 views 2 comments Most recent by tracyselena June 26, 2020 2:40PM
  • Hi. Is it possible to create Reoccurring Invoices via Zapier? Use case - A customer signs an agreement via Doksketch, and a Reoccurring Invoice is created. Thanks.
    Yasaf 11 views 2 comments Most recent by Yasaf June 24, 2020 5:13PM
  • Our PayPal link kept failing and I was having to manually import PayPal transactions to Wave using Google Sheets, which was very labor intensive to prep the import file. I just discovered the other day that you can go to Zapier.com and create a Zap (for free) that will import your PayPal transactions and fees LIVE as they happen. Set it up with t…
    ARTBAR_Trish 3K views 20 comments Most recent by drop2sellit June 20, 2020 12:54PM
  • First, sorry if this has been posted before, between the chatbot and google-fu I've not found a topic on this in the wave forums. Conceptually wave checkouts fits precisely my use-case, except, I need a similar feature to what stripe or paypal offer with checkouts, that is, a call back. I'd like to integrate it into one of my apps and have it cal…
    JayLBL 21 views 1 comment Most recent by ConnorM June 15, 2020 7:59PM
  • We need API keys from WAVE to integrate our LMS and so far the developers have been unresponsive to my requests. Anyone else have luck with WAVE developers?
    Kimberlee 111 views 2 comments Most recent by RobVG June 15, 2020 5:55PM
  • Hi Please can you help. I just want to confirm my understanding of how to pass graphql variables from php or any other lanuage into a graphql query. I am using php Curl to perform my request to the graphql api server. code: $data=' query($businessId : ID!, $page : Int!, $pageSize : Int!) { business(id: $businessId) { id …
    golabekp 102 views 5 comments Most recent by golabekp June 12, 2020 4:38PM
  • I'm currently building out a Zap in Zapier to import transaction amounts, fees, tips, and sales tax from Square into Wave. In Wave, I've created a "Square Clearing Account" under the "Money In Transit" category of our chart of accounts to account for the transactions processed in Square. My plan is to have Zapier enter the Sq…
    seanmsmitty 511 views 5 comments Most recent by PaulC June 5, 2020 8:45PM
  • Hello, On the API roadmap page, you have mentioned that in the Q1 will include "Ready for Commercial Use, with Invoice Create" I wanted to ask if you can share the status of this and possibly an ETA for this feature. Also, is there a specific thread to follow to get an update when this is available? Thank you.
    OdedG 2.3K views 23 comments Most recent by RobVG June 3, 2020 7:00PM
  • Can someone please advise me as to where the refresh lookup is on the google sheet. I am in google sheets. I started creating the information, I had to add a customer to wave and now I want to refresh the data. click the Refresh Lookups link at the bottom of the main section of the sidebar I can't seem to find it. Thanks
    cjamps 31 views 2 comments Most recent by cjamps June 3, 2020 12:51PM
  • Hello! I'm trying to record a payout from stripe to wave using zapier (could use integromat but I haven't been able to connect the account there yet), but since the only option it has is to record a sale, it won't allow me to send a negative number. I'm trying to subtract an amount from a current bank on the wave account. Any help and ideas are …
    Nehuy 41 views 1 comment Most recent by PaulC May 29, 2020 2:55PM
  • This discussion was created from comments split from: Foreign Currency Invoices and Bills.
    System 51 views 6 comments Most recent by PaulC May 27, 2020 8:18PM
  • I'm currently using moneyDepositTransactionCreate to insert transactions to my Wave Account. Sometimes I might want to update the Amount manually after inserted. However, I noticed that the tax amount doesn't update. I'm suspecting that it is because the tax amount is set as a float value. Is there a way that the tax amount would expect the item a…
    Teru 41 views 3 comments Most recent by PaulC May 26, 2020 1:51PM
  • I can surely send invoice to multiple email ids but how to keep someone in CC? Whenever we send an invoice to our vendors we need to keep our operations team and accountant email in CC field for better communication and transparency. How can I do it via API?
    gourav_evrcare 131 views 4 comments Most recent by gourav_evrcare May 20, 2020 3:06PM
  • Following this action [https://developer.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019968212-API-Reference#moneytransactioncreateinput] I'm using Python requests to connect with Wave API. query = """ mutation ($input: MoneyTransactionCreateInput!) {moneyTransactionCreate(input: $input) {moneyTransaction {id externalId date description anc…
    PabloEsco 92 views 1 comment Most recent by RobVG May 20, 2020 3:19AM
  • Hi everyone, This is my first time working with graphql and waveapps. I am creating invoice on behalf of other customer. Steps I followed: 1. Gather customer's token via oauth2/authorize api 2. create customer 3. create product 4. create draft invoice 5. approve draft invoice While creating customer and product, I can see either errors or data. …
    amritms 131 views 1 comment Most recent by RobVG May 19, 2020 6:36PM
  • On the weekend I posted a question to the API team, I got a request number 1203275 and a response saying it had been received. But then nothing. It's now Friday and I've had no response. Is this typical? What is the best way of getting in touch with the API team? Somebody please give me some feedback here.
    murray 41 views 2 comments Most recent by RobVG May 19, 2020 4:06PM
  • I am planning to create a Wave invoice function on a website. The website is using PHP and I planned to have the Wave invoice feature in it. I want to ask how can I create a Wave invoice on my website and payment bill, invoice bill, and comments from Wave to our website. It is my first time creating an API so I am confused and it's there any plac…
    Mike234567 31 views 1 comment Most recent by amritms May 19, 2020 5:35AM
  • Big Greeting to Wave Team, Thanks, Wave for everything it's very good, but I think if you can add more integrated with other platforms to be more integrated with any business, But you have to make easy integrated and secure to everyone can use,
    Ribier 111 views 4 comments Most recent by Ribier May 14, 2020 8:56AM
  • Hello, We are able to create invoice with single item via API. For single item, we are using items { product { id } quantity unitPrice } and in variable "items": { "productId": "test", "quantity": "1", "unitPrice": "80" }. How can we add multiple items in this? Thanks!
    opc123 31 views 1 comment Most recent by RobVG May 9, 2020 3:08PM
  • I use docparser/zapier integration to create invoices. For the last two weeks all invoices created via integration have been 0$. All the products are correct, just that their price is erroneously recorded as 0$.
    Thehoneycomp 31 views 11 comments Most recent by Thehoneycomp May 7, 2020 4:08PM
  • Hello everybody, I am trying to migrate to a new Waves account and transfer as much as possible from the old one, but I am having problems transferring the products and customers through google sheets. ---STEPS SO FAR--- 1. I have setup the new account, and given access to it within the old account 2. I have connected the old + new accounts thro…
    Panagiotis 31 views 8 comments Most recent by Barsin May 5, 2020 7:48PM
  • Hi! I'm developing a little Google Sheets script to push batches of complex transactions to a client's Wave account. During testing I found a particular issue with multi-line foreign currency transactions that I'm not able to get around. Preface: I'm using Wave's GraphQL API. Home currency is CAD, and the foreign currency I'm trying is USD. I ha…
    SBenoit 44 views 2 comments Most recent by SBenoit May 1, 2020 8:57PM
  • Hello. How do I download from and upload to Products & Services (Purchases) using Wave Connect and Google Sheets? I am able to do this only for Products & Services (Sales).
    MariLor 31 views 0 comments Started by MariLor May 1, 2020 7:03AM
  • Hello All, Anyone and idea what to fill in at the field Default Sales TAX Ids to automate magento 2 order into wave see screenshot.
    Vincent1983 91 views 1 comment Most recent by RobVG April 27, 2020 4:22PM