API & Integrations Technical Support

Discussion List

  • Could someone provide me steps or suggestions on how to integrate Checkout orders with Printful (POD services). It's a bit confusing how Printful is accessing the Wave order. I would like to have a Checkout order get pushed into Printful as a new order for printing and shipping fulfillment. Thank you. -doug I should note that I am using Zapier.
    GeoTech 161 views 1 comment Most recent by JulianP January 4, 2021 8:12PM
  • Does the current API allow for us to categorize transactions (for example, label a Stripe deposit as "Services" revenue or the Zoom withdrawal as "Dues and Subscriptions" expense). As in categorize transactions outside of Wave using the API, then updating Wave with it?
    EddieV 21 views 0 comments Started by EddieV January 1, 2021 7:14PM
  • I have two businesses set up on Wave and I have a separate PayPal account for each business. I have integrated PayPal for business A no problem but when I try to integrate a PayPal account for business B, it shows the details for business A and I can't change it. Does Wave only allow the integration of one PayPal account even though I have two se…
    Anita1984 21 views 5 comments Most recent by AlexL December 30, 2020 4:17PM
  • When I import reports into Google Sheets using Wave Connect, it appears that the start date you pick uses the end of that day instead of the beginning of that day to calculate the balances. If I run the same report directly in the Wave website, it uses the beginning of the day. For example: running a balances report using 01 Jan 2020 as the star…
    justdave 31 views 1 comment Most recent by RuslanBanakh December 30, 2020 11:53AM
  • I have a client who entered the wrong answer to his security questions and has since rectified this with his bank. Wave however, has been unable to import bank transactions since that date, and I'm currently awaiting help from Wave Support. It seems to me that in the earlier Wave, I could delete the bank accounts and enter them as "new accoun…
    APColeman 51 views 5 comments Most recent by APColeman December 22, 2020 5:51PM
  • Hello, I like the way Wave looks. Did you release your design system or some UI library?
    WaveWaveWave 151 views 1 comment Most recent by AngelaC December 15, 2020 7:50PM
  • I noticed that in both the API integration with Integromat and the Google Sheet add-on, the fees are missing from the data. Was this an oversight?
    jonbstrong 11 views 1 comment Most recent by PaulC December 14, 2020 4:22PM
  • Hi, since yesterday my Square transactions are no longer zapping properly into Wave. Zapier said this is due to a problem on the Wave end. Is this on the radar?
    christyprice 31 views 3 comments Most recent by JulianP December 8, 2020 7:46PM
  • Radius Business Bank did a major upgrade over the last few days and consequently the Radius Business Bank account sync has stopped working. The Wave account can no longer authenticate. I hope Wave & Raidius Business Bank can come together and fix this soon. Thank you.
    janoah 11 views 3 comments Most recent by janoah November 29, 2020 3:40PM
  • Hi, Is there a way to create a new business under an account using the API? In order to keep things clean, it'd be best to just create a new business per user to keep products and whatnot separate from their main business, where I would be writing and reading products, customers, etc :smile: no problem if not! Would just reduce error on my end, an…
    Fretless 31 views 3 comments Most recent by Fretless November 24, 2020 11:05PM
  • Hi I am trying to create a transaction to mark one of the invoices paid using "Money in Transit" account. I noticed that there is one RECEIVABLE_INVOICE account for each Invoice created. I have managed to create the transaction where my anchor account is money in transit account and line item account is RECEIVABLE_INVOICES account. Is…
    Milan 51 views 7 comments Most recent by Milan November 20, 2020 8:48PM
  • My PayPal / Wave setup is quite clunky. While it's been manageable so far, I'm afraid it's not going to scale well and was wondering if there's a better way to do it. I'm a Canadian business so CAD is the default currency, but I invoice U.S. customers in USD and they all pay via PayPal. From PayPal, I withdraw CAD to my bank account, and those t…
    CoryTrevor 691 views 13 comments Most recent by kikukevin November 18, 2020 10:21PM
  • Hello there, I am using Chase as my bank account. Recently I made a few sales but I can't see the transaction listed to Wave but that's amount won't transfer to my Bank account. Is there any issue or something?
    Mohammadhassam_ 1 view 0 comments Started by Mohammadhassam_ November 18, 2020 10:17PM
  • Apologies if this has been asked and answered: Im a new user and have tried to link my business PayPal but it doesn't show in the linked bank accounts. Not quiet understanding this, I therefore tried to link the account again which still doesn't show them in the linked accounts, however the PayPal account does show elsewhere and the transactions …
    thewizleon 5.2K views 4 comments Most recent by Jackopoam November 18, 2020 8:41PM
  • Hello again! I'm facing this issue with zapier, where every 24 hours I need to re-connect my wave account (I log in through google). Is there any setting to touch to avoid this? or will I have to reconnect every day for it to work? Thank you and regards!
    Nehuy 82 views 12 comments Most recent by Glampr November 16, 2020 11:25PM
  • In the early Spring of 2020, Wave launched an integration with Shopify that allowed the import of transactions and other information from Shopify online stores to Wave. In July, we de-listed the integration from our Integrations page after lower than expected adoption, and feedback that this integration wasn't meeting your needs to take the time t…
    PaulC 1.1K views 0 comments Started by PaulC November 12, 2020 2:17PM
  • I am in desperate need for help! I want to move over from QB to Wave but the Bulk Journal Transaction Upload feature is not working in the Wave Connect add-on. After entering all the data and correcting all the issues, it is saying "ERROR: Unbalanced. Total Debits must be equal to Total Credits. Unable to upload Journal." and won't all…
    Rojhaun 83 views 1 comment Most recent by JulianP November 11, 2020 9:00PM
  • Hi I am wanting to create an API to get all invoices for a specific customer. At the moment I only have the example version which is no good as its all in pages and shows all invoices so I would have to loop through each one on each page which is not good. I have tried a few different things but it does not seem to work. Does anyone have a run…
    Karskip 102 views 2 comments Most recent by Karskip November 2, 2020 3:13PM
  • Hi, I'm experimenting with the MoneyTransactionCreateInput mutation in the API. It 'nearly works' but can't figure out what the "anchor" is about (MoneyTransactionCreateAnchorInput). For my test, my assumption is that this is the Asset account the transaction relates to, so I've use the id for the "Cash on Hand" account, with…
    nigelwheeler 742 views 25 comments Most recent by Milan October 30, 2020 2:03PM
  • How can I access the reports API using the token issued for the API? It seems that the generated token doesn't have a scope for it. I need to access the Reports API: a) To retrieve all transaction data for all accounts/ for a given account in a period of time. ex: for the period 2019-2020 a list of transactions for all accounts for a given b…
    DanielM 22 views 1 comment Most recent by PaulC October 28, 2020 1:24PM
  • Can I use this to file my Etsy shop taxes?
    heartturnedperfect 12 views 1 comment Most recent by AlexL October 26, 2020 5:43PM
  • I am facing issue creating invoice using Wave's GraphQL API (invoiceCreate mutation). Invoice has line items ranging from 500 - 2000. At around 600 line items, api return error {"error":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n<head>\n<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<title>Error</tit…
    manish_m 172 views 2 comments Most recent by Linda_Byrne October 23, 2020 8:27PM
  • I triggered a zap when a new invoice is created to send data to google sheets but the data that zappier obtains from wave does not contain the product item names from the invoice. It contains product ID or calls it 1 , 2... so on. I cannot find any product ID description in wave to relate the item to. I am trying to do my inventory management i…
    keith_1 12 views 3 comments Most recent by AngelaC October 22, 2020 1:17PM
  • I am wondering how to correlate IDs being used in Wave's GraphQL API vs. what I am seeing in Wave itself (either in my account or in data exports). It would appear that the API uses/returns a hashed or encrypted IDs. My question is if there is way to convert IDs that the API returns to the actual ID. An example is with creating a transaction thr…
    twestrick 31 views 3 comments Most recent by twestrick October 15, 2020 5:32PM
  • Hello. I would like to be able to record a transaction in Wave when a sale is made via Stripe. I see that there is a Zapier integration for this. I would like to be able to make this happened via Pabbly Connect. The Pabbly developers say that I need an API end point for “Create Transaction”. How do I get this end point or information on this e…
    Admiraltk 1 view 1 comment Most recent by PaulC October 15, 2020 3:14PM
  • I have a shopify store and I can export my orders from Shopify into a spreadsheet. How do I get those orders into Wave?
    valhallagames 2.1K views 20 comments Most recent by Barhead October 15, 2020 2:09PM
  • Hi, I am trying to get Wave working for my business, and think the Google Sheets plug in could save me a HEAP of time, if it does in fact do what I want it to do. I have a Google Sheets document with all my job information. Each row is a job, and there are multiple columns with job number, invoice number, client address, etc. I am really hoping th…
    OnyxDesign 31 views 1 comment Most recent by AngelaC October 13, 2020 9:34PM
  • Wave's integrations for Etsy and Shoeboxed are no longer available to install as of the middle of June, 2020. If you are an existing user of one or both of these integrations, transactions will continue to import until July 31st, 2020. Wave's integrations with Etsy and Shoeboxed have been withdrawn from our integrations page, and are no longer a…
    PaulC 3.2K views 35 comments Most recent by Nicolet8200 October 13, 2020 6:08PM