Accounting Feature Ideas
Discussion List
Can you implement a filter on the Products in the inventory to filter alfabetically on the clients code example Client eg Shoprite product nr and price in inventory SH001 = suger = R 135.00 SH002= underarm = R22.00 so you can filter down to Shoprite and their products only, otherwise you have to scroll through the complete inventory from …
Hi, I am a new micro business owner in NSW Australia, and have been using Wave for about 6 months now and I'm starting to become familiar and happy the software (finance is not my strong side). a business owner, we need to start doing Single Touch Payroll (STP) in Australia and it doesn't seem like Wave software is supporting STP. So my …
Is there a way to make the COA list accounts numerically, not alphabetically? It's pretty frustrating to add numbers to the accts that don't file numerically.
Is it possible to export a complete customer list with all associated data? I realize this might be part of the global data export, which I just requested (but am anxious to know whether it will be included).
I hope the answer is equally as simple as my question! I had a customer pay with a check, which I deposited using my bank's app. The check bounced, however, so in the next day or two an equal amount was withdrawn from my account. With other accounting software, I've used "Income - Sales" to categorize both transactions, effectively reco…
There are been a few posts on the reduced functionality with split transactions, namely the inability to include expense categories in a deposit. I have just started using wave, set up my starting balances, entered some basic transactions and then came to entering data from my property manager. Their deposit is a net amount that includes income (r…
* If there is no movements in some accounts like Other Current Assets, when I view BS, it still appear. How to not showing it? * Setting-->Dates & Currency-->eg 31 March, when I view report, 2019, it appears 01 Jan to 31 Dec 2019, is it possible to automatically change to 1/4 to 31/3? Thanks * If i have more than 4000 transactions to imp…
When we add receipts under purchases, there is no way to sort by name/date or filter by merchant name. This feature is available on the receipts app where you can choose the merchant name to filter. Can this be provided on the web version as well?
We use Chase for our business banking, and the only method for downloading statements is to receive a PDF. At some point earlier this year, the automatic importing of bank transactions was turned off, so there are two weeks of transactions (Jan 9 thru Jan 28) that did not get imported. Since we had light activity those two weeks, there were o…
So, I made a weird discovery the other day. In my opinion this should be a "feature idea" but rather a bug report, but I wanted to post it anyway: My main account is in GBP but I have a EUR bank account in my account. That account has a grand balance of EUR 5.00. But my Wave balance sheet shows a balance of £35.72. So, according to Wav…
I would like to see the 'Other Income' group of Accounts listed separately from the general list of 'Income' on the Profit and Loss Report. Treating 'Other Income' as separate from business related income, should extend to the way reports are presented. For example, interest earned through the bank is not treated as business income, and is calcu…
I would like the ability to "LOCK" transactions that import from the bank. The bank is the system of record for our bank account balance and I feel those transactions should either not be allowed to be deleted - or they should be very hard to delete. While training a user, she deleted several transactions that were imported from the ba…
I'm using waveapps to help me categorize expenses that I download and import from my bank. I would love to see better reporting on expenses, visual graphs and charts, automatic categorization after importing, and a category usage month by month.
This should be a slam dunk: simply add the applicable business name somewhere in the email subject and/or body, and make sure there's a link to the right place in Wave. Currently, whenever Wave sends an email (for Payments by Wave notices and The Wave Team emails, possibly other emails to) it omits the name of the Wave business the message is app…
Sorry if this is in the wrong spot, never used these forums. Anyway... I'm trying to setup Wave for use for a bakery, and I'm looking to figure out either cost of goods sold or net profit, whichever you want to consider it. I was using google sheets, and had it setup in a way that calculated the percentage of ingredients used and gave me the actua…
We sent 11 invoices to a Travel Agency that we have been working with regularly. As all invoices were overdue, we phoned and asked them what the problem was. They replied that they had not received any of the 11 invoices, all sent via Wave with copy to me. Copy to my own inbox arrived immediately (and in previous months also arrived @ accounts dep…
Hello All, I need to know more about the entry of Purchase of Retail item vs the inventory. My business is purchasing products and do some value addition and sale in a bit higher price. For an example, purchase items by 100 and sell at 110. Now what I'm facing is there is no tracking of my inventory like if I purchase 50 items by 50x100=5…
I wanted to search all transactions, that exclude certain words in the description. So I thought how about waveapps adds some regular expression function into the search component.
When paying a bill it would be a good status to be set to "Scheduled" so that when the payment shows up we can correlate the payment from the bank. The payment should be posted to the bill until the connection is made by the check being posted by the bank.
It is difficult to get correct reporting without sub-accounts. Wave - please consider adding this feature in ASAP!
Hi, tax season is ramping up and one thing that is really frustrating is sharing URLs to custom reports we generate in Wave with our clients so they can see exactly what we're seeing, as we need to explain to them that 'Wave URLs don't work properly, so once you get to this link make sure you click X and Y'. This is especially a problem with links…
This discussion was created from comments split from: Search by Dollar Amount.
While exporting the Account Transactions the PDF / CSV does not display the vendor or Customers contact name. So, we need to rely on the description to identify the same from the downloaded copy. Kinldy advise how can the vendor or Customers contact name be displayed across reports wherever applicable. Thank you!
I noticed that receipt images are on a publically accessible AWS S3 bucket, and don't require any sort of credentials to access, simply knowing the url (which is complex - but not secured). To test, log into wave and view a receipt, and then copy that url into another browser or computer which hasn't authenticated into wave, and you will still be…
Is there a way to handle multi-page receipts? I am new to wave but the second receipt I have to record is a 2 page receipt from my lawyer for incorporation. Is there a way to take two receipt pictures for a single receipt? (page 1 and page 2?)
is there a way to add vendor info to multiple transactions instead of have to go to ea individual trans and post it there. would save me a lot of time.
Hello everyone, I am loving Wave! It is perfect for my small business in Colorado! Thank you for all the updates, you guys are really on top of this system and making it better and better!! I have a few suggestions for a hopeful future update... The ability to sort the transaction list from lowest$ to Highest$ - I am constantly getting duplicate…
Hello, thank you for your hard work on this product! I would like to request the following functions: 1. Ability to build rules (specifically for auto-categorizing or deleting or performing an action based on configurable criteria) 2. Ability to export to excel 3. Ability to see one or all account summaries & details on their own Thank you f…
One till slip could be paying for several payment expense categories. Most of my clients do the same, shop for multiple things at one store. I'd like to suggest a feature for us to choose to split / add more category and amount allocated to each category when updating receipts. Otherwise, I may as well just to do ledger journal entries for each …
In the past I could go to Reports and export simple lists to XLS, e.g. list of all invoices between a selected date bracket. I need this list for my accounting to easily crosscheck data. The only thing I can do is literally take screenshots of the invoice list - this can't be true?