Sales & Invoicing Feature Ideas


Discussion List

  • It would save time and energy not having to select the tax for each product line by line. Each line item could then have its individual button for each tax column heading for individual changes outside the global setting.
    wavesurferjam 31 views 0 comments Started by wavesurferjam November 24, 2021 1:11PM
  • I do not know if this feature exist but it is something that I am sure manu business would enjoy. A lot of times (my business obliged), I produce an invoice that's particularly large, and a customer asks if I can spread the balance due on that invoice across multiple billing periods. To accommodate this customer, I would like to split the invoice…
    JonathanHH 81 views 2 comments Most recent by davidmark November 17, 2021 3:58PM
  • For the last week I've been using the App to search for invoices by customer name. Why does the 'best match' not show up first in the filtered list as I type the customer's name. Instead the list shows every customer with any combination of the letters I type. The result is a longer list that I have to scroll though to find the correct match. …
    JalaQ 1 view 0 comments Started by JalaQ November 17, 2021 1:58PM
  • SriSri
    Why bills list table not showing due date for each bill. That will be good feature to see due date and highlight in red color if past due like invoice.
    Sri 4 views 4 comments Most recent by KLS_Mega November 12, 2021 6:13PM
    Hi there. I'm new to Wave. I provide legal services to clients (am an attorney), and often need to submit filing fees to government offices, for which I bill the client. How do I accurately record these payments on invoices, so they don't show up as payments to me?
    MNE 273 views 6 comments Most recent by MNE November 11, 2021 4:19PM
  • I have not found an allocation for discount option. can this be incorporated? especially once a client has paid you in cash and they are short the invoice amount by some change?
    akchamia_001 591 views 10 comments Most recent by 1n_Style_Blind5 November 11, 2021 12:20PM
  • Preferably, I would like the ability to effective date different types of transactions - like a Customer row. We are a small Homeowners Association and so we typically know when a house is sold and who the new owners will be...etc. So it would be nice to go into Wave and provide an effective date for when the old owner is no longer "effecti…
    GrantWHall 123 views 4 comments Most recent by APOATreasurer November 3, 2021 7:04PM
  • Is it possible for waveapps to create a client portal, so they can be able to download their own invoices, a statement and see their overdue invoices, partial payments? They would really reduce accounting admin.
    Given_XBS 431 views 8 comments Most recent by RoninBuildersLLC October 25, 2021 3:15PM
  • Hi , Whats the quick way of deleting multiple customers at once ?
    Yking 381 views 6 comments Most recent by SpeedGeek October 23, 2021 4:39PM
  • Please add ability to have both time and quantity based service and product rates
    LAYERc 11 views 3 comments Most recent by LAYERc October 22, 2021 7:11PM
  • They assumed that regardless that calcium supplements, healthy proteins, nutritional D, and also also other nutrients and vitamins in low fat yogurt honestly are rather suitable for us, we ought to have excess weight that moves in addition to them like a solution to acquire their safety my site outcomes. Health proteins attributes a greater thermi…
    flatbelly577 1 view 0 comments Started by flatbelly577 October 19, 2021 10:45AM
  • Is there a way to save payment terms by Vendor. For example, I have two Vendors (say Vendor A and Vendor B) that we invoice. Vendor A's payment terms are 30 days but Vendor B's payment terms is 45 days. I can set a default for payment terms for invoicing (say 30 days) however I have to go in and manually change the payment terms for invoices sent …
    skardamaplefarms 21 views 3 comments Most recent by HelpIfICan October 18, 2021 8:05AM
  • I would like to have the ability to segment customers. Some customer accounts go "inactive" but you may not want to delete them. Another use case would be grouping active customers. I think this may be handled with something like tags. This allows Wave to be somewhat sector-proof. Any business can customize Wave to fit their needs. Eith…
    teewreh 21 views 1 comment Most recent by HelpIfICan October 18, 2021 5:41AM
  • I tried separating 2 emails with a comma for my customer's contact details. I know I can add second emails when sending invoices, but most of my invoices go out automatically and this customer would prefer to get emails to 2 inboxes.
    OutLoudStudio 72 views 4 comments Most recent by PeteC October 15, 2021 1:47AM
  • Wave should record each occasion an invoice is sent or re-sent, or a reminder is sent. In each case, to whom, whether it was viewed, etc. This is important for chasing unpaid invoices to be able to show all the occasions on which the customer received the invoice again.
    Virgil 311 views 4 comments Most recent by HugoM October 12, 2021 10:11PM
  • I'm wondering how I could edit phone, subtotal, etc. to put them in French? Also, how I could do the traduction of the email send with the invoice? Thanks, Martin
    Martin 722 views 3 comments Most recent by Martin October 10, 2021 11:39PM
  • Hello, I live in Switzerland and i must send invoices in different languages, never in English. I can customize most texts but i can't change the most important ones, for example: * "BILL TO" text above the customer, * "Total" text under the items * "Amount Due" text * "Invoice Number" text * "Invoice…
    Fieel 1K views 38 comments Most recent by may01 October 10, 2021 3:13AM
  • The reachable data relating to cognitive instruction remains minimal, and the regular of the resistant demands to boost. Age will most likely be the single most significant element in the development of Alzheimer's condition. Nonetheless, there's however no indication of any significant incentives from my site instruction. In BPPV when one is pla…
    vertigo506 1 view 0 comments Started by vertigo506 October 8, 2021 11:30AM
  • We have customers that use multiple service address's with one billing address. We do roofing repair and have contracts with community management companies. I can not bill multiple addresses at the same time because every time I bill a new one it changes all previous invoices. I also lose all record keeping since it does not lock into each one. We…
    broofer 1 view 0 comments Started by broofer October 6, 2021 1:42PM
  • Currently adding a person to the send list of an invoice acts as a blind carbon copy BCC. I often need to send an invoice to an accounts department but CC the person who liaised with the job. The problem is that one party doesn't know if the other party has also been sent the invoice causing confusion. It's easy to add an other person to send the …
    Wonder 811 views 8 comments Most recent by cesauve2 September 29, 2021 5:23PM
  • I recently discovered that we're not notified if a recurring payment fails. I spent some time with customer support via chat (Carlos is awesome, BTW) and learned that it's intentional that we don't receive alerts about that. The only way to know a recurring payment failed is by reviewing your recurring invoices or outstanding invoices regularly. …
    MindfullSolutions 25 views 1 comment Most recent by ynkesparkle September 29, 2021 10:37AM
  • Is it possible to change the wording of your payment reminders?
    Berhoz 581 views 25 comments Most recent by Cyberklutz September 27, 2021 2:33PM
  • Hi, I've just moved over to Wave from Zoho, great product, nice and simple, but can't see a way to have bills/outgoings set-up on a recurring schedule. Items such as web hosting, rent, internet costs, etc., are the same each month. Right now it looks as is I need to manually create the same bills each time. Is there any way to automate this? Is i…
    adam_akson 21 views 4 comments Most recent by APOATreasurer September 24, 2021 2:26PM
  • Hi Is it possible to send one invoice to several different email addresses at the same time, via the iPhone app? I have a new customer that requires a copy of all invoices be sent to other departments. Is it possible to set this up within the customer tab, so it happens automatically every time? Thanks. Mark
    MarkSmithR9009 9.8K views 237 comments Most recent by Unhappycanuck September 23, 2021 5:33PM
  • I have a client that is paying a recurring invoice by credit card. He would like to do it by ACH. I know I can switch to manual payment then he could use the bank routing and account numbers to do ACH, but will he be able to set this up so it will be paid automatically like the credit card does now?
    petes 334 views 6 comments Most recent by sean_d September 16, 2021 5:50PM
  • It would be very helpful to have tags (customizable labels) to let us track transactions (invoices, expenses, and bills). Also, would be important to group tags together and run reports to see how specific areas of our business are doing. This is an easy way for our team to track the info that matters most.
    Lisie 51 views 1 comment Most recent by ohmandrews September 7, 2021 5:53PM
  • I know this has been discussed previously and seems it is a highly requested and indeed necessary feature. I need to invoice for (or at least issue a receipt) and account for tenant security deposits at the start of their lease and currently it is only possible to add invoices to an income account, which it is not. It is a short term liability. I …
    Headroom 381 views 2 comments Most recent by ack1128 September 4, 2021 2:21PM
  • Hello! I just have a few specific requirements for my invoices. It's mainly for vehicle sales that I need the invoices for and it needs certain extra fields but not as line items. I must be able to add certain fields on the invoice and want to find out whether it would be possible to do so? The fields are as follows: Vehicle Details Make Model …
    Jenix 612 views 2 comments Most recent by LovesWine September 3, 2021 5:23PM
  • As it is, the invoices are listed by these fixed fields: "Status, Due, Date, Number Customer, Unpaid by customer, Amount due, Actions" and there is no convenient way of choosing the correct invoice or getting a good birds-eye picture if you have a customer with multiple invoices. My Invoices page looks like this: .. I would…
    AffordableFix 1 view 0 comments Started by AffordableFix August 29, 2021 12:09AM
  • I am sure this discussion has been brought up many times but there still seems to be no solutions made by Wave. Having a business pay you an initial payment to get your services is the normal. There needs to be an option when invoicing to have a format setup to send the client the initial startup costs for your services. I feel like this is somewh…
    DannyBoy 13 views 0 comments Started by DannyBoy August 27, 2021 8:26PM