Sales & Invoicing Feature Ideas


Discussion List

  • I would like the ability to somehow "relate" or "link" Expense Transactions to a specific Invoice, so that we could see our profit on that specific service rendered. For example, as a Contractor, if I purchase materials for a Job, and also hire a sub-contractor to perform the labor, then I should be able to "relate" t…
    Hanz 3 views 0 comments Started by Hanz August 27, 2021 3:27PM
  • I'm sure I'm not the first person to look for this feature, but the ability to add a rule for late fees is incredibly crucial in many business. Something simple like - add 2% as a late fee every month starting 60 days after the invoice was sent. And does Wave not send reminders? every invoicing system I've ever used automatically sends reminders …
    SpeedGeek 11 views 3 comments Most recent by SpeedGeek August 13, 2021 2:19PM
  • Forgive me if this has already been addressed, but we are wanting to add Salesperson permissions with access to only SALES functions. Is there a way to customize their permissions or are we stuck with the 4 default ones? I'm not sure it's logical for a salesperson to have all accounting, buying and financial reporting permissions. Thanks for your…
    cgoodrow 1 view 0 comments Started by cgoodrow August 12, 2021 4:38AM
  • Hi community. How can I customise my "Invoice Reminders" or "Payment Receipts"? In my case, I want them to be written in German and a few more details. Is there a way to change the default text? Thank you
    Amadeus Hoffmann 1.9K views 49 comments Most recent by Boris27 August 6, 2021 10:41AM
  • Hello, it would be great to get a report on the following items.. * Recurring Invoices (would be nice to see summary of how much is coming in per month and per year) * The payment screen, would be nice to see a total of payments made by bank transfer or credit card and the cost of receiving those payments
    HVTech 21 views 3 comments Most recent by Smashbrando August 5, 2021 9:47PM
  • In the invoice settings, we only have one checkbox to set reminders for 3, 7, and 14 days. If we only want a reminder sent every 7 days, we have to deselect the other option each time we create an invoice. It would be great if we can select the 3, 7, and 14 checkboxes individually in the global settings.
    RoundRocks 1 view 0 comments Started by RoundRocks July 26, 2021 1:36PM
  • I know we can customize the invoice template in settings but sometimes I need to send an English invoice and sometimes a Hebrew one (Right-to-Left). So, what I would like is to be able to create multiple invoice templates (for different languages) and when I need to create an invoice for a customer, I would be able to select which template I want …
    RoundRocks 1 view 0 comments Started by RoundRocks July 26, 2021 1:27PM
  • I want to send invoices to clients that do not have the option of paying online. Just a simple invoice. I have disabled the option of credit card and bank payments but when my clients open their invoices in email the option of paying via credit card or bank payment is still the first thing they see. How can I send my clients a simple invoice tha…
    smithiealum01 1 view 2 comments Most recent by tmc3 July 24, 2021 6:54PM
  • Hello Wave Team. For invoices, it would be awesome to be able to provide a subtotal to the customer after adding up their services and products, before applying taxes or discounts. This helps them see the true value of what they are purchasing, and then they can see the final total after discounts and taxes are applied. Is it possible to add an op…
    BoundarylessJed 94 views 6 comments Most recent by PMON July 13, 2021 9:02PM
  • I've deleted this post because I have no interest in helping Wave with good ideas. Wave can suck it after they crapped on all of their European customers. Screw you.
    WaveCanSuckIt 131 views 10 comments Most recent by WaveCanSuckIt July 9, 2021 10:57PM
  • Meet tidl, a simple, intuitive time and expense reporting solution seamlessly integrated into Wave Accounting. * Record your hours and submit directly to Wave as a new invoice and / or export to a spreadsheet for inclusion in status reports. * Record project expenses and submit directly to Wave as a new invoice and / or export to a spreadsheet fo…
    tidlapp 193 views 7 comments Most recent by jfs July 8, 2021 3:34PM
  • Hello! :) I'm wondering why Estimates items can't be re-ordered like Invoices. I know the Estimates are not managed like Invoices on the back-end. But, implementing a simple re-order tool in front-end (like in Javascript) is so simple normally and don't take a day of development (I talk as a web developper). I think you really need to put this fea…
    Shad 2 views 0 comments Started by Shad July 6, 2021 7:05PM
  • I would like to be able to reorder line items on estimates.
    d0paminefiend 1.5K views 71 comments Most recent by a_l July 6, 2021 6:57PM
  • Hi there I’m new to wave and I’m trying to accept a bank payment how do I go about accepting one of those payments.
    RobertThigpen779 1 view 0 comments Started by RobertThigpen779 July 6, 2021 4:31AM
  • Please add this to the queue, it is starting to become a headache. Thank you!
    deyamiraphotography 1K views 14 comments Most recent by Mr_Wyrd July 2, 2021 12:39PM
  • It's great that I can see the sum of overdue invoices, but it would be just as interesting to see the sum of all unpaid invoices. This would help me planning my cash flow because it would allow me to see how much is outstanding, whether it is overdue or not. I guess that this is what "Due within next 30 days" is supposed to be, but I ha…
    GregVeres 1 view 0 comments Started by GregVeres June 29, 2021 7:16PM
  • I live in Seattle and we have HUNDREDS of tax codes. I wish Wave could take the ship to address and lookup the tax percentage for me.
    kevinmikol 1 view 0 comments Started by kevinmikol June 26, 2021 10:28PM
  • How do I automatically apply an additional charge for someone paying via credit card?
    Sski18 1 view 0 comments Started by Sski18 June 23, 2021 2:32PM
  • It would be wonderful to have a Contracts feature in the Sales section. To be able to send contracts / docs out of digital signature with an attachced Estimate. If nothing else, at least a more robust Estimate interface with ability to attach contracts. Currently exporting as a PDF and sending as email. I can even combine the Wave Estimate PDF wit…
    davidsteindesign 482 views 12 comments Most recent by Photography June 22, 2021 10:10PM
  • Hi to All. Is it possible to reflect an outstanding amount due (outstanding balance) from a past invoice in a new invoice for a same customer, so he will pay for an outstanding amount as well ?
    Orkhan 912 views 7 comments Most recent by Spoonhandle June 17, 2021 9:26PM
  • Hi My problem in this.. I have a business account connected to me waveapp. Every time I make a purchase with my business card which is connected with waveapp it syncs my transactions, great! Now, I want to do is upload my receipt/invoice of purchase to waveapp and attach to the purchase record but when I do that via my app on my phone or on my…
    Famoso 13.9K views 190 comments Most recent by KiahD June 17, 2021 8:55PM
  • Hi All, This is my first post here, and have recently moved to wave as my business has grown, I needed to find a solution to my ever growing pile of paperwork. What I am really struggling with is in the creation of customers. I cant create a customer and any of its child entities. I know this sounds a bit strange, but bare with me. We do a lot …
    SV17 1 view 1 comment Most recent by JulianP June 11, 2021 6:45PM
  • How to remove a Wave logo that we have in invoices? Currently, we are evaluating Wave invoicing app at Rioks, and wonder if we can possibly use it for the future clients' billing. The problem is - having an extra branding inside of the email and sender's email to belong to will not build our image of a professional company. Any so…
    Oleksiy 1.9K views 16 comments Most recent by tryingWave June 7, 2021 1:13AM
  • We provide different services to customers and usually this is done quarterly basis or on a regular set schedule. It would be very helpful to me if I was able to categorize customers by the type of service they receive. For instance all commercial pest svc in a group, termite treatments in another and mosquito misting system customers in a group. …
    Awashington1977_ 13 views 2 comments Most recent by NPM June 3, 2021 6:42PM
  • This system is regarded as affordable to visualize bodyweight-decrease results, consequently transportation is likely to trigger fat burning. If you are tired of the boring old conventional excess weight-decrease as well as excess fat lessening formulas, detailed here is in reality a new technique to raise your exercise. You will delight in extra …
    fatreducingformula17 1 view 0 comments Started by fatreducingformula17 May 31, 2021 12:34PM
  • LOVE Wave. Please add ability to add images to products and then have them display on sales estimates and invoices.
    LAYERc 222 views 5 comments Most recent by RebeccaArt May 27, 2021 6:02AM
  • I'm new to Wave and baffled to find there's no where to put my email address in my contact info on an invoice. Am I missing something? Please tell me there's a way.
    InvoicingJoe 1.1K views 4 comments Most recent by KristenV May 11, 2021 7:35PM
  • We use the PO line to include specific references so that the customer can easily identify what the invoice relates to. We use vehicle registration plates as the PO as there's nowhere else suitable to include the info. However it would be so much better if it had a proper reference box and to also have it so you can search the reference in the inv…
    RachxHxx 1 view 1 comment Most recent by AlexL May 7, 2021 8:55PM
  • Hi, I am new to Wave and was absolutely loving it! Then I needed to send a vendor a purchase order and noticed Wave doesn't offer the capability. I've contacted support and they say they have no plans to add purchase order support. I have a business where many vendors require a PO and currently I manually create them, but it's a huge hassle. I als…
    blinden 174 views 3 comments Most recent by KiahD May 6, 2021 9:03PM
  • Hello, Enjoying your app so far, but every time I send an Invoice, the message area is blank. It doesn't have a checkbox to make it my default, or at least remember what I wrote previously. Everyone wants their Invoices and messages to look professional, and we want to get back to paid work. Having to type Dear "' and Please see your Invoic…
    headTrix 1 view 4 comments Most recent by headTrix May 6, 2021 5:25PM