
Discussion List

  • I would like to be able to Sort Receipts by Date, Category, Merchant, etc and Filter by Date range / Category etc. (similar to Transactions, but also ad an Update button). What am I supposed to do with 2-3 years worth of receipts ? There will be 100s if not 1000s of receipts to look through if I need to verify something. Side note: sometimes d…
    RoKa 1.2K views 30 comments Most recent by LittleLemon April 27, 2021 3:08PMAccounting Feature Ideas
  • An invoice from long ago (+1 year) that was marked as paid suddenly popped up on my dashboard as overdue. I have done nothing to edit invoices in the past couple of days and cannot understand why this is now coming back.
    LDat5D 21 views 3 comments Most recent by NancyC April 15, 2021 8:46PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
  • Hello @Alexia Is there a possibility to introduce custom fields in the customer master, which when filled will reflected in the Invoice? (Bill to) It can be 3 or 4 custom fields. We use Wave app for generating monthly maintenance slips and we cannot mention the apartment number, apartment area, parking slot etc etc.
    UHRP3 531 views 8 comments Most recent by StrazzulloNET April 7, 2021 4:06PMWave Features
  • Hi there! I am new to Wave and still trying to learn the features and best ways to use. I have a very simple single-member LLC s-corp consulting business. I have a business checking account where revenues and future business expenses come in. I also have a personal credit card and checking account where I have certain transactions that I would a…
    adventurous_sky 21 views 1 comment Most recent by AlexL April 2, 2021 1:25PMAccounting Technical Support
  • Hi there, Quick question regarding expenses paid out of pocket. The only expenses incurred by our business in 2020 were paid out of pocket. I listed all of these expenses in the owner investment/drawing account type. When I run our balance sheet to prepare our taxes I noticed theses expenses show under equity. Is this correct? or should these exp…
    T_NewBusiness 21 views 0 comments Started by T_NewBusiness March 13, 2021 2:50PM Using Wave
    I use Wave ONLY for business. The other day, I accidentally imported my personal credit card account into my Wave Chart of Accounts. I understand that Wave doesn't let the customer delete Chat of Account. But I can't have my personal CC account existed in Wave that I use for business. How can I PREVENT Wave from accounting for my personal CC acco…
    AKT 11 views 1 comment Most recent by NancyC March 4, 2021 9:56PMAccounting Technical Support
  • I tithe off of my business income and it, of course, appears on my bank statement. When doing a Reconciliation, it shows as a business expense, but is NOT a business expense. Any suggestions on how to handle this transaction when doing Reconciliation? Should I just move the amount to my personal account & then tithe?
    SJMonroe 21 views 3 comments Most recent by Mikeg February 27, 2021 6:36PMHelp Center Discussion
  • This discussion was created from comments split from: Feature request.
    System 4.4K views 40 comments Most recent by AlexL February 23, 2021 3:59PMSales & Invoicing Feature Ideas
  • CREDIT MEMO - When will WAVE offer a CREDIT MEMO function. A business should be able to give a client a credit, but have it itemized so the client/customer is aware they got something of value, compliments of the business. For now, if you issue a CREDIT MEMO as an ITEM in an Invoice, with a negative figure, say, -$40.00, the invoice will process…
    Film35HD 3.4K views 18 comments Most recent by Steve_FieldstoneHOA February 18, 2021 2:18PMAccounting Feature Ideas
  • I was just notified that Wave payments will no longer be available. Any suggestions of another payment service to switch to in light of not being able to use Wave for payments anymore? Do any other services integrate with Wave for accounting purposes?
    Secundus 31 views 3 comments Most recent by AlexL February 16, 2021 4:07PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
  • There is a big hassle to download invoices one by one. There should be an option to select multiple invoices and download them at once. Try to provide this option ASAP.
    Devgan 43 views 4 comments Most recent by KristenV February 12, 2021 9:11PMWave Features
  • We used to be able to click on the headers in the transaction screen and sort by dollar amount. Why can't we do that anymore?
    eporteus 21 views 10 comments Most recent by AlexL February 8, 2021 6:58PMWave Features
  • We are a branding/advertising agency with customers in every industry. Becuase of the nature of our business and operation model, we are required to seek approvals before starting projects and track jobs accordingly before invoicing. Currently the WaveApps estimate system is very limited and does not account for holistic procedural updates to the …
    theAREnetwork 321 views 8 comments Most recent by AWeiss January 28, 2021 6:06PMSales & Invoicing Feature Ideas
  • I have invited a user to my company. They are uploading/updating the Customers section. Why is it that when they add a customer I am not able to see the update on my Customers tab considering I am "Admin"
    Digix 21 views 1 comment Most recent by JulianP January 26, 2021 8:22PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
  • Please add a save or save-as-draft button on invoice beside save and continue.
    jnpr 11 views 0 comments Started by jnpr January 18, 2021 9:59PM Sales & Invoicing Technical Support
  • Hi Guys, i have been using wave for a few years and was sad to see the news about non us customers. However i only use wave to create invoices and estimates and use the export to PDF function- everything else is handled by my accounts team. so am i correct in assuming that i can continue to use wave for my invoicing and does anybody know if th…
    Meridian123 541 views 6 comments Most recent by JulianP January 14, 2021 9:39PMUsing Wave
  • hi morning , i want to delete all of my invoice in my wave account . can you show me how the fast way to delete it ? because it will take a long time if i delete it manually one by one. thank you
    abangpurinta9 1.1K views 4 comments Most recent by Nate_Simonsen January 8, 2021 8:57PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
  • We have/had a sole proprietor business and have now transitioned to an Inc company. A customer incorrectly paid their Inc invoice to the old sole proprietor account by mistake. The owner at the time then transferred this amount from the sole proprietor account to the Inc account. I have matched up the transfer into the Inc account with the invoice…
    Fawn 1 view 0 comments Started by Fawn December 16, 2020 8:54PM Accounting Technical Support
  • I can download transactions from BNZ (Bank of New Zealand) my credit card displays as NZD but my other accounts display as USD even though the amount is the NZD amount, but when I list All Accounts the value is converted to NZD and reports as more than it should.
    Duncan 241 views 17 comments Most recent by JulianP December 16, 2020 8:37PMBank Connections
  • Hi, I'm in the Events Industry and we of course lost all of our events for 2020 after Feb. Had to Pivit...a lot! To get buy I have done some door dash (which I created a 1099 Door Dash Income Account) but have also earned W2 income through my friend's water park, I was an employee (that had withholdings) which has been deposited into my business…
    actfb 11 views 2 comments Most recent by Mikeg December 8, 2020 3:45AMUsing Wave
  • Hey Everyone! 

 What else do you use for your business and wish you could connect with Wave? What non-banking related data do you find yourself bringing into Wave regularly and wish we would automate for you?
    zuza 1K views 40 comments Most recent by Corey_Gardiner2 December 2, 2020 9:58PMAccounting Feature Ideas
  • Wave is outstanding, i run a cheese company in Sri Lanka and had two suggestions, the first being a report that would show you sales performance by product, that would help in illustrating your best sellers etc. Second would be a default message when sending an invoice, it would save you having to say Hi ....thanks for your order....
    sheriozha 2 views 1 comment Most recent by JulianP November 9, 2020 10:02PMWave Features
  • Hear me out. Something very odd happened when I was writing in today's sales. I recorded everything as usual, but then I noticed my cash flow's balance wasn't matching "all accounts" cash, which is the cash on hand shown in the balance sheet. I doubled checked everything, and found out through the Trial Balance that it is unbalanced by t…
    Aldo 842 views 11 comments Most recent by AlexL November 9, 2020 3:21PMAccounting Technical Support
  • Hello Community, I have been using Wave for my accounting needs since the beginning of a year and I have all transactions there. But I have a situation where I want to make an identical copy of the business into a new business with a different name - and keep both businesses. So I want to copy the chart of accounts, ledgers, transactions, basical…
    MouradS 207 views 1 comment Most recent by Barsin October 30, 2020 6:12PMAccounting Technical Support
  • Hi, I am trying out Wave for the first time. I connected my Chase Bank and my Capital One credit card. But when I try and add a Citi credit card, i get the error "there is a technical issue between Wave and your bank". Not sure if this is why, but Wave is trying to connect to: https://www.citi.com/credit-cards/citi.action And that is…
    helpmeplease 951 views 12 comments Most recent by olqop October 27, 2020 4:19PMBank Connections
  • My RBC bank connections are down again! Early this year 2020 they were down for months, WHAT IS GOING ON AT WAVE! Are you guys serious you want us Customers or What? I also pay Wave for the Payroll piece and to be stuck and left out in the cold with this poor ass Wave Accounting piece that can't even do the basics of connecting to my bank accounts…
    olqop 11 views 1 comment Most recent by olqop October 25, 2020 3:45PMAPI & Integrations Technical Support
  • How do I print multiple invoices?
    spicekitchen 1.1K views 12 comments Most recent by HarloweMicros October 22, 2020 5:45PMWave Features
  • Is there a way to export searched transactions in Wave to an Excel or CSV file? If I did Menu > Accounting > Transactions > applied specific filter (eg. Category = GST) and clicked Apply, it shows all the transaction I was looking for. Now, I would like to export this searched transaction as an Excel or CSV file - is that possible?
    Nish 4 views 1 comment Most recent by JulianP October 16, 2020 4:46PMAccounting Technical Support
  • Hi, I'm just wondering how to enter a Start up Government Grant into my wave accounts, which Category. Is it a "Capital Interest" or anything else? I also need to know where and how to enter Personal Investment into my wave account? Which category does it go in?
    Kadthulas2004 921 views 8 comments Most recent by joss September 20, 2020 3:33PMAccounting Technical Support
  • would love to see the optin to send pdf attacment bt defauilt.
    colin47 51 views 4 comments Most recent by Quickbooks September 19, 2020 3:57AMWave Features