Sales & Invoicing Technical Support

Discussion List

  • We are using stripe for card payments but concerned that Wave charges and Stripe does too. We did look at direct bank payments but dislike giving all login details thru wave system .
    Simon79 51 views 1 comment Most recent by ZoeC April 19, 2019 2:12PM
  • I am new to wave and I look for your helps and advises for my situation. I offer tutorial service to customer. I will charge the customer in current month and offer service in next month (that means I receive the payment before the service offer). If using recurring invoice function, the invoice will be create 1st next month, which I cannot recor…
    nicokainlei 41 views 2 comments Most recent by Samd April 19, 2019 1:53PM
  • Hello, I'm new to Wave, switching over from QuickBooks. I handle the bookkeeping of my three-unit self-managed condo association. I had setup in QuickBooks that each unit is a customer, and I generate invoices each month for the condo fee due from each unit. I also have liability accounts setup for when a unit makes a purchase for the condo asso…
    Evan 371 views 1 comment Most recent by JordanD April 18, 2019 5:24PM
  • Hi, Is it possible to set up both payment options i.e. credit/debit card and bank transfers for customers to choose from? I can only see either or options given. thanks
    Glyn 31 views 1 comment Most recent by JordanD April 18, 2019 2:06PM
  • Hi, I've just been sent a single payment that covers 3 invoices, how can i assign the one payment to 3 the invoices?
    Ian_Bond 681 views 2 comments Most recent by JamieD April 15, 2019 9:14PM
  • Has anyone else had the problem where once they send out an invoice and mark it as paid, two transactions occur in Wave due to the payment being acknowledged once invoice is marked as paid and also when the money has been received in your bank account. How can I save myself the time of constantly deleting this double up of the transaction in W…
    phoebe 591 views 13 comments Most recent by JamieD April 13, 2019 9:13PM
  • I've chatted with support twice and they just keep telling me to enter my bank information, but I can't get to that place. When I click on finish payments setup I get to step 3, Your Details. I enter me as 0% (I'm the elected CFO) and the one shareholder who owns more than 25%. I check the box that says, "I confirm there are not additiona…
    wvmomma 31 views 3 comments Most recent by Samd April 13, 2019 6:35PM
  • Hello. I've been using Wave since last May. I have been putting in my monthly expenses and income every month. I'm trying to run a year end report to get my taxes done, and it doesn't seem to be showing all of the expenses. I only have 4 or 5 'expense' categories (very small simple business). When I look at my income statement, it doesn't include …
    AmberH 91 views 5 comments Most recent by Mikeg April 11, 2019 9:47PM
  • Hi! I am a contractor. Is there a way to list invoices/estimates with a "job name"? When I look at a list of invoices i cant tell which jobs they are as I use job names instead of invoice numbers. Just adding a customizeable column in the invoice/ estimate list would be awesome! Anyone have a way to do this?
    Schroed 41 views 2 comments Most recent by Dixitex April 11, 2019 6:00PM
  • Hi, I am having a trouble creating Sales Invoice. Here's the screenshot of the error message:
    cjcjcjgarcia 111 views 1 comment Most recent by ZoeC April 10, 2019 9:29PM
  • I know Im due an eye test, but I cant see this infamous checkout button anywhere?
    keith 41 views 3 comments Most recent by oslivon April 10, 2019 5:07PM
  • Hi all, this is my first post and first week using Wave for my new business. Can anyone tell me if i am able to add a delivery date to my estimate? In my industry this is very important.
    Daniel_Cattell 21 views 2 comments Most recent by Daniel_Cattell April 8, 2019 3:51PM
  • Some of my recurring invoices did not send with my normal monthly run due to an error "Generation Error: The invoice scheduled for May 15th 2018 was not created. This is likely due to a server availability error." I made no address or email changes to my account or to themultiple clients that failed - AND there is no way to send these a…
    gustav 121 views 14 comments Most recent by Samd April 5, 2019 6:23PM
  • How do i let them know my paypal link? I have managed to integrate my paypal and wave account... but not sure of my paypal username or link so i just don't know how to let them know that they can pay me via paypal... Feel silly asking this, i hate IT and accounting stuff but it's a neccessary part of the job! And if they do pay via paypal, does p…
    sleepcoach 11 views 1 comment Most recent by Samd April 4, 2019 7:11PM
  • I am new to Wave and have been learning the system and I like it. I have a issue that I am hoping that someone here can help me with. How do I delete a reoccurring invoice or a reoccurring draft invoice? I created a reoccurring invoice to be sent out in 2 days. But the customer is moving so I cancelled their account ,now I need to delete thei…
    Ayde 11 views 1 comment Most recent by Samd April 3, 2019 5:46PM
  • I am trying to add a payment to an invoice. The only 2 payment account options I get are cash on hand and owner/investment drawings. I have added a new account, but it does not shop up in the dropdown as an option. Please help.
    karinv2 151 views 1 comment Most recent by ZoeC April 2, 2019 7:56PM
  • JunJun
    Hi everyone, This is my first post ever! :) Please let me know if I should be following a different format for posts or anything like that. I work as a Registered Massage Therapist in Toronto, Canada and I'm trying to figure out if Wave can handle my invoicing needs. One of the clinics I work at is pretty straightforward. I invoice them for a c…
    Jun 91 views 0 comments Most recent by Jun April 1, 2019 8:40PM
  • I mistakenly linked the incorrect invoice to a payment in 'Transactions'. Is there any way of removing the payment & invoice link without deleting the transition?
    ElevationTECH 11 views 1 comment Most recent by ElevationTECH April 1, 2019 4:05PM
  • I think there should be a way to register non paid invoices which never won't be paid so they are out of the list definitely. Is there a way that I cannot find? How do you do it in this case? Many thanks!
    Wordsellery 391 views 5 comments Most recent by Andra March 28, 2019 8:16PM
  • I have a debit card and have ba k up payments to me. What can I do to get my money?
    Dinitria 11 views 1 comment Most recent by JamieD March 27, 2019 7:12PM
  • I don’t know how to account for a difference between cash received and the invoice amount. I invoiced my client an amount to pay, because it’s a wire transfer from another country, the actual amount is reduced by a bank charge. When I record the cash received against the invoice, there’s still an outstanding balance on the invoice. I’m not sure ho…
    ADBS 21 views 1 comment Most recent by AlexL March 27, 2019 5:14PM
  • Hey how’s it going. I’m new to wave. Very excited and happy that I signed up. I’ve just completed my 1st job and sent out an invoice. I received an email saying I just got paid, which is great! Just wondering how do I transfer the funds to my bank account ???
    Timlamb85 281 views 1 comment Most recent by AlexL March 26, 2019 7:48PM
  • I've taken over the accounting for our Scout group and am having some trouble when it comes to categorising invoice payments. Once I see the payment for an invoice in the bank I can then record a payment in Wave and all goes well. When I go into the transaction in Wave the category is listed Invoice #XXX | Payment from Payee. I can change the c…
    Travis 21 views 1 comment Most recent by AlexL March 26, 2019 7:13PM
  • Good morning everyone, Earlier today, our team was notified of an issue that resulted in some emails (including invoices, invoice receipts, statements, and estimates) failing to deliver to their intended recipients. As of 8:49 a.m. Eastern, this issue has been resolved. I'll be merging any related discussions into this thread. If you are experie…
    Charlotte 31 views 7 comments Most recent by KelAsp March 25, 2019 8:11PM
  • Hi, I need to add 2% retention to my invoices. This is subtracted from the final amount owed. Please can you let me know how I can do so, thanks.
    Elsullastres 141 views 4 comments Most recent by MerlinAccounts_UK March 25, 2019 12:59PM
  • When trying to process card payment I get this error message..... 'There was an error submitting the payment. Please check your information and try again.' This has now occurred on two occasions with two different customers and also they couldn't pay through the Wave Invoice. Any advice appreciated, thanks in advance
    Leir001 141 views 4 comments Most recent by Leir001 March 21, 2019 6:17PM
    Hi I didn't have the wave app until a second ago. But i have been using the desktop version for some time. Currently in a battle with a customer who hasn't paid for over a month and she says she didn't receive the invoices or reminders. I sent them through wave and even selected the option to send a copy of the invoice to myself. Howeve…
    RMP 121 views 1 comment Most recent by Samd March 21, 2019 5:12PM
  • The space provided for one item on the invoice is too wide. I will be using double the amount of paper when printing invoices. Is there a way to fit more items on one invoice?
    Molly 11 views 4 comments Most recent by Molly March 20, 2019 5:13AM
  • Is it possible to split and recategorize payments in the transactions list? Most of my payments include different categories, like expenses, in addition to the income. But when I try to split or recategorize it changes the invoice status to not paid.
    zakray 71 views 7 comments Most recent by Ryan_W March 19, 2019 10:47PM
  • I have card details stored for this customer and took a manual payment - but I should have left it to do the payment automatically on the due date. I've refunded the customer via Stripe - how do I now mark the invoice as not paid so it'll take the payment on the due date?
    Patabugen 151 views 8 comments Most recent by JamieD March 19, 2019 10:21PM