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  • Previously our client account bank balance was tally with the bank statement I have checked the balance sheet the bank balance and cash balance is not same as per the transaction account transaction cash account transaction bank - MBB appreciate your assistance faridah
    faridah 31 views 1 comment Most recent by JamieD November 23, 2018 6:44PM
  • Hi there I am trying to get the details of all the Aged Receivables when I click on the overdue invoices in the dashboard , the list of unpaid invoice appear but the is no total , so I manually total it up the amount does not tally with the accounts receivables, how can I check total in the overdue invoices tally with the accounts receivables in…
    faridah 402 views 3 comments Most recent by JamieD November 23, 2018 6:43PM
  • I have an account that I started a handful of years ago with Wave and that account doesn't have the Reconciliation option under the Accounting tab. I have a new account that does. Why does my older account not have the reconciliation option and is there a way to get it? Nor I or my accountant can find it.
    MichaelLyons 21 views 3 comments Most recent by AlexL November 23, 2018 3:37PM
  • If you need to add terms & conditions to your invoices the only way I can see to do it is using the Notes/memo field at the bottom. If you get over approx 500 words it is unable to save the invoice and just hangs. The "save & continue" button becomes greyed out with no error message. Is there another way to add lengthy terms &a…
    BossB 391 views 3 comments Most recent by JulianG_2005 November 23, 2018 10:17AM
  • Good day, I am new to wave and I am trying to add either an expense or income, I have read the instructions. However it does not bring up the side screen for me to put transaction details. Please assist me.
    ToffTori971_ 21 views 2 comments Most recent by ToffTori971_ November 23, 2018 7:32AM
  • Is there a Cash only view of an Income Statement as oppose to Accrual?
    Shewster 11 views 0 comments Most recent by Shewster November 23, 2018 2:04AM
  • Hi, does anybody know the logic for why blank lines appear in the Aged Receivables report. I have a customer that has had no activity for over a year (and which I would rather forget) but they still appear in the report but just with blanks in all the columns. How do you stop them appearing?
    bathugeo 1 view 3 comments Most recent by JamieD November 22, 2018 11:46PM
  • I created an invoice, then had an issue getting it approved from draft, on looking for a resolution i found a discussion stating a change of currency to a foreign currency then approve and change back to local currency would alleviate the problem, which it did. I was able to get the invoice approved and change back to the local currency, though pr…
    StarCreations 51 views 2 comments Most recent by Ryan_W November 22, 2018 9:40PM
  • I have used Wave for couple of problem. Something happened beginning in August. On my dashboard and in my reports, I cannot get any of my income entries to show up. I have commission income as a category under Income. Although I can clearly find and see several deposits categorized as "commission income", nothing shows up in m…
    gene438 1 view 0 comments Most recent by gene438 November 20, 2018 10:29PM
  • Good morning, I am trying to set up checkouts for a new event I have coming up but it is not listed under sales? Is there another place to set it up?
    MelanieTaylor 21 views 2 comments Most recent by Samd November 20, 2018 6:25PM
  • When producing an Account Balance report, the total of all Payments by Wave is shown as an Asset, even though the greatest portion of those payments have already been transferred to my bank account and are therefore entered twice. Shouldn't Payments by Wave only reflect those payments still in transit?
    Delta_Fly_1976 11 views 0 comments Most recent by Delta_Fly_1976 November 20, 2018 6:04PM
  • Is there a way to set up auto pay on a certain day of the month? I need to invoices to go out to clients 14 days ahead of the due date. So far from what I've tested as soon as the invoice is created the card is charged.
    trav2001 21 views 1 comment Most recent by JordanD November 19, 2018 11:16PM
  • Hi, I reported a few weeks' ago that my integration between credit card and current account had stopped working (has been fine since last year) and was told it was my banks issue. now, all my integrations (MBNA, Virgin, PayPal) are failing so I'm having to manually reconcile everything. I have also noticed that when I first open Wave it has to be…
    pework 11 views 1 comment Most recent by JordanD November 19, 2018 9:53PM
  • I want to place my invoices in window envelopes. But Wave App only allows you to put logo where your return address should be. Now I could just make a return address logo, But than I can't have a logo. Any Suggestions? Rich
    RichLin65 151 views 2 comments Most recent by RichLin65 November 18, 2018 12:14PM
  • I have been unable to save or send invoices. what could the problem be?
    MsOgar 11 views 1 comment Most recent by JamieD November 16, 2018 9:30PM
  • I occasionally have to print off invoices to give to older clients, the problem is the formatting seems to change if I print directly from Wave. On my invoices there is a red bar which contains the column titles, such as Description Cost etc;. This red bar disappears when its printed, which makes reading the titles difficult as they're a pale grey…
    Arclight 21 views 3 comments Most recent by JamieD November 16, 2018 9:15PM
  • Help. Dashboard page, is missing nearly 2 months of data (my entire accounting data) and this current month as well. This has been happening for 2 weeks now. When I go to the Sales page all my Sales invoices and likewise Purchases, all my bills can bee seen. I have tried clearing cache within chrome as well as using an alternative computer just…
    LaudikaA 21 views 1 comment Most recent by JamieD November 16, 2018 4:13PM
  • Hi guys, I am struggling to load items onto an invoice. When clicking add item which opens the drop down, then clicking on one of the items, nothing happens. I tried to create new items directly on the invoice, which does create a new item, but when I click “save and continue” I get an error message stating ”Items: This field is required”. Any …
    Sebastian 2 views 2 comments Most recent by Sebastian November 16, 2018 10:26AM
  • I've tried going to my dashboard to update the account, but while the balance reported is correct, there are pages of transactions missing, so I have nothing to verify. If I enter them each manually it'll take forever and once the system does report, I'll have a zillion duplicates. Why is this happening??
    GoKeto 11 views 0 comments Most recent by GoKeto November 15, 2018 11:19PM
  • This could be due to me connecting my bank account numbers to Wave (maybe this was a mistake) because the erroneous reporting only started then. The app has also started assigning expenditure automatically... Could someone please restore it to the way it used to work? Regards Pierre
    Pierrottt 11 views 1 comment Most recent by Samd November 14, 2018 8:12PM
  • Hello, I'm having a strange problem. My Transfers In and Transfers Out between my checking accounting and Paypal account are showing up on my Income Statements as Uncategorized Income and Uncategorized Expenses, respectively. This is obviously messing up my totals quite a bit. Could anyone offer some help?
    atelierMUSE 21 views 0 comments Most recent by atelierMUSE November 14, 2018 5:36PM
  • 4 of my accounts are displaying incorrect account balances. They were correct last week, and this morning they are incorrect. One of them has very few transactions and I added all the transactions to verify - they transactions total $4,000 but wave shows a balance of $2,650. My bank account also indicated $4,000. How can this be resolved?
    cylon58 11 views 2 comments Most recent by cylon58 November 13, 2018 3:21PM
  • I have successfully emailed a bunch of receipts to my account, and have verified them. However they are not showing up as a Transaction. This was done about 10 days so as I thought that Wave may take time to process but nope. The receipts seem to be stuck under Verified
    Adnan 1.4K views 22 comments Most recent by stonemoss November 12, 2018 11:39PM
  • Hi, I cannot access the email address that was used to create the account, and I cannot login. how can I login please Thanks
    Omar 31 views 12 comments Most recent by Jamie22 November 12, 2018 9:24PM
  • I am using the Beta version of Checkouts that but I have a lot of payments that show up under payments/checkouts, but they do not show up under Accounting -> Transactions. Many do, but not all. It is unclear to me if Payments is not posting them all under transactions, of if I am simply not getting paid for all of my checkouts. It would be p…
    allyouneedinstitute 11 views 0 comments Most recent by allyouneedinstitute November 10, 2018 3:47PM
  • Hello everyone, Is there a better way here in waveapp to incorporate affiliate tracking? Or maybe affil code can be passed along to the database of wave with a hidden field?
    RalpParagili0315 431 views 1 comment Most recent by TylerK November 8, 2018 12:35AM
  • Update:- 04/11/18 Wave Customer Support has looked into this for me and has resolved my issue. Not sure exactly what the problem was. But looks like it was a bug in the system. Thanks to the community members for your help and comments. Regards James Hi all, Not sure whats happening with my account. When looking at the profit & loss within…
    James 41 views 3 comments Most recent by LaudikaA November 7, 2018 6:10AM
  • Hi, I’m trying to upload receipts to the app and they are staying as pending. I’m connected to wifi and also tried my data. How do I fix this? Sarah
    Wizard_Greens 1 view 1 comment Most recent by JamieD November 5, 2018 9:25PM
  • For 10 days my Santander Business Banking has not been updating in Wave. My credentials had not changed and I was able to login to the bank site. Today I re-entered my credentials into Wave for a third time and it did update but did not import the 19 transactions. Will transactions update from now on? Do I need to manually enter the missing trans…
    EmotionalHealthLtd 91 views 1 comment Most recent by JamieD November 5, 2018 9:07PM
  • I notice that your engineers were working on double ups back in JUNE! I have just spent 4 hours working on double ups for the last 6 months of transactions 14 pages worth !! This was very frustrating and very annoying! I was really disappointed that it took double the time to categorise my transactions for our accounts! What is found on!
    Donnam 11 views 1 comment Most recent by JamieD November 5, 2018 6:29PM