Bank Connections

For the discussion of bank connections and importing transactions.

Discussion List

  • I have a personal and business account connected to Wave. It seems that both accounts are pulled into the P&L report when I run it for the business. Is there an option to turn that off? My entire reconciliation is off by tens of thousands of $. TY.
    atinama 11 views 2 comments Most recent by atinama March 4, 2021 3:27AM
  • I have my bank connected and Wave automatically records every payment but then when I also manually record the same payment, Wave doesn't recognize it is the same payment and keeps both payments as if they were 2 different ones. The problem is that then Wave adds up all payments and makes my accounting totally messed up. Is there a way Waze can be…
    hgrimberg 11 views 3 comments Most recent by JulianP February 26, 2021 7:26PM
  • Posted: July 15, 2020 Issue: My connection between Wave and SunTrust - Business Online has stopped connecting under the Connected Accounts section of Wave. I have logged into and accepted their new license agreement since they update the interface. However, I still get an error message about my login being incorrect. Anyone else…
    chrisinvb 1.4K views 52 comments Most recent by berryb28 February 25, 2021 3:04PM
  • Hi, All my transactions in my connected bank account are importing backwards. Deposits show as withdrawals and withdrawals as deposits.
    josecgomez 131 views 15 comments Most recent by josecgomez February 23, 2021 9:31PM
  • I have used Wave for a number of years. Never had a problem connecting bank account. I setup an account with Bluevine just now and the connection keeps telling me my account is locked out when I'm logging in to bluevine on the site just fine. Any ideas?
    Robl45 508 views 10 comments Most recent by AlexL February 23, 2021 4:39PM
  • We are with a major Canadian Bank. The last import transaction showing up in my Wave account is Aug 11/2020. Also wave use to show a "Last Updated" with a date when referring to the connected bank account, however this is no longer displayed so I have no idea when it last tried to update. Please help wave. Thanks
    Daren 320 views 27 comments Most recent by John_Miller February 22, 2021 4:23PM
  • Finally got my accounts to re-establish connection with the new import integration and now in reconciliation somehow all of my debits are under 'credits' and vice versa. Everything is out of balance...all the way back to 2017 now. Help!
    landexearthworks 31 views 5 comments Most recent by NancyC February 17, 2021 4:28PM
  • Transactions are being imported from our Bluevine bank account. The debits import as credits and the credits are importing as debits. Essentially when we make x-amount of money it says we loose x-amount of money.
    kreativconnor 55 views 4 comments Most recent by MurrayW February 16, 2021 10:04PM
  • I use a Walmart Canada MasterCard and used to get the transactions automatically imported to Wave. Recently Walmart changed their MasterCard website from to Since this change, the bank connection does not work (transactions not imported and new connections cannot be added). This…
    AlMehdi 601 views 3 comments Most recent by AlexL February 16, 2021 7:21PM
  • I cannot connect Wave to my Scotiabank account since Jan 25, 2021, or to a client who also uses this bank. I was able to to delete and reestablish my connection (for now), but my client's account has "Payouts" on one of the bank accounts and can't be deleted. Trying to set them up as if new accounts used to work, but now get a message sa…
    APColeman 181 views 2 comments Most recent by APColeman February 16, 2021 5:19PM
  • I had my bank (BECU) connected to my Wave account. It worked for a few weeks (I just started using Wave). Now it no longer imports anything. I log into my account on and there are transactions that never appear in Wave. I understand that sometimes these connections stop working. But there is no noticed in Wave that things stopped working…
    Radium 161 views 3 comments Most recent by KiahD February 11, 2021 9:09PM
  • Is my bank no longer supported?
    mollie 1 view 1 comment Most recent by KiahD February 11, 2021 6:43PM
  • Sadly, my bank, Azlo is being closed as part of an acquisition of its parent BBVA. So I need to find another online business bank that works with Wave. We are a multi-member LLC so Wave Money is not an option for us. Need all the usuals - no fees, check deposit, ACH, bill pay, debit card, etc. Bank Novo, Chase, Mercury, Bluevine all have either ve…
    CapnJim 131 views 0 comments Started by CapnJim January 30, 2021 1:47AM
  • Is there a list somewhere of banks offering business checking that actually connect with the Wave App. I have tried two banks and neither work, and see lots of complaints about banks not working. I am just wondering if there is a list somewhere of banks that DO work. Thanks
    Houlihan99 241 views 5 comments Most recent by lmcsoriat January 27, 2021 8:41PM
  • we have a business advantage checking and savings account in USA. the login for that bank is but i don't see that bank in the list of bank options. i see one for bmo canada that needs a card number to connect to but do you have one for US market that has checking/saving account login?
    vharikrishna 172 views 2 comments Most recent by vharikrishna January 23, 2021 7:11AM
  • Problem is what the title says. Transfers are making duplicate entries. Example shown below is for transfer from my personal to business account. TD bank easyweb is showing transactions correctly. Wave business account transactions view: **Wave personal transactions view: **
    StrugglingIC 321 views 2 comments Most recent by StrugglingIC January 16, 2021 9:26AM
  • Hi, I have a TD access card set up with limited access. It means the card can only read the transactions on online banking, but no other actions can be done there. This card had been working fine for the bank connect at Wave for years, but not any more after the recent bank connect update. The error says "No available accounts - Your credenti…
    chowdrew 521 views 9 comments Most recent by JulianP January 15, 2021 5:31PM
  • Hi, I am attempting to connect Wave accounting to my HSBC Canada bank accounts. I see the option for HSBC Canada is available, but I am not able to ever get it to connect as it continues to tell me to try again later. Is this a known issue?
    wkrinsky 121 views 3 comments Most recent by JulianP January 14, 2021 7:17PM
  • Thank you for an amazing free resource. Wells Fargo has not updated neither does it show me text under "connected accounts" - last updated XXX hrs ago. In addition, under Reconciliation, it shows - reconciled up to today. Which is untrue! No Wells fargo activity was downloaded since Dec 22nd. Please help. thank you,
    newstart 162 views 3 comments Most recent by JulianP January 13, 2021 7:36PM
  • It's been 3 days since the last bank transactions appeared in my wave account. What is the frequency of refresh? Any way I can refresh it manually?
    Karetakers 21 views 2 comments Most recent by AlexL January 7, 2021 5:14PM
  • I have problems with the updates from Bank of America which are 2 -3 days delayed. Does anyone have a brilliant idea on how this can be handled? I need the updates to be done at least once a day if not twice a day. Two to Three days behind makes it impossible to handle the bookkeeping and manage the finances.
    Irit 11 views 2 comments Most recent by Irit January 5, 2021 11:04PM
  • Our bank transactions have not been importing since September 24th. Is anyone else experiencing this and can someone offer some tips on how to resolve this.
    SiDingani20 102 views 17 comments Most recent by JulianP January 5, 2021 8:28PM
  • Hi there - Our US Bank Accounts haven't been importing for the last couple of weeks (since about Oct 13th). I can see numerous transactions that have not imported since then. For reference, I did update my US Bank password around that time period (I think after), plus had a notification from US Bank on Oct 10th that "Access preferences with W…
    JohnG 161 views 6 comments Most recent by chefbecca January 4, 2021 8:52PM
  • Is there a way to connect my PayPal account to wave so that it automatically income payment transactions into my wave account? I dog sit through Rover and they send payments through PayPal and then I transfer it to my bank account. I am new to the self employment and side hustle game, just learned that I should have been keeping track of income an…
    Lrozensky 306 views 4 comments Most recent by newstart January 3, 2021 7:42PM
  • I have tried to upload vendors from a CSV file with 72 vendors. I have used the format of the vendor template. The data preview (of the first 5) looks fine. When I say 'Yes, proceed with import' , it thinks for a while, then says 'Hmm, we didn't find any new contacts to import. We failed to import 72 invalid vendors'. Some of the fields have …
    FundDirector 133 views 2 comments Most recent by nonprofit December 31, 2020 12:37AM
    My connected bank account now requires three part login, but WAVE only offers 2 part. What do I do now?
    BWC 11 views 2 comments Most recent by BWC December 30, 2020 10:10PM
  • I think I answered my multi factor authentication questions wrong and now every time Wave log in to my account I end up being locked out of online banking. How do I make chages to this?
    mishmith 11 views 1 comment Most recent by AlexL December 30, 2020 3:56PM
  • Several times in attempting to address user frustration with the failure to integrate properly with Capital One on this forum, I have seen Wave reps suggest, "We recommend using our CSV uploader and our Google Sheets add-on, Wave Connect to do direct bulk uploads at this time." I have brought this to Wave's attention in support emails b…
    JenG 661 views 3 comments Most recent by Tyler_W December 29, 2020 7:31AM
  • I agree that the problems with Wave bank feeds stems from the purchase of Wave to H&R Block and also the change of bank feed providers and lack of availability to customer service support, Wave has never been the same, I am so disappointed! In these times of Covid-19 and the need for Federal or Provincial Funding programs it is never more im…
    BHedley_accounting4u 51 views 4 comments Most recent by Psusenn December 25, 2020 4:28PM
  • My bank, Summit Bank (Oregon) is part of the wave network, but only for Personal accounts. I can't log in to commercial accounts. I can't seem to get any help from Wave. Any ideas?
    Acme 11 views 2 comments Most recent by Acme December 22, 2020 5:19PM