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  • For tailored support, check out our chatbot, Mave, in your Wave account. You’ll first need to log in to your Wave account or sign up. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see Mave in the bottom right corner. Mave is the fastest way to get answers about using Wave 24/7. Our Support Team is available through Mave Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eas…
    AlexL Announcement Closed 1 view 0 comments Started by AlexL April 12, 2021 2:11PM
  • For tailored support, check out our chatbot, Mave, in your Wave account. You’ll first need to log in to your Wave account or sign up. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see Mave in the bottom right corner. Mave is the fastest way to get answers about using Wave 24/7. Our Support Team is available through Mave Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eas…
    AlexL Announcement Closed 22 views 0 comments Started by AlexL April 12, 2021 2:11PM Mobile Technical Support
  • For tailored support, check out our chatbot, Mave, in your Wave account. You’ll first need to log in to your Wave account or sign up. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see Mave in the bottom right corner. Mave is the fastest way to get answers about using Wave 24/7. Our Support Team is available through Mave Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eas…
    AlexL Announcement Closed 15 views 0 comments Started by AlexL April 12, 2021 2:09PM Sales & Invoicing Technical Support
  • For tailored support, check out our chatbot, Mave, in your Wave account. You’ll first need to log in to your Wave account or sign up. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see Mave in the bottom right corner. Mave is the fastest way to get answers about using Wave 24/7. Our Support Team is available through Mave Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eas…
    AlexL Announcement Closed 31 views 0 comments Started by AlexL April 12, 2021 2:08PM Accounting Technical Support
  • Hi, when will a mutation for an accrued expense be available? Right now you just have the money transaction mutation which only allows for bank, loans and credit card accounts. I would like to log a transaction for Expected payments for vendors.
    jivey 21 views 2 comments Most recent by jivey April 12, 2021 2:32AMAPI & Integrations Technical Support
  • Hi, When I create an invoice, and apply an income account to the transaction, it defaults to 'Sales'. However, I'm a consultant and all my income is revenue. Can I change the default to 'Revenue' to save having to change it every time?
    PaulDev 61 views 3 comments Most recent by CKEL April 11, 2021 6:55PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
  • Apologies in advance if this question doesn't belong here. Just so I understand the Accounts Receivable in the Reports -> Account Transactions -> Accrual Reporting: If all my clients have paid their invoices in full, then should there be a Debit for the amount of the invoice, and then an equal amount in the Credit column when the invoice i…
    Just_Mark 1 view 1 comment Most recent by CKEL April 11, 2021 6:52PMAccounting Technical Support
  • MakMak
    hi! I am trying to enter an expense and having some difficulty with the new update for Transactions. Has Wave removed the field for entering comments/notes with the expense? I can't seem to find it. Thanks in advance for your help!
    Mak 21 views 2 comments Most recent by Mak April 10, 2021 12:16PMAccounting Technical Support
  • greetings! i'm assembling numbers for income tax. the Canadian form for reporting business expenses requires per category totals EXCLUDING HST. i don't see any way to make Wave generate that, i've set my expense categories to match the CRA categories, so i do get per-category totals, but they include the HST, since expense numbers work that way …
    plutek 16 views 3 comments Most recent by Gabriel_Krozkin April 9, 2021 8:50PMAccounting Technical Support
  • Hi, I am a little confused how to organized USB purchases. I purchase a set of 10 USBs say for $200. I keep them as inventory and sell each one as they are being requested. I am not sure how to file this so that for taxes it is accurate in my expenses. Do I use Bills to capture the expense from the vendor and file it under some category such as,…
    Photography 1 view 1 comment Most recent by JulianP April 9, 2021 8:45PMAccounting Technical Support
  • [Canada] COVID-19: How to bookkeep your CEBA loanIf you’ve received a Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loan, here’s how to bookkeep it, from start to finish. The Canada Emergency Business Account, or CEBA, is a loan program created by the... Read the full story here
    System 5.1K views 4 comments Most recent by JulianP April 9, 2021 8:28PMHelp Center Discussion
  • Today I received several emails indicating I was being paid by various clients, which are not my clients or payments. What is going on? Thanks Dwight McKay
    DwightM 11 views 1 comment Most recent by JulianP April 9, 2021 8:18PMHelp Center Discussion
  • Accepting payments outside the US and CanadaWave's Stripe connection will end on June 30, 2021 for businesses outside the US and Canada. As of March 31, 2021, sending Stripe payment-enabled invoices will no longer be supported. Wave is rece... Read the full story here
    System 751 views 3 comments Most recent by JulianP April 9, 2021 6:45PMHelp Center Discussion
  • My login email address is wrongly spelled. So I cant verified it. When I want to add the correct email address, I've got a message that the email is already linked to an account. Somewhere I did something wrong to use the CORRECT email address to create another account. I'm afraid if I delete my account, I will not be able to use the correct em…
    DAJAS 11 views 1 comment Most recent by JulianP April 9, 2021 6:34PM
  • Hi! Im using Wave Connect in a google sheet that I update monthly (so its becoming an ongoing yearly sheet) to upload all my transactions. However, do I need to separate already uploaded transactions? What I mean is - Ive already (same spreadsheet) uploaded Jan. transactions. I added Feb, then validated and uploaded the whole sheet again - and no…
    stitcheswithcats 1 view 1 comment Most recent by JulianP April 9, 2021 6:26PMHelp Center Discussion
  • How can I prevent the "Standard memo for new estimates" from appearing on invoices when I convert an estimate into an invoice?
    Ajoat 31 views 1 comment Most recent by KiahD April 8, 2021 8:04PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
  • I noticed that after the implementation of new transaction page, the calculation of the sales tax QST/TVQ that I have setup at 9.975 percent is showing as 10 percent when including it on the new transaction page. Is there something that I should be done. Appreciate your support. Thank you.
    Becks 11 views 1 comment Most recent by KiahD April 8, 2021 7:16PMAccounting Technical Support
  • For several years, Wave has partnered with ADP to provide accounting software to ADP users by importing payroll transaction information directly into Wave. After careful consideration, we have chosen to discontinue the ADP integration for all existing connections on April 30, 2021. We appreciate this update may come as a disappointment to some of …
    Siobhan_Hitchmough 311 views 0 comments Started by Siobhan_Hitchmough April 8, 2021 3:09PM Using Wave
  • Hello Wave Team, I would like to ask if there is any plan to include attachments to your bills. In a typical business practice like ours, we often receive invoices from the suppliers prior to sending them a payment, the invoices are still coming in the paper/pdf form and I would like to be able to attach such an invoice to my Bill entry. In case o…
    finanse_szkola2019 62 views 8 comments Most recent by jthompson April 8, 2021 2:48PMAccounting Feature Ideas
  • Hey guys how does one setup multiple credit card users under a single parent account? One Amex account.. 3 users with different cards. is there a sub account feature? Thanks!
    JROBooks 141 views 3 comments Most recent by Cameron April 8, 2021 11:00AMAccounting Technical Support
    For those who have a Wave Money account, have you had any difficulty applying for a PPP loan with it? Right now, I don't see how there's any way to provide a monthly statement as required by the SBA...
    CLN 1 view 0 comments Started by CLN April 8, 2021 3:38AM Accounting Technical Support
  • So I have been going through my books and trying to balance everything out and it is fine except that, when checking the trial balances month by month, I get to a date in March where the trial balance goes out by 43.90. There is indeed a transaction on that date for 43.90 from the bank but the account is reconciled. Out of curiosity, we removed th…
    filch 81 views 6 comments Most recent by Marki April 8, 2021 12:39AMAccounting Technical Support
  • Hello Wave Team, this is a feature request for measuring Client Profitability and Costs. Currently, there is an Income by Customer report. This is limited in its usefulness because while a certain customer might bring in a large amount of revenue, it may also cost just as much or more to service that client, and there is no way to measure how prof…
    BoundarylessJed 153 views 7 comments Most recent by KristenV April 7, 2021 9:06PMAccounting Feature Ideas
  • Hello @Alexia Is there a possibility to introduce custom fields in the customer master, which when filled will reflected in the Invoice? (Bill to) It can be 3 or 4 custom fields. We use Wave app for generating monthly maintenance slips and we cannot mention the apartment number, apartment area, parking slot etc etc.
    UHRP3 531 views 8 comments Most recent by StrazzulloNET April 7, 2021 4:06PMWave Features
  • Has Wave thought to do a Referral program? I encounter younger entrepreneurs quite frequently who would benefit from a platform this friendly to startups. Would be nice to get rewarded for each referral or group of referrals. Doesn't have to be monetary, could free 30min bookkeeping session after 5 referrals (which we would very much appreciate!)…
    vigbkwe1 1.1K views 2 comments Most recent by Malkio April 7, 2021 1:06PMWave Features
  • nmmnmm
    Just started using Wave and received 1 payment only to be informed 2 days later they will not process payments for us anymore. No real explanation given.
    nmm 11 views 1 comment Most recent by JulianP April 6, 2021 6:40PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
  • We had an issue with our 2020 Profit & Loss report. We are a cash based business. We toggled our Profit & Loss report to "Cash Basis (Paid)". We later noticed that the Sales income line item did not agree with our actual sales revenue based on invoice payments received in 2020. We then generated a report for Sales income, and in…
    BillFlanagan 31 views 1 comment Most recent by JulianP April 6, 2021 6:33PMAccounting Technical Support
  • My business American Express card through Amazon earns reward points that can be used as part of the payment for a purchase. For example, if I buy something for $30 and have $5 of points available, I can apply that at checkout in Amazon and the invoice total will be $25. When the American Express transactions are imported (via American Express a…
    CottageOven 381 views 1 comment Most recent by JulianP April 6, 2021 5:55PMAccounting Technical Support
  • Hi We cannot get any invoices to send. After loading, each invoice comes up as unsent. We have never had any issues with this before.
    DU5s 31 views 1 comment Most recent by JulianP April 6, 2021 5:46PMSales & Invoicing Feature Ideas
  • I am trying to reconcile my account and I am looking for guidance on how to address time-delay issue I am experiencing. The scenario is when I have a client pay for services on the last day of the month, i.e. 31st, the point of sales doesn't deposit those funds into my bank account until the next business day, i.e. 1st. If I want to reconcile my…
    Andrew_BIT 1 view 1 comment Most recent by JulianP April 5, 2021 8:18PMAccounting Technical Support