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Hi, I am new to Wave and was absolutely loving it! Then I needed to send a vendor a purchase order and noticed Wave doesn't offer the capability. I've contacted support and they say they have no plans to add purchase order support. I have a business where many vendors require a PO and currently I manually create them, but it's a huge hassle. I als…blinden 174 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by KiahD May 6, 2021 9:03PMSales & Invoicing Feature Ideas
When an automatic or recurring billing is going to be generated, it does not allow the exchange rate to change, which gives an error due to the number of digits it has. I invoice and collect in $ usd but an exchange field to Bsf is automatic and that is the one that is wrongly calculated. only the rate change is allowed when a quote is createdStiven 1 view 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Stiven May 6, 2021 1:52PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
An invoice from long ago (+1 year) that was marked as paid suddenly popped up on my dashboard as overdue. I have done nothing to edit invoices in the past couple of days and cannot understand why this is now coming back.LDat5D 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by NancyC April 15, 2021 8:46PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
I'm having an issue with my Cash On Hand payments doubling up on my income. What I mean is, my Cash On Hand invoices are going to my Services income, and then when I actually deposit this Cash On Hand into my bank account, this deposit goes to my Uncategorized income as well. Therefore, If I mark a $50 invoice as cash on hand, it is actually showi…jdarris07 207 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by NancyC April 15, 2021 7:16PMAccounting Technical Support
I want recurring invoices to automatically happen once a customer makes their initial purchase. (it's for monthly consulting) So, this is what I want to have happen: 1. Customer is on website and makes purchase of product (that was created in Wave) 2. 30 days later Wave auto-charges the customer's card automatically and sends them a receipt How …YGFAndrea 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by YGFAndrea April 15, 2021 12:02PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
Hello @Alexia Is there a possibility to introduce custom fields in the customer master, which when filled will reflected in the Invoice? (Bill to) It can be 3 or 4 custom fields. We use Wave app for generating monthly maintenance slips and we cannot mention the apartment number, apartment area, parking slot etc etc.
I began a customer account in one name, and made an invoice (which was paid). I created another customer name for that customer, and all further transactions were made on the second name (the correct name). I just edited the names so they are up to date and the same (that is, I now have what appears to be two customers with the same name). How to …John2020 231 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by AlexL April 5, 2021 3:55PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
Hey team, Money paid towards my invoice is missing. It hasn’t hit my bank account and I was told that there was an issue with connecting my bank. However, I can’t find a way to rectify it and I can’t get a hold of anyone at Wave. It’s been sitting in the ether for close to 30 days and I need to be paid. Help.Alenajenkins 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by AlexL March 30, 2021 4:39PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
I was pretty sure that I stumbled across a place I could customise the wording of my payment request emails, probably over a year ago now. I dont like how my invoice link is worded when I text it through to the customers phone number. It says "request payment", and I'd rather it said, "Your job's all done, we will be in touch short…TLRussell 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by AlexL March 25, 2021 2:55PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
Good afternoon After having used QuickBooks for many, many years, I moved over last year and I love wave - it is working so well for me and my company's needs and really enjoyable to use overall! :) One small question - and I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask so please let me know which would be the correct place if not here - tha…StephKay 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by StephKay March 18, 2021 5:45AMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
The thousand separator is missing for the dollar amounts when sending via email. For better readability, it should show up as $1,000.00 USD instead of $1000.00 USD. It works correctly for invoices.noxigen 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by noxigen March 12, 2021 1:31PM Sales & Invoicing Technical Support
Would like to see my estimate number match my invoice number. Therefore if my estimate #21408 is approved and completed I would like my invoice number to automatically match #21408 ... Instead I need to edit the invoice number to match my estimateLauraCCR 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by LauraCCR March 11, 2021 12:59AM Sales & Invoicing Feature Ideas
Dear Wave and Community, I've recently started using Wave and just realised that the PDFs of the invoices are being saved as the payment due date rather than the invoice issue date. The client may well want them to be dated this way (maybe??) but I would like them saved by the date I issued them. Is it possible to change this setting anywhere? Th…tarka33 71 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by PaulDev March 9, 2021 4:24PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
I am seeing 'bank payment' option in the header, however I am not seeing any option to enter customer's bank routing number and account number, in setting up the customer for recurring bank payment rather just open to enter credit card number. Is this functionality there with wave?Meena 23 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by JulianP March 2, 2021 7:50PMSales & Invoicing Feature Ideas
I created an invoice in June & charged my client sales tax. They just came back with their sales tax exemption form. The invoice has been paid. How do I refund the sales tax in the system?Oceanside 71 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by BrushHammer February 26, 2021 12:49AMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
Hi Community, I Just started with Wave. We had a few clients we signed up before we started using the invoicing feature. When I created the invoices, I was able to link the payments to our account to the invoices. The problem is I have a balance left on all three that is equal to the credit card processing fee our previous card processor, Stripe, …Lambeaux 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by JulianP February 19, 2021 10:01PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
There is a big hassle to download invoices one by one. There should be an option to select multiple invoices and download them at once. Try to provide this option ASAP.
We are a branding/advertising agency with customers in every industry. Becuase of the nature of our business and operation model, we are required to seek approvals before starting projects and track jobs accordingly before invoicing. Currently the WaveApps estimate system is very limited and does not account for holistic procedural updates to the …theAREnetwork 321 views 8 comments 2 points Most recent by AWeiss January 28, 2021 6:06PMSales & Invoicing Feature Ideas
Is it possible to have different invoice numbering for different customers. I would want to be able to select the customer, and have the invoice number advance for that particular customer's invoice-numbering scheme.Milo 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Milo January 27, 2021 12:01AMSales & Invoicing Feature Ideas
Please add a save or save-as-draft button on invoice beside save and continue.jnpr 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by jnpr January 18, 2021 9:59PM Sales & Invoicing Technical Support
Hi Guys, i have been using wave for a few years and was sad to see the news about non us customers. However i only use wave to create invoices and estimates and use the export to PDF function- everything else is handled by my accounts team. so am i correct in assuming that i can continue to use wave for my invoicing and does anybody know if th…
Hi! First of all, amazing service. I am on the verge of switching to Wave for my customer invoices completely. I love the draft-approve-send logic behind the invoices, it gives me a clear overview about which invoices need to be sent. The only problem for me is that in my opinion the default mail template sent by Wave (if you click 'Send invoice.…standerksen 241 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by AlexL December 29, 2020 2:45PMSales & Invoicing Feature Ideas
Hi Wavers, With the depriotisation of Wave for non US and Canada customers, I found Traction Apps, to be the next best option - They have the invoicing solution, and even a retail management solution....all with payments integrated. they have integrated with accounting solutions Good luck
If I have sent a customer many invoices, it will be useful if they can pay it in a single amount. They can do this by bank transfer of course, but I would like to extend the simplicity of Payments by Wave (credit card) to this situation as well. A simple solution would be for Wave to surface a "pay" option on the Customer Statement if a…Virgil 1 view 1 comment 3 points Most recent by EdC_OnTheRock December 5, 2020 12:38AMSales & Invoicing Feature Ideas
Firstly, I am so terribly, terribly disappointed to hear that you are pulling back from full support for non-US/Canada users. Would a financial incentive bring you back? Could you implement a 'fee per invoice' charge to your users, IE $0.40 /invoice? This would be in addition to your credit card (Stripe?) income, and would be charged automaticall…dejayajay_49 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by dejayajay_49 December 3, 2020 11:28PM Using Wave
Hello, I am currently having trouble with using wave and paystack together when issuing invoices. What happens is: When I issue an invoice with a certain amount ex. $100, zapier will send the information to paystack, but then the value would change to $1. When I checked the value being sent it shows $100, but paystack views it at $1. I tried the…aodphotos 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by JulianP December 3, 2020 4:05PMAPI & Integrations Feature Ideas
While generating Invoice when we select customer it comes without Province/State, even added recently and edited so many times but same issue.yasar_memon11 11 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by AlexL November 23, 2020 3:42PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
I AM FROM INDIA AND I JUST STARTED USING IT. I FEEL THAT FEW COLUMNS NEEDS TO BE ADDED LIKE customer and our gstin & sac code they are mandatory in each of our invoices and i would like to mention my account details also in it. Is it possible? And any chance of adding few fonts to text?BHARATHTATA6_UUSS 21 views 0 comments 0 points Started by BHARATHTATA6_UUSS November 21, 2020 8:58AM Sales & Invoicing Feature Ideas
Is there a way of invoicing for part of the total price ? We take a £50 payment upfront and the remainder one month before but it seems to only allow me to invoice for the full balance all in one go?!Everlasting 949 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Barsin November 20, 2020 10:57PMSales & Invoicing Technical Support
Starting a new discussion, as I've seen several posts saying that developers appreciate feedback and look through the community discussion... It would be really, really great if you could have customisable templates for receipts for customers to go with your invoices. I am on the board of a small not-for-profit, and we have been seeking ways of …_AB_ 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by JulianP November 12, 2020 5:14PMSales & Invoicing Feature Ideas